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Analysis Report
General Information
Sample Name: | MDcooUySCg |
Analysis ID: | 614314 |
MD5: | 3801a926ee836b6907d2d13723693d2d |
SHA1: | cdf39434bb78871e839312e600b6fe40dc782a1f |
SHA256: | d42bcb0fca6d93ce4c9a78e5393f7e5949c7398ac598f7c55b76120739eac544 |
Infos: |
Score: | 64 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Found malware configuration
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Yara detected REvil Linux Ransomware
Joe Sandbox Version: | 34.0.0 Boulder Opal |
Analysis ID: | 614314 |
Start date and time: 23/04/202209:48:15 | 2022-04-23 09:48:15 +02:00 |
Joe Sandbox Product: | CloudBasic |
Overall analysis duration: | 0h 5m 12s |
Hypervisor based Inspection enabled: | false |
Report type: | full |
Sample file name: | MDcooUySCg |
Cookbook file name: | defaultlinuxfilecookbook.jbs |
Analysis system description: | Ubuntu Linux 16.04 x64 (Kernel 4.4.0-116, Firefox 59.0, Document Viewer 3.18.2, LibreOffice, OpenJDK 1.8.0_171) |
Analysis Mode: | default |
Detection: | MAL |
Classification: | mal64.rans.lin@0/0@0/0 |
Command: | /tmp/MDcooUySCg |
PID: | 6811 |
Exit Code: | 0 |
Exit Code Info: | |
Killed: | False |
Standard Output: | Revix 1.2a Usage example: elf.exe --path /vmfs/ --threads 5 --silent (-s) use for not stoping VMs mode !!!BY DEFAULT THIS SOFTWARE USES 50 THREADS!!! |
Standard Error: |
- system is lnxubuntu1
- cleanup
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_REvilLinux | Yara detected REvil Linux Ransomware | Joe Security |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_REvilLinux | Yara detected REvil Linux Ransomware | Joe Security |
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AV Detection |
Source: | Malware Configuration Extractor: |