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Analysis Report
General Information
Score: | 68 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Detected unpacking (changes PE section rights)
Hides that the sample has been downloaded from the Internet (zone.identifier)
Queries memory information (via WMI often done to detect virtual machines)
Queries sensitive disk information (via WMI, Win32_DiskDrive, often done to detect virtual machines)
Queries sensitive network adapter information (via WMI, Win32_NetworkAdapter, often done to detect virtual machines)
Queries sensitive physical memory information (via WMI, Win32_PhysicalMemory, often done to detect virtual machines)
Contains functionality to detect virtual machines (SLDT)
Contains long sleeps (>= 3 min)
Creates a DirectInput object (often for capturing keystrokes)
Detected potential crypto function
Drops PE files
Drops files with a non-matching file extension (content does not match file extension)
Installs a raw input device (often for capturing keystrokes)
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
PE file contains an invalid checksum
PE file does not import any functions
PE file overlay found
Queries information about the installed CPU (vendor, model number etc)
Queries sensitive BIOS Information (via WMI, Win32_Bios & Win32_BaseBoard, often done to detect virtual machines)
Queries sensitive processor information (via WMI, Win32_Processor, often done to detect virtual machines)
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Stores files to the Windows start menu directory
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
- System is w10x64_ra
- chrome.exe (PID: 6816 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --st art-maximi zed "about :blank" MD5: 83395EAB5B03DEA9720F8D7AC0D15CAA) - chrome.exe (PID: 7044 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= network.mo jom.Networ kService - -lang=en-U S --servic e-sandbox- type=none --mojo-pla tform-chan nel-handle =2084 --fi eld-trial- handle=195 2,i,379244 9684971947 536,170129 9153115329 648,262144 --disable -features= Optimizati onGuideMod elDownload ing,Optimi zationHint s,Optimiza tionHintsF etching,Op timization TargetPred iction /pr efetch:8 MD5: 83395EAB5B03DEA9720F8D7AC0D15CAA) - chrome.exe (PID: 7732 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= chrome.moj om.UtilRea dIcon --la ng=en-US - -service-s andbox-typ e=icon_rea der --mojo -platform- channel-ha ndle=5992 --field-tr ial-handle =1952,i,37 9244968497 1947536,17 0129915311 5329648,26 2144 --dis able-featu res=Optimi zationGuid eModelDown loading,Op timization Hints,Opti mizationHi ntsFetchin g,Optimiza tionTarget Prediction /prefetch :8 MD5: 83395EAB5B03DEA9720F8D7AC0D15CAA) - chrome.exe (PID: 6692 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= chrome.moj om.UtilRea dIcon --la ng=en-US - -service-s andbox-typ e=icon_rea der --mojo -platform- channel-ha ndle=4460 --field-tr ial-handle =1952,i,37 9244968497 1947536,17 0129915311 5329648,26 2144 --dis able-featu res=Optimi zationGuid eModelDown loading,Op timization Hints,Opti mizationHi ntsFetchin g,Optimiza tionTarget Prediction /prefetch :8 MD5: 83395EAB5B03DEA9720F8D7AC0D15CAA) - AnyDesk.exe (PID: 7584 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Downl oads\AnyDe sk.exe" MD5: 0A269C555E15783351E02629502BF141) - AnyDesk.exe (PID: 1000 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Downl oads\AnyDe sk.exe" -- local-serv ice MD5: 0A269C555E15783351E02629502BF141) - AnyDesk.exe (PID: 3840 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Downl oads\AnyDe sk.exe" -- local-cont rol MD5: 0A269C555E15783351E02629502BF141)
- chrome.exe (PID: 2872 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" "htt ps://mailu stabucaedu -my.sharep oint.com/: u:/g/perso nal/stella _pabon_ust abuca_edu_ co/EWCk8Bq ICKBBrExz3 2n-PvYBCVo LK4PToNCGK PT0vElGYg? e=w0tQWE" MD5: 83395EAB5B03DEA9720F8D7AC0D15CAA)
- cleanup
⊘No configs have been found
⊘No yara matches
⊘No Sigma rule has matched
⊘No Suricata rule has matched
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Show All Signature Results
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: |
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: |
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |