Edit tour
Analysis Report
General Information
Score: | 48 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Downloads executable code via HTTP
Drops PE files
Stores files to the Windows start menu directory
- System is w10x64_ra
- chrome.exe (PID: 3992 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --st art-maximi zed "about :blank" MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4) - chrome.exe (PID: 7024 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= network.mo jom.Networ kService - -lang=en-U S --servic e-sandbox- type=none --mojo-pla tform-chan nel-handle =2032 --fi eld-trial- handle=195 6,i,379144 8317710567 0,16273621 0336220487 6,262144 - -disable-f eatures=Op timization GuideModel Downloadin g,Optimiza tionHints, Optimizati onHintsFet ching,Opti mizationTa rgetPredic tion /pref etch:8 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4) - chrome.exe (PID: 6488 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= chrome.moj om.UtilRea dIcon --la ng=en-US - -service-s andbox-typ e=icon_rea der --mojo -platform- channel-ha ndle=5672 --field-tr ial-handle =1956,i,37 9144831771 05670,1627 3621033622 04876,2621 44 --disab le-feature s=Optimiza tionGuideM odelDownlo ading,Opti mizationHi nts,Optimi zationHint sFetching, Optimizati onTargetPr ediction / prefetch:8 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4)
- chrome.exe (PID: 6644 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" "htt p://resour ces.onesta rt.ai/ones tart_insta ller_130.0 .6723.134. exe" MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4)
- cleanup
⊘No yara matches
⊘No Sigma rule has matched
⊘No Suricata rule has matched
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AV Detection |
Source: | Avira URL Cloud: |
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |