Windows Analysis Report


General Information

Sample name: KOnbUgYLQP.exe
renamed because original name is a hash value
Original sample name: 7cb38901cf67749727647d48cf88bb46.exe
Analysis ID: 1520449
MD5: 7cb38901cf67749727647d48cf88bb46
SHA1: 9d47161d43993f6a66ee2309dcc810bbea8c98e6
SHA256: 18a19ff258dd8b7dcb48f1ea37b94129d06853d3ba8ae8b902fac237c108a8f3
Tags: exeuser-abuse_ch
  • No process behavior to analyse as no analysis process or sample was found
  • Corrupt sample or wrongly selected analyzer. Details: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.


Score: 48
Range: 0 - 100
Whitelisted: false
Confidence: 100%


Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
PE file contains an invalid checksum
PE file contains sections with non-standard names
PE file does not import any functions
PE file overlay found
Uses 32bit PE files


AV Detection

Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe ReversingLabs: Detection: 21%
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe String found in binary or memory:
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: No import functions for PE file found
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: Data appended to the last section found
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE
Source: classification engine Classification label: mal48.winEXE@0/0@0/0
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: Section: .text IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe ReversingLabs: Detection: 21%
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe String found in binary or memory: Estimated total CPU time spent performing GC tasks on processors (as defined by GOMAXPROCS) dedicated to those tasks. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Estimated total CPU time spent running user Go code. This may also include some small amount of time spent in the Go runtime. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Estimated total CPU time goroutines spent performing GC tasks to assist the GC and prevent it from falling behind the application. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Estimated total CPU time spent returning unused memory to the underlying platform in response eagerly in response to memory pressure. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Estimated total CPU time spent performing tasks that return unused memory to the underlying platform. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics. Sum of all metrics in /cpu/classes/scavenge.Count of small allocations that are packed together into blocks. These allocations are counted separately from other allocations because each individual allocation is not tracked by the runtime, only their block. Each block is already accounted for in allocs-by-size and frees-by-size.Approximate cumulative time goroutines have spent blocked on a sync.Mutex, sync.RWMutex, or runtime-internal lock. This metric is useful for identifying global changes in lock contention. Collect a mutex or block profile using the runtime/pprof package for more detailed contention data.Estimated total available CPU time not spent executing any Go or Go runtime code. In other words, the part of /cpu/classes/total:cpu-seconds that was unused. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Memory allocated from the heap that is reserved for stack space, whether or not it is currently in-use. Currently, this represents all stack memory for goroutines. It also includes all OS thread stacks in non-cgo programs. Note that stacks may be allocated differently in the future, and this may change.Distribution of individual non-GC-related stop-the-world pause latencies. This is the time from deciding to stop the world until the world is started again. Some of this time is spent getting all threads to stop (measured directly in /sched/pauses/stopping/other:seconds). Bucket counts increase monotonically.Distribution of individual GC-related stop-the-world stopping latencies. This is the time it takes from deciding to stop the world until all Ps are stopped. This is a subse
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe String found in binary or memory: Estimated total CPU time spent performing GC tasks on processors (as defined by GOMAXPROCS) dedicated to those tasks. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Estimated total CPU time spent running user Go code. This may also include some small amount of time spent in the Go runtime. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Estimated total CPU time goroutines spent performing GC tasks to assist the GC and prevent it from falling behind the application. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Estimated total CPU time spent returning unused memory to the underlying platform in response eagerly in response to memory pressure. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Estimated total CPU time spent performing tasks that return unused memory to the underlying platform. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics. Sum of all metrics in /cpu/classes/scavenge.Count of small allocations that are packed together into blocks. These allocations are counted separately from other allocations because each individual allocation is not tracked by the runtime, only their block. Each block is already accounted for in allocs-by-size and frees-by-size.Approximate cumulative time goroutines have spent blocked on a sync.Mutex, sync.RWMutex, or runtime-internal lock. This metric is useful for identifying global changes in lock contention. Collect a mutex or block profile using the runtime/pprof package for more detailed contention data.Estimated total available CPU time not spent executing any Go or Go runtime code. In other words, the part of /cpu/classes/total:cpu-seconds that was unused. This metric is an overestimate, and not directly comparable to system CPU time measurements. Compare only with other /cpu/classes metrics.Memory allocated from the heap that is reserved for stack space, whether or not it is currently in-use. Currently, this represents all stack memory for goroutines. It also includes all OS thread stacks in non-cgo programs. Note that stacks may be allocated differently in the future, and this may change.Distribution of individual non-GC-related stop-the-world pause latencies. This is the time from deciding to stop the world until the world is started again. Some of this time is spent getting all threads to stop (measured directly in /sched/pauses/stopping/other:seconds). Bucket counts increase monotonically.Distribution of individual GC-related stop-the-world stopping latencies. This is the time it takes from deciding to stop the world until all Ps are stopped. This is a subse
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: Virtual size of .text is bigger than: 0x100000
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static file information: File size 6151380 > 1048576
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: Raw size of .text is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x45f000
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: Raw size of .rdata is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x5a5600
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: real checksum: 0xab9795 should be: 0x5e45bf
Source: KOnbUgYLQP.exe Static PE information: section name: .symtab
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