0.2.vfdjo.exe.2c994c2.3.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x3616:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x3632:$x3: StormKitty
0.2.vfdjo.exe.2c9c510.2.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x5c8:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x5e4:$x3: StormKitty
0.2.vfdjo.exe.2c2a79e.1.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x302e:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x304a:$x3: StormKitty
0.2.vfdjo.exe.2c2d204.0.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x5c8:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x5e4:$x3: StormKitty
0.2.vfdjo.exe.2c994c2.3.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x1816:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x1832:$x3: StormKitty
0.2.vfdjo.exe.2c2d204.0.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x6dad4:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x6daf0:$x3: StormKitty
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_VenomRAT | Yara detected VenomRAT | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer | Yara detected Credential Stealer | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_GenericDownloader_1 | Yara detected Generic Downloader | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_BrowserPasswordDump_1 | Yara detected BrowserPasswordDump | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_Keylogger_Generic_3 | Yara detected Keylogger Generic | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | Windows_Trojan_DCRat_1aeea1ac | unknown | unknown | - 0x11d69e:$a1: havecamera
- 0x1684c8:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x16b84b:$a3: START "" "
- 0x16bd60:$a3: START "" "
- 0x16bc3b:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x16bcd8:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stealerium | Detects Stealerium based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x16ebc2:$str01: Processe:
- 0x16ea7e:$str02: Compname:
- 0x16eb78:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x16eb0e:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x16eb32:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x16f380:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x170df7:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x163eea:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x14b665:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x153528:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x1556cd:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x1556df:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x151622:$str16: DetectedBankingServices
- 0x15178b:$str17: DetectCryptocurrencyServices
- 0x15f684:$str18: CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
- 0x160609:$str19: GetConnectedCamerasCount
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stormkitty | Finds StormKitty samples (or their variants) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x12ebe8:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x13c11a:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x1514d5:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x151f8f:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x1556de:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x1556b9:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x16ad65:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | rat_win_dcrat_qwqdanchun | Find DcRAT samples (qwqdanchun) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x16bcd8:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x167da8:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x177ac6:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x177b0a:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x12219b:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x138660:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x14c59b:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x1783b8:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x1684c8:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x1776a6:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x177898:$str13: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_B64_Artifacts | Detects executables embedding bas64-encoded APIs, command lines, registry keys, etc. | ditekSHen | - 0x16bcd8:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x16bc3b:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_WMI_EnumerateVideoDevice | Detects executables attemping to enumerate video devices using WMI | ditekSHen | - 0x177898:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x1778d8:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x177926:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x177974:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_Discord_Regex | Detects executables referencing Discord tokens regular expressions | ditekSHen | - 0x16fa9c:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_References_VPN | Detects executables referencing many VPN software clients. Observed in infosteslers | ditekSHen | - 0x175437:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x17541d:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x1753ff:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_VaultSchemaGUID | Detects executables referencing Windows vault credential objects. Observed in infostealers | ditekSHen | - 0x16a181:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x16a1f3:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x16a27d:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x16a30f:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x16a379:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x16a3eb:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x16a481:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x16a511:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3d0d33a.5.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT | Detects AsyncRAT | ditekSHen | - 0x167d38:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x163eac:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x173a2b:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x16f448:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x173991:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x16c574:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x16c191:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x16c22e:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x16c343:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x16c42b:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | JoeSecurity_VenomRAT | Yara detected VenomRAT | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | JoeSecurity_StormKitty | Yara detected StormKitty Stealer | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer | Yara detected Credential Stealer | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | JoeSecurity_GenericDownloader_1 | Yara detected Generic Downloader | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | JoeSecurity_BrowserPasswordDump_1 | Yara detected BrowserPasswordDump | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | JoeSecurity_Keylogger_Generic_3 | Yara detected Keylogger Generic | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | Windows_Trojan_DCRat_1aeea1ac | unknown | unknown | - 0x241408:$a1: havecamera
- 0x28c232:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x28f5b5:$a3: START "" "
- 0x28faca:$a3: START "" "
- 0x28f9a5:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x28fa42:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | infostealer_win_stealerium | Detects Stealerium based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x29292c:$str01: Processe:
- 0x2927e8:$str02: Compname:
- 0x2928e2:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x292878:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x29289c:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x2930ea:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x294b61:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x287c54:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x26f3cf:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x277292:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x279437:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x279449:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x27538c:$str16: DetectedBankingServices
- 0x2754f5:$str17: DetectCryptocurrencyServices
- 0x2833ee:$str18: CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
- 0x284373:$str19: GetConnectedCamerasCount
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | infostealer_win_stormkitty | Finds StormKitty samples (or their variants) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x5db:$sk01: LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x252952:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x25fe84:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x27523f:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x275cf9:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x279448:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x279423:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x28eacf:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | rat_win_dcrat_qwqdanchun | Find DcRAT samples (qwqdanchun) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x28fa42:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x28bb12:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x29b830:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x29b874:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x245f05:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x25c3ca:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x270305:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x29c122:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x28c232:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x29b410:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x29b602:$str13: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_B64_Artifacts | Detects executables embedding bas64-encoded APIs, command lines, registry keys, etc. | ditekSHen | - 0x28fa42:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x28f9a5:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_WMI_EnumerateVideoDevice | Detects executables attemping to enumerate video devices using WMI | ditekSHen | - 0x29b602:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x29b642:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x29b690:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x29b6de:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_Discord_Regex | Detects executables referencing Discord tokens regular expressions | ditekSHen | - 0x293806:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_References_VPN | Detects executables referencing many VPN software clients. Observed in infosteslers | ditekSHen | - 0x2991a1:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x299187:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x299169:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_VaultSchemaGUID | Detects executables referencing Windows vault credential objects. Observed in infostealers | ditekSHen | - 0x28deeb:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x28df5d:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x28dfe7:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x28e079:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x28e0e3:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x28e155:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x28e1eb:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x28e27b:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x5c8:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x5e4:$x3: StormKitty
- 0x27dff4:$s2: GetAntivirus
- 0x29405a:$s4: ^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$
- 0x28d4a5:$s5: BCrypt.BCryptGetProperty() (get size) failed with status code:{0}
- 0x28eacd:$s6: "encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
4.2.RegAsm.exe.400000.0.unpack | MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT | Detects AsyncRAT | ditekSHen | - 0x28baa2:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x287c16:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x297795:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x2931b2:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x2976fb:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x2902de:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x28fefb:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x28ff98:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x2900ad:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x290195:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | JoeSecurity_VenomRAT | Yara detected VenomRAT | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | JoeSecurity_StormKitty | Yara detected StormKitty Stealer | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer | Yara detected Credential Stealer | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | JoeSecurity_BrowserPasswordDump_1 | Yara detected BrowserPasswordDump | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | JoeSecurity_Keylogger_Generic_3 | Yara detected Keylogger Generic | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | Windows_Trojan_DCRat_1aeea1ac | unknown | unknown | - 0x23f608:$a1: havecamera
- 0x28a432:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x28d7b5:$a3: START "" "
- 0x28dcca:$a3: START "" "
- 0x28dba5:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x28dc42:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | infostealer_win_stealerium | Detects Stealerium based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x290b2c:$str01: Processe:
- 0x2909e8:$str02: Compname:
- 0x290ae2:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x290a78:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x290a9c:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x2912ea:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x292d61:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x285e54:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x26d5cf:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x275492:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x277637:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x277649:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x27358c:$str16: DetectedBankingServices
- 0x2736f5:$str17: DetectCryptocurrencyServices
- 0x2815ee:$str18: CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
- 0x282573:$str19: GetConnectedCamerasCount
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | infostealer_win_stormkitty | Finds StormKitty samples (or their variants) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x2fc1fb:$sk01: LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x250b52:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x25e084:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x27343f:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x273ef9:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x277648:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x277623:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x28cccf:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | rat_win_dcrat_qwqdanchun | Find DcRAT samples (qwqdanchun) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x28dc42:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x289d12:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x299a30:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x299a74:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x244105:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x25a5ca:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x26e505:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x29a322:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x28a432:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x299610:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x299802:$str13: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_B64_Artifacts | Detects executables embedding bas64-encoded APIs, command lines, registry keys, etc. | ditekSHen | - 0x28dc42:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x28dba5:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_WMI_EnumerateVideoDevice | Detects executables attemping to enumerate video devices using WMI | ditekSHen | - 0x299802:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x299842:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x299890:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x2998de:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_Discord_Regex | Detects executables referencing Discord tokens regular expressions | ditekSHen | - 0x291a06:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_References_VPN | Detects executables referencing many VPN software clients. Observed in infosteslers | ditekSHen | - 0x2973a1:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x297387:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x297369:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_VaultSchemaGUID | Detects executables referencing Windows vault credential objects. Observed in infostealers | ditekSHen | - 0x28c0eb:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x28c15d:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x28c1e7:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x28c279:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x28c2e3:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x28c355:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x28c3eb:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x28c47b:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x2fc1e8:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x2fc204:$x3: StormKitty
- 0x27c1f4:$s2: GetAntivirus
- 0x29225a:$s4: ^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$
- 0x28b6a5:$s5: BCrypt.BCryptGetProperty() (get size) failed with status code:{0}
- 0x28cccd:$s6: "encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.unpack | MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT | Detects AsyncRAT | ditekSHen | - 0x289ca2:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x285e16:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x295995:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x2913b2:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x2958fb:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x28e4de:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x28e0fb:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x28e198:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x28e2ad:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x28e395:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_VenomRAT | Yara detected VenomRAT | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer | Yara detected Credential Stealer | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_GenericDownloader_1 | Yara detected Generic Downloader | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_BrowserPasswordDump_1 | Yara detected BrowserPasswordDump | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_Keylogger_Generic_3 | Yara detected Keylogger Generic | Joe Security | |
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | Windows_Trojan_DCRat_1aeea1ac | unknown | unknown | - 0x11d67e:$a1: havecamera
- 0x1684a8:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x16b82b:$a3: START "" "
- 0x16bd40:$a3: START "" "
- 0x16bc1b:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x16bcb8:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stealerium | Detects Stealerium based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x16eba2:$str01: Processe:
- 0x16ea5e:$str02: Compname:
- 0x16eb58:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x16eaee:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x16eb12:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x16f360:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x170dd7:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x163eca:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x14b645:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x153508:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x1556ad:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x1556bf:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x151602:$str16: DetectedBankingServices
- 0x15176b:$str17: DetectCryptocurrencyServices
- 0x15f664:$str18: CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
- 0x1605e9:$str19: GetConnectedCamerasCount
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stormkitty | Finds StormKitty samples (or their variants) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x12ebc8:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x13c0fa:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x1514b5:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x151f6f:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x1556be:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x155699:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x16ad45:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | rat_win_dcrat_qwqdanchun | Find DcRAT samples (qwqdanchun) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x16bcb8:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x167d88:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x177aa6:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x177aea:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x12217b:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x138640:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x14c57b:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x178398:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x1684a8:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x177686:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x177878:$str13: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_B64_Artifacts | Detects executables embedding bas64-encoded APIs, command lines, registry keys, etc. | ditekSHen | - 0x16bcb8:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x16bc1b:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_WMI_EnumerateVideoDevice | Detects executables attemping to enumerate video devices using WMI | ditekSHen | - 0x177878:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x1778b8:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x177906:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x177954:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_Discord_Regex | Detects executables referencing Discord tokens regular expressions | ditekSHen | - 0x16fa7c:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_References_VPN | Detects executables referencing many VPN software clients. Observed in infosteslers | ditekSHen | - 0x175417:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x1753fd:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x1753df:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_VaultSchemaGUID | Detects executables referencing Windows vault credential objects. Observed in infostealers | ditekSHen | - 0x16a161:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x16a1d3:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x16a25d:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x16a2ef:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x16a359:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x16a3cb:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x16a461:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x16a4f1:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
4.2.RegAsm.exe.525b8a.1.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT | Detects AsyncRAT | ditekSHen | - 0x167d18:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x163e8c:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x173a0b:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x16f428:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x173971:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x16c554:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x16c171:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x16c20e:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x16c323:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x16c40b:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
0.2.vfdjo.exe.2c2a79e.1.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x122e:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x7053a:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x124a:$x3: StormKitty
- 0x70556:$x3: StormKitty
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_VenomRAT | Yara detected VenomRAT | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer | Yara detected Credential Stealer | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_GenericDownloader_1 | Yara detected Generic Downloader | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_BrowserPasswordDump_1 | Yara detected BrowserPasswordDump | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_Keylogger_Generic_3 | Yara detected Keylogger Generic | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | Windows_Trojan_DCRat_1aeea1ac | unknown | unknown | - 0x11d67e:$a1: havecamera
- 0x1684a8:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x16b82b:$a3: START "" "
- 0x16bd40:$a3: START "" "
- 0x16bc1b:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x16bcb8:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stealerium | Detects Stealerium based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x16eba2:$str01: Processe:
- 0x16ea5e:$str02: Compname:
- 0x16eb58:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x16eaee:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x16eb12:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x16f360:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x170dd7:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x163eca:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x14b645:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x153508:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x1556ad:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x1556bf:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
- 0x151602:$str16: DetectedBankingServices
- 0x15176b:$str17: DetectCryptocurrencyServices
- 0x15f664:$str18: CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
- 0x1605e9:$str19: GetConnectedCamerasCount
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stormkitty | Finds StormKitty samples (or their variants) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x12ebc8:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x13c0fa:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x1514b5:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x151f6f:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x1556be:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x155699:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x16ad45:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | rat_win_dcrat_qwqdanchun | Find DcRAT samples (qwqdanchun) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x16bcb8:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x167d88:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x177aa6:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x177aea:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x12217b:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x138640:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x14c57b:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x178398:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x1684a8:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x177686:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x177878:$str13: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_B64_Artifacts | Detects executables embedding bas64-encoded APIs, command lines, registry keys, etc. | ditekSHen | - 0x16bcb8:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x16bc1b:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_WMI_EnumerateVideoDevice | Detects executables attemping to enumerate video devices using WMI | ditekSHen | - 0x177878:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x1778b8:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x177906:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x177954:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_Discord_Regex | Detects executables referencing Discord tokens regular expressions | ditekSHen | - 0x16fa7c:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_References_VPN | Detects executables referencing many VPN software clients. Observed in infosteslers | ditekSHen | - 0x175417:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x1753fd:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x1753df:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_VaultSchemaGUID | Detects executables referencing Windows vault credential objects. Observed in infostealers | ditekSHen | - 0x16a161:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x16a1d3:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x16a25d:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x16a2ef:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x16a359:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x16a3cb:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x16a461:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x16a4f1:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
0.2.vfdjo.exe.43fad9a.6.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT | Detects AsyncRAT | ditekSHen | - 0x167d18:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x163e8c:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x173a0b:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x16f428:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x173971:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x16c554:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x16c171:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x16c20e:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x16c323:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x16c40b:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_VenomRAT | Yara detected VenomRAT | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_StormKitty | Yara detected StormKitty Stealer | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer | Yara detected Credential Stealer | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_GenericDownloader_1 | Yara detected Generic Downloader | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_BrowserPasswordDump_1 | Yara detected BrowserPasswordDump | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_Keylogger_Generic_3 | Yara detected Keylogger Generic | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | Windows_Trojan_DCRat_1aeea1ac | unknown | unknown | - 0x241408:$a1: havecamera
- 0x53ee28:$a1: havecamera
- 0x28c232:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x589c52:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x28f5b5:$a3: START "" "
- 0x28faca:$a3: START "" "
- 0x58cfd5:$a3: START "" "
- 0x58d4ea:$a3: START "" "
- 0x28f9a5:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x58d3c5:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x28fa42:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x58d462:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stealerium | Detects Stealerium based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x29292c:$str01: Processe:
- 0x59034c:$str01: Processe:
- 0x2927e8:$str02: Compname:
- 0x590208:$str02: Compname:
- 0x2928e2:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x590302:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x292878:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x590298:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x29289c:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x5902bc:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x2930ea:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x590b0a:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x294b61:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x592581:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x287c54:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x585674:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x26f3cf:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x56cdef:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x277292:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x574cb2:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x279437:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stormkitty | Finds StormKitty samples (or their variants) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x5db:$sk01: LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x2fdffb:$sk01: LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x252952:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x550372:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x25fe84:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x55d8a4:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x27523f:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x572c5f:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x275cf9:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x573719:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x279448:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x576e68:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x279423:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x576e43:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x28eacf:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
- 0x58c4ef:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | rat_win_dcrat_qwqdanchun | Find DcRAT samples (qwqdanchun) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x28fa42:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x58d462:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x28bb12:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x589532:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x29b830:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x599250:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x29b874:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x599294:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x245f05:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x543925:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x25c3ca:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x559dea:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x270305:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x56dd25:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x29c122:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x599b42:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x28c232:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x589c52:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x29b410:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x598e30:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x29b602:$str13: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_B64_Artifacts | Detects executables embedding bas64-encoded APIs, command lines, registry keys, etc. | ditekSHen | - 0x28fa42:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x58d462:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x28f9a5:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
- 0x58d3c5:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_WMI_EnumerateVideoDevice | Detects executables attemping to enumerate video devices using WMI | ditekSHen | - 0x29b602:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x599022:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x29b642:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x599062:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x29b690:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x5990b0:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x29b6de:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
- 0x5990fe:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_Discord_Regex | Detects executables referencing Discord tokens regular expressions | ditekSHen | - 0x293806:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
- 0x591226:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_References_VPN | Detects executables referencing many VPN software clients. Observed in infosteslers | ditekSHen | - 0x2991a1:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x596bc1:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x299187:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x596ba7:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x299169:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
- 0x596b89:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_VaultSchemaGUID | Detects executables referencing Windows vault credential objects. Observed in infostealers | ditekSHen | - 0x28deeb:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x58b90b:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x28df5d:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x58b97d:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x28dfe7:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x58ba07:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x28e079:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x58ba99:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x28e0e3:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x58bb03:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x28e155:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x58bb75:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x28e1eb:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x58bc0b:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x28e27b:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
- 0x58bc9b:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x5c8:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x2fdfe8:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x5e4:$x3: StormKitty
- 0x2fe004:$x3: StormKitty
- 0x27dff4:$s2: GetAntivirus
- 0x57ba14:$s2: GetAntivirus
- 0x29405a:$s4: ^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$
- 0x591a7a:$s4: ^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$
- 0x28d4a5:$s5: BCrypt.BCryptGetProperty() (get size) failed with status code:{0}
- 0x58aec5:$s5: BCrypt.BCryptGetProperty() (get size) failed with status code:{0}
- 0x28eacd:$s6: "encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
- 0x58c4ed:$s6: "encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
0.2.vfdjo.exe.3fd95f0.4.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT | Detects AsyncRAT | ditekSHen | - 0x28baa2:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x5894c2:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x287c16:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x297795:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x585636:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x5951b5:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x2931b2:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x2976fb:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x590bd2:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x59511b:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x2902de:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x58dcfe:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x28fefb:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x58d91b:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x28ff98:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x58d9b8:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x2900ad:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x58dacd:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x290195:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
- 0x58dbb5:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_VenomRAT | Yara detected VenomRAT | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_StormKitty | Yara detected StormKitty Stealer | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer | Yara detected Credential Stealer | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_GenericDownloader_1 | Yara detected Generic Downloader | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_BrowserPasswordDump_1 | Yara detected BrowserPasswordDump | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | JoeSecurity_Keylogger_Generic_3 | Yara detected Keylogger Generic | Joe Security | |
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | Windows_Trojan_DCRat_1aeea1ac | unknown | unknown | - 0x11d67e:$a1: havecamera
- 0x41b09e:$a1: havecamera
- 0x1684a8:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x465ec8:$a2: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x16b82b:$a3: START "" "
- 0x16bd40:$a3: START "" "
- 0x46924b:$a3: START "" "
- 0x469760:$a3: START "" "
- 0x16bc1b:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x46963b:$a4: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2NyZWF0ZSAvZiAvc2Mgb25sb2dvbiAvcmwgaGlnaGVzdCAvdG4g
- 0x16bcb8:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x4696d8:$a5: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stealerium | Detects Stealerium based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x16eba2:$str01: Processe:
- 0x46c5c2:$str01: Processe:
- 0x16ea5e:$str02: Compname:
- 0x46c47e:$str02: Compname:
- 0x16eb58:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x46c578:$str04: SandBoxie:
- 0x16eaee:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x46c50e:$str08: WEBCAMS COUNT:
- 0x16eb12:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x46c532:$str09: [Virtualization]
- 0x16f360:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x46cd80:$str10: [Open google maps](
- 0x170dd7:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x46e7f7:$str11: Remember password:
- 0x163eca:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x4618ea:$str12: Target.Browsers.Firefox
- 0x14b645:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x449065:$str13: Modules.Keylogger
- 0x153508:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x450f28:$str14: ClipperAddresses
- 0x1556ad:$str15: ChromiumPswPaths
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | infostealer_win_stormkitty | Finds StormKitty samples (or their variants) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x1da271:$sk01: LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x12ebc8:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x42c5e8:$str01: set_sUsername
- 0x13c0fa:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x439b1a:$str03: set_sExpMonth
- 0x1514b5:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x44eed5:$str04: WritePasswords
- 0x151f6f:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x44f98f:$str05: WriteCookies
- 0x1556be:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x4530de:$str06: sChromiumPswPaths
- 0x155699:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x4530b9:$str07: sGeckoBrowserPaths
- 0x16ad45:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
- 0x468765:$str10: encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | rat_win_dcrat_qwqdanchun | Find DcRAT samples (qwqdanchun) based on specific strings | Sekoia.io | - 0x16bcb8:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x4696d8:$str02: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA==
- 0x167d88:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x4657a8:$str04: Pac_ket
- 0x177aa6:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x4754c6:$str05: Perfor_mance
- 0x177aea:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x47550a:$str06: Install_ed
- 0x12217b:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x41fb9b:$str07: get_IsConnected
- 0x138640:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x436060:$str08: get_ActivatePo_ng
- 0x14c57b:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x449f9b:$str09: isVM_by_wim_temper
- 0x178398:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x475db8:$str10: save_Plugin
- 0x1684a8:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x465ec8:$str11: timeout 3 > NUL
- 0x177686:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x4750a6:$str12: ProcessHacker.exe
- 0x177878:$str13: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_B64_Artifacts | Detects executables embedding bas64-encoded APIs, command lines, registry keys, etc. | ditekSHen | - 0x16bcb8:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x4696d8:$s1: U09GVFdBUkVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25cUnVuXA
- 0x16bc1b:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
- 0x46963b:$s2: L2Mgc2NodGFza3MgL2
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_WMI_EnumerateVideoDevice | Detects executables attemping to enumerate video devices using WMI | ditekSHen | - 0x177878:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x475298:$q1: Select * from Win32_CacheMemory
- 0x1778b8:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x4752d8:$d1: {860BB310-5D01-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x177906:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x475326:$d2: {62BE5D10-60EB-11d0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}
- 0x177954:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
- 0x475374:$d3: {55272A00-42CB-11CE-8135-00AA004BB851}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_Discord_Regex | Detects executables referencing Discord tokens regular expressions | ditekSHen | - 0x16fa7c:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
- 0x46d49c:$s1: [a-zA-Z0-9]{24}\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{27}|mfa\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{84}
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_References_VPN | Detects executables referencing many VPN software clients. Observed in infosteslers | ditekSHen | - 0x175417:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x472e37:$s1: \VPN\NordVPN
- 0x1753fd:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x472e1d:$s2: \VPN\OpenVPN
- 0x1753df:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
- 0x472dff:$s3: \VPN\ProtonVPN
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | INDICATOR_SUSPICIOUS_EXE_VaultSchemaGUID | Detects executables referencing Windows vault credential objects. Observed in infostealers | ditekSHen | - 0x16a161:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x467b81:$s1: 2F1A6504-0641-44CF-8BB5-3612D865F2E5
- 0x16a1d3:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x467bf3:$s2: 3CCD5499-87A8-4B10-A215-608888DD3B55
- 0x16a25d:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x467c7d:$s3: 154E23D0-C644-4E6F-8CE6-5069272F999F
- 0x16a2ef:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x467d0f:$s4: 4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
- 0x16a359:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x467d79:$s5: 77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
- 0x16a3cb:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x467deb:$s6: E69D7838-91B5-4FC9-89D5-230D4D4CC2BC
- 0x16a461:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x467e81:$s7: 3E0E35BE-1B77-43E7-B873-AED901B6275B
- 0x16a4f1:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
- 0x467f11:$s8: 3C886FF3-2669-4AA2-A8FB-3F6759A77548
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_StormKitty | Detects StormKitty infostealer | ditekSHen | - 0x1da25e:$x2: https://github.com/LimerBoy/StormKitty
- 0x1da27a:$x3: StormKitty
- 0x15a26a:$s2: GetAntivirus
- 0x457c8a:$s2: GetAntivirus
- 0x1702d0:$s4: ^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$
- 0x46dcf0:$s4: ^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$
- 0x16971b:$s5: BCrypt.BCryptGetProperty() (get size) failed with status code:{0}
- 0x46713b:$s5: BCrypt.BCryptGetProperty() (get size) failed with status code:{0}
- 0x16ad43:$s6: "encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
- 0x468763:$s6: "encrypted_key":"(.*?)"
0.2.vfdjo.exe.40fd37a.7.raw.unpack | MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT | Detects AsyncRAT | ditekSHen | - 0x167d18:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x465738:$s3: {{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}
- 0x163e8c:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x173a0b:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x4618ac:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x47142b:$s6: VirtualBox
- 0x16f428:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x173971:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x46ce48:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x471391:$s8: Win32_ComputerSystem
- 0x16c554:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x469f74:$s9: Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=
- 0x16c171:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x469b91:$cnc1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
- 0x16c20e:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x469c2e:$cnc2: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
- 0x16c323:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x469d43:$cnc3: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
- 0x16c40b:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
- 0x469e2b:$cnc4: POST / HTTP/1.1
Click to see the 114 entries |