Edit tour
Analysis Report
General Information
Score: | 56 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Suspicious iFrame src set
Call-Chain indicates evasion measures
HTML page contains obfuscated javascript
Dynamic code execution using eval()
HTML body with high number of embedded images detected
Script element or tag injection
Very long cmdline option found, this is very uncommon (may be encrypted or packed)
Very long command line found
- System is w10x64_ra
- chrome.exe (PID: 6672 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\AppDa ta\Local\C hromium\Ap plication\ chrome.exe " --start- maximized "about:bla nk" MD5: B6CB00FCB81D3B66870817AEBE7163BB) - chrome.exe (PID: 6948 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\AppDa ta\Local\C hromium\Ap plication\ chrome.exe " --no-san dbox --typ e=utility --utility- sub-type=n etwork.moj om.Network Service -- lang=en-GB --service -sandbox-t ype=none - -start-sta ck-profile r --mojo-p latform-ch annel-hand le=2044 -- field-tria l-handle=2 032,i,2194 3432512544 05048,1813 1117666305 380052,262 144 --disa ble-featur es=Optimiz ationGuide ModelDownl oading,Opt imizationH ints,Optim izationHin tsFetching ,Optimizat ionTargetP rediction /prefetch: 8 MD5: B6CB00FCB81D3B66870817AEBE7163BB)
- chrome.exe (PID: 4392 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\AppDa ta\Local\C hromium\Ap plication\ chrome.exe " "https:/ /youtube.c om0x360x38 0x370x340x 370x340x37 0x300x370x 330x330x61 0x320x660x 320x660x36 0x310x360x 640x360x36 0x370x320x 320x650x37 0x320x370x 350x320x66 0x370x320x 360x620x32 0x650x370x 300x360x38 0x370x300x 330x660x36 0x390x360x 340x330x64 0x330x320x 330x300x33 0x300x320x 360x370x33 0x360x390x 370x340x36 0x350x350x 660x360x39 0x360x340x 330x640x37 0x330x330x 310x320x36 0x360x350x 370x360x36 0x350x360x 650x370x34 0x330x320x 330x640x36 0x320x360x 310x360x65 0x360x650x 360x350x37 0x320x320x 360x360x35 0x370x360x 360x350x36 0x650x370x 340x330x32 0x330x640x 360x330x36 0x630x360x 390x360x33 0x360x620x 320x360x36 0x350x370x 360x360x35 0x360x650x 370x340x33 0x330x330x 640x330x31 0x320x620x 320x350x33 0x320x340x 360x320x62 0x320x350x 330x350x34 0x320x330x 320x330x35 0x330x300x 320x350x33 0x350x340x 340x320x62 0x320x350x 330x350x34 0x320x360x 390x360x65 0x360x340x 360x350x37 0x380x350x 660x360x32 0x350x660x 360x330x32 0x350x330x 350x340x34 0x320x620x 320x350x34 0x340x330x 300x320x35 0x330x390x 330x330x32 0x350x340x 340x330x30 0x320x350x 340x320x34 0x320x320x 350x340x34 0x330x300x 320x350x34 0x320x330x 300x320x35 0x340x340x 330x300x32 0x350x340x 320x330x32 0x320x350x 340x340x33 0x300x320x 350x340x32 0x340x340x 320x350x34 0x340x330x 300x320x35 0x340x320x 330x300x32 0x350x340x 340x330x31 0x320x350x 330x380x34 0x360x320x 620x320x35 0x340x340x 330x310x32 0x350x330x 380x330x31 0x320x350x 340x340x33 0x310x320x 350x330x38 0x330x320x 320x350x34 0x340x330x 340x370x38 0x360x340x 390x320x39 0x330x370x 320x330x30 0x390x340x 370x330x34 0x300x330x 340x2d0x38 0x380x340x 330x340x37 0x330x340x 300x340x39 0x300x350x 370x330x37 0x340x330x 300x340x30 0x330x340x 380x320x2d 0x340x300x 390x340x38 0x2d0x320x 2d0x340x38 0x380x320x 2d0x330x32 0x380x380x 340x370x37 0x320x390x 390x320x38 0x380x380x 340x370x34 0x370x320x 390x300x34 0x390x340x 370x320x34 0x300x380x 320x340x37 0x340x370x 320x620x32 0x640x320x 620x320x35 0x340x340x 330x300x32 0x350x330x 390x330x34 0x320x350x 340x340x33 0x300x320x 350x340x32 0x330x350x 320x350x34 0x340x330x 300x320x35 0x340x320x 340x330x32 0x350x340x 340x330x30 0x320x350x 340x320x33 0x380x320x 350x340x34 0x330x300x 320x350x34 0x320x340x 310x320x35 0x340x340x 330" MD5: B6CB00FCB81D3B66870817AEBE7163BB)
- cleanup
⊘No configs have been found
⊘No yara matches
⊘No Sigma rule has matched
⊘No Suricata rule has matched
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