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Analysis Report
General Information
Score: | 72 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Antivirus detection for URL or domain
Multi AV Scanner detection for dropped file
Yara detected Poisonivy
Submitted sample is a known malware sample
Installs new ROOT certificates
Yara detected Generic Downloader
Checks if the current process is being debugged
Contains functionality for read data from the clipboard
Contains functionality to call native functions
Contains functionality to check if a debugger is running (IsDebuggerPresent)
Contains functionality to check if a debugger is running (OutputDebugString,GetLastError)
Contains functionality to check the parent process ID (often done to detect debuggers and analysis systems)
Contains functionality to communicate with device drivers
Contains functionality to create guard pages, often used to hinder reverse engineering and debugging
Contains functionality to dynamically determine API calls
Contains functionality to query CPU information (cpuid)
Contains functionality to query locales information (e.g. system language)
Contains functionality to read the PEB
Contains functionality to shutdown / reboot the system
Contains functionality which may be used to detect a debugger (GetProcessHeap)
Creates a DirectInput object (often for capturing keystrokes)
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)
Creates files inside the system directory
Detected potential crypto function
Downloads executable code via HTTP
Drops PE files
Drops files with a non-matching file extension (content does not match file extension)
Extensive use of GetProcAddress (often used to hide API calls)
Found dropped PE file which has not been started or loaded
Found evasive API chain (date check)
Found large amount of non-executed APIs
Found potential string decryption / allocating functions
HTTP GET or POST without a user agent
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
Monitors certain registry keys / values for changes (often done to protect autostart functionality)
One or more processes crash
PE file contains an invalid checksum
PE file contains executable resources (Code or Archives)
PE file contains sections with non-standard names
PE file contains strange resources
PE file does not import any functions
PE file overlay found
Queries disk information (often used to detect virtual machines)
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
Sigma detected: Usage Of Web Request Commands And Cmdlets
Suricata IDS alerts with low severity for network traffic
Uses Microsoft's Enhanced Cryptographic Provider
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
Very long cmdline option found, this is very uncommon (may be encrypted or packed)
query blbeacon for getting browser version
- System is w10x64
- cmd.exe (PID: 7352 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ cmd.exe /c wget -t 2 -v -T 60 -P "C:\Use rs\user\De sktop\down load" --no -check-cer tificate - -content-d isposition --user-ag ent="Mozil la/5.0 (Wi ndows NT 6 .1; WOW64; Trident/7 .0; AS; rv :11.0) lik e Gecko" " http://dcr 0eadbm64ph .cloudfron t.net/IDCV t99WXiQU.e xe" > cmdl ine.out 2> &1 MD5: D0FCE3AFA6AA1D58CE9FA336CC2B675B) - conhost.exe (PID: 7392 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - wget.exe (PID: 7436 cmdline:
wget -t 2 -v -T 60 - P "C:\User s\user\Des ktop\downl oad" --no- check-cert ificate -- content-di sposition --user-age nt="Mozill a/5.0 (Win dows NT 6. 1; WOW64; Trident/7. 0; AS; rv: 11.0) like Gecko" "h ttp://dcr0 eadbm64ph. cloudfront .net/IDCVt 99WXiQU.ex e" MD5: 3DADB6E2ECE9C4B3E1E322E617658B60)
- internet-explorer-7_8xx5-B1.exe (PID: 7504 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Deskt op\downloa d\internet -explorer- 7_8xx5-B1. exe" MD5: 4CEF35CB56164E4427C8890CF5CDFD85) - internet-explorer-7_8xx5-B1.tmp (PID: 7560 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\AppDa ta\Local\T emp\is-2R9 I2.tmp\int ernet-expl orer-7_8xx 5-B1.tmp" /SL5="$204 6E,1583588 ,832512,C: \Users\use r\Desktop\ download\i nternet-ex plorer-7_8 xx5-B1.exe " MD5: 02B1D8FF84BCD4EBCB01156636269B99) - saBSI.exe (PID: 5960 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\AppDa ta\Local\T emp\is-0OC HQ.tmp\pro d0_extract \saBSI.exe " /affid 9 1088 PaidD istributio n=true Cou ntryCode=U S MD5: 143255618462A577DE27286A272584E1) - WZSetup.exe (PID: 6100 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\AppDa ta\Local\T emp\is-0OC HQ.tmp\pro d1_extract \WZSetup.e xe" /S /tp channelid= 1571 /dist id=App123 MD5: 3C17F28CC001F6652377D3B5DEEC10F0) - WeatherZeroService.exe (PID: 6092 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Weathe rZero\Weat herZeroSer vice.exe" install MD5: 2B149BA4C21C66D34F19214D5A8D3067) - conhost.exe (PID: 4208 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - WeatherZeroService.exe (PID: 4312 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Weathe rZero\Weat herZeroSer vice.exe" start sile nt MD5: 2B149BA4C21C66D34F19214D5A8D3067) - conhost.exe (PID: 7648 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - internet-explorer-7.exe (PID: 7288 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Downl oads\inter net-explor er-7.exe" MD5: AF5465B7E20FE89266A5B81BA1857BE1) - iesetup.exe (PID: 2516 cmdline:
c:\b99fd08 a604e45b5f c9f\update \iesetup.e xe MD5: DDAB11B09B0310328B06F089DF750207) - chrome.exe (PID: 6952 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --st art-maximi zed --sing le-argumen t https:// www.__/?ty p=1 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4) - chrome.exe (PID: 4816 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= network.mo jom.Networ kService - -lang=en-U S --servic e-sandbox- type=none --mojo-pla tform-chan nel-handle =2180 --fi eld-trial- handle=190 8,i,112946 1788026035 3184,32636 7061315631 5574,26214 4 --disabl e-features =Optimizat ionGuideMo delDownloa ding,Optim izationHin ts,Optimiz ationHints Fetching,O ptimizatio nTargetPre diction /p refetch:8 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4) - WerFault.exe (PID: 1404 cmdline:
C:\Windows \SysWOW64\ WerFault.e xe -u -p 7 560 -s 120 0 MD5: C31336C1EFC2CCB44B4326EA793040F2)
- svchost.exe (PID: 3328 cmdline:
C:\Windows \System32\ svchost.ex e -k netsv cs -p -s B ITS MD5: B7F884C1B74A263F746EE12A5F7C9F6A)
- svchost.exe (PID: 3904 cmdline:
C:\Windows \System32\ svchost.ex e -k WerSv cGroup MD5: B7F884C1B74A263F746EE12A5F7C9F6A) - WerFault.exe (PID: 3068 cmdline:
C:\Windows \SysWOW64\ WerFault.e xe -pss -s 460 -p 75 60 -ip 756 0 MD5: C31336C1EFC2CCB44B4326EA793040F2)
- WeatherZeroService.exe (PID: 5848 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\Weathe rZero\Weat herZeroSer vice.exe" MD5: 2B149BA4C21C66D34F19214D5A8D3067)
- svchost.exe (PID: 5796 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ svchost.ex e -k netsv cs -p -s w lidsvc MD5: B7F884C1B74A263F746EE12A5F7C9F6A)
- cleanup
Name | Description | Attribution | Blogpost URLs | Link |
Poison Ivy, poisonivy |
⊘No configs have been found
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_GenericDownloader_1 | Yara detected Generic Downloader | Joe Security |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_Poisonivy | Yara detected Poisonivy | Joe Security |
System Summary |
Source: | Author: James Pemberton / @4A616D6573, Endgame, JHasenbusch, oscd.community, Austin Songer @austinsonger: |
Source: | Author: vburov: |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-12-11T00:54:02.762011+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49731 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:54:05.908074+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49732 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:54:08.331494+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49735 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:54:10.738505+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49738 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:54:13.306771+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49740 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:11.280179+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49790 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:14.600892+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49801 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:27.514835+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49830 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:28.173254+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49833 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:30.499365+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49840 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:30.657772+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49839 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:34.369271+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49852 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:37.712612+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49860 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-12-11T00:55:53.642502+0100 | 2028371 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49915 | | 443 | TCP |
Click to jump to signature section
Show All Signature Results
AV Detection |
Source: | Avira URL Cloud: |
Source: | ReversingLabs: |
Source: | Code function: | 10_2_000F5870 | |
Source: | Code function: | 10_2_000F6220 | |
Source: | Code function: | 10_2_000F67B0 | |
Source: | Code function: | 12_2_01004C6D | |
Source: | Code function: | 12_2_0100436F | |
Source: | Code function: | 12_2_01004C6D |
Source: | File created: | Jump to behavior |
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: |
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: | ||
Source: | Binary string: |
Source: | Code function: | 11_2_00405A19 | |
Source: | Code function: | 11_2_004065CE | |
Source: | Code function: | 11_2_004027AA | |
Source: | Code function: | 12_2_01004433 |
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior |
Networking |
Source: | File source: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |