Windows Analysis Report


General Information

Sample name: file.exe
Analysis ID: 1562847
MD5: 9c3907317b9374403b30537d305a9608
SHA1: cc0a6c6a0902debac4da3bad9b3eded80a503a6e
SHA256: 8f0d52b51a86a71a362bd071e2ee687c7921e0c4f32a0e96fd0ba4c9a3f568e0
Tags: exeuser-Bitsight


Score: 100
Range: 0 - 100
Whitelisted: false
Confidence: 100%


Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Antivirus detection for URL or domain
Detected unpacking (changes PE section rights)
Found malware configuration
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Suricata IDS alerts for network traffic
Yara detected Powershell download and execute
Yara detected Stealc
AI detected suspicious sample
C2 URLs / IPs found in malware configuration
Found evasive API chain (may stop execution after checking locale)
Hides threads from debuggers
Machine Learning detection for sample
PE file contains section with special chars
Searches for specific processes (likely to inject)
Tries to detect process monitoring tools (Task Manager, Process Explorer etc.)
Tries to detect sandboxes / dynamic malware analysis system (registry check)
Tries to detect sandboxes and other dynamic analysis tools (window names)
Tries to detect virtualization through RDTSC time measurements
Tries to evade debugger and weak emulator (self modifying code)
Checks for debuggers (devices)
Checks if the current process is being debugged
Contains capabilities to detect virtual machines
Contains functionality to create guard pages, often used to hinder reverse engineering and debugging
Contains functionality to dynamically determine API calls
Contains functionality to query locales information (e.g. system language)
Contains functionality to read the PEB
Contains functionality which may be used to detect a debugger (GetProcessHeap)
Detected potential crypto function
Entry point lies outside standard sections
Extensive use of GetProcAddress (often used to hide API calls)
Found evaded block containing many API calls
Found evasive API chain (date check)
Found large amount of non-executed APIs
Found potential string decryption / allocating functions
HTTP GET or POST without a user agent
IP address seen in connection with other malware
Internet Provider seen in connection with other malware
PE file contains an invalid checksum
PE file contains sections with non-standard names
Program does not show much activity (idle)
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Uses 32bit PE files
Uses Microsoft's Enhanced Cryptographic Provider
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)


Name Description Attribution Blogpost URLs Link
Stealc Stealc is an information stealer advertised by its presumed developer Plymouth on Russian-speaking underground forums and sold as a Malware-as-a-Service since January 9, 2023. According to Plymouth's statement, stealc is a non-resident stealer with flexible data collection settings and its development is relied on other prominent stealers: Vidar, Raccoon, Mars and Redline.Stealc is written in C and uses WinAPI functions. It mainly targets date from web browsers, extensions and Desktop application of cryptocurrency wallets, and from other applications (messengers, email clients, etc.). The malware downloads 7 legitimate third-party DLLs to collect sensitive data from web browsers, including sqlite3.dll, nss3.dll, vcruntime140.dll, mozglue.dll, freebl3.dll, softokn3.dll and msvcp140.dll. It then exfiltrates the collected information file by file to its C2 server using HTTP POST requests. No Attribution

AV Detection

Source: file.exe Avira: detected
Source: Avira URL Cloud: Label: malware
Source: Avira URL Cloud: Label: malware
Source: Avira URL Cloud: Label: malware
Source: Avira URL Cloud: Label: malware
Source: Avira URL Cloud: Label: malware
Source: Avira URL Cloud: Label: malware
Source: file.exe.2804.0.memstrmin Malware Configuration Extractor: StealC {"C2 url": "", "Botnet": "mars"}
Source: file.exe Virustotal: Detection: 50% Perma Link
Source: Submited Sample Integrated Neural Analysis Model: Matched 100.0% probability
Source: file.exe Joe Sandbox ML: detected
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00704C50 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,InternetOpenA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,InternetConnectA,HttpOpenRequestA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrlen,HttpSendRequestA,InternetReadFile,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,InternetReadFile,InternetCloseHandle,InternetCloseHandle,InternetCloseHandle,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalAlloc,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalFree,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy, 0_2_00704C50
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007060D0 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,InternetOpenA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,InternetConnectA,HttpOpenRequestA,lstrlen,lstrlen,GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrlen,HttpSendRequestA,InternetReadFile,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,InternetReadFile,InternetCloseHandle,InternetCloseHandle,InternetCloseHandle,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalAlloc,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalFree,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy, 0_2_007060D0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007240B0 CryptBinaryToStringA,GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,CryptBinaryToStringA, 0_2_007240B0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00716960 lstrcpy,SHGetFolderPathA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,LocalAlloc,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,StrStrA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrStrA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrStrA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrStrA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalAlloc,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalFree,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy, 0_2_00716960
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0070EA30 lstrlen,CryptStringToBinaryA,lstrcat,lstrcat, 0_2_0070EA30
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00716B79 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,StrStrA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrStrA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrStrA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrStrA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalAlloc,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalFree,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy, 0_2_00716B79
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00709B20 CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalAlloc,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalFree, 0_2_00709B20
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00709B80 CryptUnprotectData,LocalAlloc,LocalFree, 0_2_00709B80
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00707750 GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,CryptUnprotectData,WideCharToMultiByte,LocalFree, 0_2_00707750
Source: file.exe Static PE information: EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007118A0 lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_007118A0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00713910 wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_00713910
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00711269 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_00711269
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00711250 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_00711250
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071E210 wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,wsprintfA,PathMatchSpecA,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0071E210
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00714B29 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA, 0_2_00714B29
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00714B10 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_00714B10
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071CBE0 wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,lstrcat,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,PathMatchSpecA,CoInitialize,CoUninitialize,lstrcat,lstrlen,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,wsprintfA,PathMatchSpecA,wsprintfA,CopyFileA,CreateFileA,GetFileSizeEx,CloseHandle,CloseHandle,__ehfuncinfo$??2@YAPAXIABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0071CBE0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007123A9 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA, 0_2_007123A9
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00712390 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,StrCmpCA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA, 0_2_00712390
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0070DB99 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0070DB99
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0070DB80 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,DeleteFileA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0070DB80
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071DD30 GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,CopyFileA,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrcpy, 0_2_0071DD30
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071D530 wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0071D530
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007016B9 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA, 0_2_007016B9
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007016A0 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_007016A0


Source: Network traffic Suricata IDS: 2044243 - Severity 1 - ET MALWARE [SEKOIA.IO] Win32/Stealc C2 Check-in : ->
Source: Malware configuration extractor URLs:
Source: global traffic HTTP traffic detected: GET / HTTP/1.1Host: Keep-AliveCache-Control: no-cache
Source: global traffic HTTP traffic detected: POST /c4becf79229cb002.php HTTP/1.1Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----DHIEBAAKJDHIECAAFHCAHost: 209Connection: Keep-AliveCache-Control: no-cacheData Raw: 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 44 48 49 45 42 41 41 4b 4a 44 48 49 45 43 41 41 46 48 43 41 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 44 69 73 70 6f 73 69 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 66 6f 72 6d 2d 64 61 74 61 3b 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 68 77 69 64 22 0d 0a 0d 0a 43 36 46 46 35 31 44 33 36 37 43 30 35 38 34 39 32 38 30 38 0d 0a 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 44 48 49 45 42 41 41 4b 4a 44 48 49 45 43 41 41 46 48 43 41 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 44 69 73 70 6f 73 69 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 66 6f 72 6d 2d 64 61 74 61 3b 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 62 75 69 6c 64 22 0d 0a 0d 0a 6d 61 72 73 0d 0a 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 44 48 49 45 42 41 41 4b 4a 44 48 49 45 43 41 41 46 48 43 41 2d 2d 0d 0a Data Ascii: ------DHIEBAAKJDHIECAAFHCAContent-Disposition: form-data; name="hwid"C6FF51D367C058492808------DHIEBAAKJDHIECAAFHCAContent-Disposition: form-data; name="build"mars------DHIEBAAKJDHIECAAFHCA--
Source: Joe Sandbox View IP Address:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00704C50 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,InternetOpenA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,InternetConnectA,HttpOpenRequestA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrlen,HttpSendRequestA,InternetReadFile,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,InternetReadFile,InternetCloseHandle,InternetCloseHandle,InternetCloseHandle,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalAlloc,CryptStringToBinaryA,LocalFree,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy, 0_2_00704C50
Source: global traffic HTTP traffic detected: GET / HTTP/1.1Host: Keep-AliveCache-Control: no-cache
Source: unknown HTTP traffic detected: POST /c4becf79229cb002.php HTTP/1.1Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----DHIEBAAKJDHIECAAFHCAHost: 209Connection: Keep-AliveCache-Control: no-cacheData Raw: 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 44 48 49 45 42 41 41 4b 4a 44 48 49 45 43 41 41 46 48 43 41 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 44 69 73 70 6f 73 69 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 66 6f 72 6d 2d 64 61 74 61 3b 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 68 77 69 64 22 0d 0a 0d 0a 43 36 46 46 35 31 44 33 36 37 43 30 35 38 34 39 32 38 30 38 0d 0a 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 44 48 49 45 42 41 41 4b 4a 44 48 49 45 43 41 41 46 48 43 41 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 44 69 73 70 6f 73 69 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 66 6f 72 6d 2d 64 61 74 61 3b 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 62 75 69 6c 64 22 0d 0a 0d 0a 6d 61 72 73 0d 0a 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 44 48 49 45 42 41 41 4b 4a 44 48 49 45 43 41 41 46 48 43 41 2d 2d 0d 0a Data Ascii: ------DHIEBAAKJDHIECAAFHCAContent-Disposition: form-data; name="hwid"C6FF51D367C058492808------DHIEBAAKJDHIECAAFHCAContent-Disposition: form-data; name="build"mars------DHIEBAAKJDHIECAAFHCA--
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.00000000010BE000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.00000000010BE000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001106000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp, file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00709770 memset,memset,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,memset,wsprintfA,OpenDesktopA,CreateDesktopA,memset,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,memset,SHGetFolderPathA,lstrcpy,StrStrA,lstrcpyn,lstrlen,wsprintfA,lstrcpy,memset,Sleep,CloseDesktop, 0_2_00709770

System Summary

Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name:
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name: .idata
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name:
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 0_2_00AB88A3
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AC28B0 0_2_00AC28B0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00B99896 0_2_00B99896
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_009A60EB 0_2_009A60EB
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007248B0 0_2_007248B0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0099B161 0_2_0099B161
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AC42DF 0_2_00AC42DF
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00ABA3AF 0_2_00ABA3AF
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB1BE9 0_2_00AB1BE9
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00ABF312 0_2_00ABF312
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB6D9B 0_2_00AB6D9B
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00ABBD2A 0_2_00ABBD2A
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_009A8EB6 0_2_009A8EB6
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB36CC 0_2_00AB36CC
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AA1E05 0_2_00AA1E05
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00A44669 0_2_00A44669
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_009C5792 0_2_009C5792
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00ABD786 0_2_00ABD786
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00A8A744 0_2_00A8A744
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: String function: 00704A60 appears 316 times
Source: file.exe Static PE information: EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE
Source: file.exe Static PE information: Section: bdmyinmd ZLIB complexity 0.9949113333958021
Source: classification engine Classification label: mal100.troj.evad.winEXE@1/0@0/1
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00723A50 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot,Process32First,Process32Next,CloseHandle, 0_2_00723A50
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071CAE0 CoCreateInstance,MultiByteToWideChar,lstrcpyn, 0_2_0071CAE0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\T9RRWRNL\VG4CUKNC.htm Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Key opened: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers Jump to behavior
Source: file.exe Virustotal: Detection: 50%
Source: file.exe String found in binary or memory: 3Cannot find '%s'. Please, re-install this application
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: apphelp.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: winmm.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: sspicli.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: wininet.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: rstrtmgr.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: ncrypt.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: ntasn1.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: iertutil.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: wldp.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: profapi.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: kernel.appcore.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: ondemandconnroutehelper.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: winhttp.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: mswsock.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: iphlpapi.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: winnsi.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: urlmon.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: srvcli.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Section loaded: netutils.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Key value queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\WOW6432Node\CLSID\{057EEE47-2572-4AA1-88D7-60CE2149E33C}\InProcServer32 Jump to behavior
Source: file.exe Static file information: File size 1813504 > 1048576
Source: file.exe Static PE information: Raw size of bdmyinmd is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x1a0e00

Data Obfuscation

Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Unpacked PE file: 0.2.file.exe.700000.0.unpack :EW;.rsrc:W;.idata :W; :EW;bdmyinmd:EW;opbnouzp:EW;.taggant:EW; vs :ER;.rsrc:W;.idata :W; :EW;bdmyinmd:EW;opbnouzp:EW;.taggant:EW;
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00726390 GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress, 0_2_00726390
Source: initial sample Static PE information: section where entry point is pointing to: .taggant
Source: file.exe Static PE information: real checksum: 0x1c741d should be: 0x1bd421
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name:
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name: .idata
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name:
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name: bdmyinmd
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name: opbnouzp
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name: .taggant
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push edx; mov dword ptr [esp], esi 0_2_00AB88AD
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push ebp; mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0_2_00AB88E8
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 746344DFh; mov dword ptr [esp], edx 0_2_00AB8929
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push esi; mov dword ptr [esp], edi 0_2_00AB8952
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push edi; mov dword ptr [esp], 78648C60h 0_2_00AB89CE
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 61BA8222h; mov dword ptr [esp], ebp 0_2_00AB89DD
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 7D7324DEh; mov dword ptr [esp], esi 0_2_00AB8A06
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 470594B5h; mov dword ptr [esp], edx 0_2_00AB8A1B
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 262AE7DBh; mov dword ptr [esp], edx 0_2_00AB8A45
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push edi; mov dword ptr [esp], ecx 0_2_00AB8AD5
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 1A13BCD6h; mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0_2_00AB8B1A
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push ecx; mov dword ptr [esp], edx 0_2_00AB8BCD
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 1EDD6F39h; mov dword ptr [esp], ebx 0_2_00AB8C32
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push ebx; mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0_2_00AB8C90
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push ebx; mov dword ptr [esp], edi 0_2_00AB8CF9
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 7632A820h; mov dword ptr [esp], edi 0_2_00AB8D02
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 68619282h; mov dword ptr [esp], ecx 0_2_00AB8D67
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 5AC2F222h; mov dword ptr [esp], edx 0_2_00AB8DBE
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 6BC72B71h; mov dword ptr [esp], ebp 0_2_00AB8E58
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 1D656F85h; mov dword ptr [esp], edx 0_2_00AB8EF0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push edi; mov dword ptr [esp], ecx 0_2_00AB8F71
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push eax; mov dword ptr [esp], 7CBFB139h 0_2_00AB8FD9
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 4B92B0C1h; mov dword ptr [esp], ebx 0_2_00AB9048
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push ebx; mov dword ptr [esp], ebp 0_2_00AB909C
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 30D762E8h; mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0_2_00AB90C3
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push ebp; mov dword ptr [esp], ecx 0_2_00AB910D
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 2E6E2ED2h; mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0_2_00AB9132
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push edx; mov dword ptr [esp], ecx 0_2_00AB9189
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push ebp; mov dword ptr [esp], edx 0_2_00AB919D
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push edx; mov dword ptr [esp], 253C3860h 0_2_00AB9209
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00AB88A3 push 5F6DC222h; mov dword ptr [esp], edx 0_2_00AB9246
Source: file.exe Static PE information: section name: bdmyinmd entropy: 7.954445428928977

Boot Survival

Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Window searched: window name: FilemonClass Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Window searched: window name: PROCMON_WINDOW_CLASS Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Window searched: window name: RegmonClass Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Window searched: window name: FilemonClass Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Window searched: window name: PROCMON_WINDOW_CLASS Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00726390 GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress, 0_2_00726390

Malware Analysis System Evasion

Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Evasive API call chain: GetUserDefaultLangID, ExitProcess
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe File opened: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe File opened: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__ Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 9500D5 second address: 9500D9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 9500D9 second address: 9500E6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jng 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a push ebx 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 9500E6 second address: 94F9A8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ebx 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 nop 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 mov esi, 4967D825h 0x0000000d clc 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f push dword ptr [ebp+122D0B5Dh] 0x00000015 cld 0x00000016 call dword ptr [ebp+122D1C4Dh] 0x0000001c pushad 0x0000001d mov dword ptr [ebp+122D1AC1h], edx 0x00000023 xor eax, eax 0x00000025 clc 0x00000026 mov edx, dword ptr [esp+28h] 0x0000002a jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x0000002f mov dword ptr [ebp+122D2AB4h], eax 0x00000035 jmp 00007FABF0D68601h 0x0000003a or dword ptr [ebp+122D3526h], esi 0x00000040 mov esi, 0000003Ch 0x00000045 jmp 00007FABF0D68609h 0x0000004a pushad 0x0000004b js 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000051 mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+122D2B2Ch] 0x00000057 popad 0x00000058 add esi, dword ptr [esp+24h] 0x0000005c clc 0x0000005d lodsw 0x0000005f cmc 0x00000060 add eax, dword ptr [esp+24h] 0x00000064 pushad 0x00000065 and ecx, 4CFF9D48h 0x0000006b jbe 00007FABF0D685F7h 0x00000071 clc 0x00000072 popad 0x00000073 mov ebx, dword ptr [esp+24h] 0x00000077 jnp 00007FABF0D68602h 0x0000007d js 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000083 jng 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000089 nop 0x0000008a push eax 0x0000008b push edx 0x0000008c jns 00007FABF0D68601h 0x00000092 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 94F9A8 second address: 94F9B2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jp 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 94F9B2 second address: 94F9B6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACAB86 second address: ACAB93 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 jp 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACAB93 second address: ACABC3 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push edi 0x00000005 pop edi 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a push ecx 0x0000000b pop ecx 0x0000000c pop edx 0x0000000d popad 0x0000000e push eax 0x0000000f push edx 0x00000010 pushad 0x00000011 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x00000016 pushad 0x00000017 popad 0x00000018 popad 0x00000019 push eax 0x0000001a push edx 0x0000001b push edi 0x0000001c pop edi 0x0000001d push edi 0x0000001e pop edi 0x0000001f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACABC3 second address: ACABDA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B51h 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 pop edx 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACABDA second address: ACABE0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AC9C7B second address: AC9CB3 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 jns 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x00000012 pop eax 0x00000013 pop ebx 0x00000014 pushad 0x00000015 push eax 0x00000016 push edx 0x00000017 jmp 00007FABF0F31B56h 0x0000001c pushad 0x0000001d popad 0x0000001e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AC9CB3 second address: AC9CCE instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jng 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c pushad 0x0000000d push edi 0x0000000e pop edi 0x0000000f jmp 00007FABF0D685FAh 0x00000014 push eax 0x00000015 push edx 0x00000016 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AC9CCE second address: AC9CD6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 pushad 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AC9CD6 second address: AC9CDC instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AC9E56 second address: AC9E60 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 js 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACA13D second address: ACA143 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACA143 second address: ACA149 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edi 0x00000003 pop edi 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACA2C7 second address: ACA2CB instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACA2CB second address: ACA2DF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jo 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c push ecx 0x0000000d jno 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000013 pop ecx 0x00000014 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACD2FC second address: ACD302 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edx 0x00000003 pop edx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACD302 second address: ACD38D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 pop eax 0x00000005 jne 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000b popad 0x0000000c pop edx 0x0000000d pop eax 0x0000000e mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0x00000011 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp+122D2A18h] 0x00000017 push 00000000h 0x00000019 mov ecx, 1F9FDDFDh 0x0000001e jmp 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x00000023 call 00007FABF0F31B49h 0x00000028 je 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x0000002e push eax 0x0000002f jmp 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x00000034 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04h] 0x00000038 pushad 0x00000039 js 00007FABF0F31B48h 0x0000003f pushad 0x00000040 popad 0x00000041 push ecx 0x00000042 jmp 00007FABF0F31B50h 0x00000047 pop ecx 0x00000048 popad 0x00000049 mov eax, dword ptr [eax] 0x0000004b push eax 0x0000004c push edx 0x0000004d push eax 0x0000004e push eax 0x0000004f push edx 0x00000050 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACD38D second address: ACD392 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop eax 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACD392 second address: ACD3AB instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edi 0x00000003 jnl 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000009 pop edi 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c mov dword ptr [esp+04h], eax 0x00000010 jc 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x00000016 push esi 0x00000017 push eax 0x00000018 push edx 0x00000019 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACD453 second address: ACD458 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACD458 second address: ACD45E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACD45E second address: ACD4C9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 pop edx 0x00000006 pop eax 0x00000007 mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0x0000000a push 00000000h 0x0000000c jnp 00007FABF0D685F9h 0x00000012 movzx edi, ax 0x00000015 call 00007FABF0D685F9h 0x0000001a push ebx 0x0000001b pushad 0x0000001c jno 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000022 jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000027 popad 0x00000028 pop ebx 0x00000029 push eax 0x0000002a jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x0000002f mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04h] 0x00000033 js 00007FABF0D68602h 0x00000039 jng 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x0000003f mov eax, dword ptr [eax] 0x00000041 push eax 0x00000042 push edx 0x00000043 pushad 0x00000044 push eax 0x00000045 push edx 0x00000046 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ACD4C9 second address: ACD4D9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Bh 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ADF86E second address: ADF878 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jp 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEB9D0 second address: AEB9D6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEB9D6 second address: AEB9DA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEBB23 second address: AEBB2F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jnp 00007FABF0F31B5Bh 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEBCB5 second address: AEBCB9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEBCB9 second address: AEBCBF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC09E second address: AEC0A4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC0A4 second address: AEC0AA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC0AA second address: AEC0FA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 jmp 00007FABF0D68609h 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d jmp 00007FABF0D68609h 0x00000012 pushad 0x00000013 pushad 0x00000014 popad 0x00000015 jmp 00007FABF0D68602h 0x0000001a popad 0x0000001b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC0FA second address: AEC107 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 js 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC21E second address: AEC224 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC522 second address: AEC528 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC800 second address: AEC815 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000009 push esi 0x0000000a pop esi 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC815 second address: AEC819 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC819 second address: AEC827 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 jc 00007FABF0D68602h 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AEC827 second address: AEC82D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AE1229 second address: AE124F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x00000007 jnc 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000d pop edx 0x0000000e pop eax 0x0000000f popad 0x00000010 pushad 0x00000011 push eax 0x00000012 push edx 0x00000013 push edi 0x00000014 pop edi 0x00000015 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AE124F second address: AE1253 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AE1253 second address: AE125F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a pushad 0x0000000b popad 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AADF12 second address: AADF19 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push esi 0x00000005 pop esi 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AED239 second address: AED23E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AED65A second address: AED65E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AED65E second address: AED668 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jnp 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AED668 second address: AED6A2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push ebx 0x00000007 jne 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000d pop ebx 0x0000000e pushad 0x0000000f push edi 0x00000010 push edi 0x00000011 pop edi 0x00000012 pop edi 0x00000013 pushad 0x00000014 pushad 0x00000015 popad 0x00000016 pushad 0x00000017 popad 0x00000018 pushad 0x00000019 popad 0x0000001a popad 0x0000001b pushad 0x0000001c push ecx 0x0000001d pop ecx 0x0000001e jmp 00007FABF0F31B56h 0x00000023 push esi 0x00000024 pop esi 0x00000025 popad 0x00000026 pushad 0x00000027 push eax 0x00000028 push edx 0x00000029 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF076C second address: AF0789 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jne 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0D68601h 0x00000011 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF52FF second address: AF5327 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 je 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b jmp 00007FABF0F31B55h 0x00000010 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04h] 0x00000014 pushad 0x00000015 push eax 0x00000016 push eax 0x00000017 push edx 0x00000018 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF5327 second address: AF5372 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop eax 0x00000005 jmp 00007FABF0D685FEh 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b mov eax, dword ptr [eax] 0x0000000d pushad 0x0000000e jc 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000014 jno 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000001a jbe 00007FABF0D6860Ch 0x00000020 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x00000025 popad 0x00000026 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], eax 0x0000002a push eax 0x0000002b push edx 0x0000002c pushad 0x0000002d push ecx 0x0000002e pop ecx 0x0000002f push eax 0x00000030 push edx 0x00000031 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF5372 second address: AF5377 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF5377 second address: AF537C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push esi 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF3C54 second address: AF3C58 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF3C58 second address: AF3C5C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF3C5C second address: AF3C69 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF3C69 second address: AF3C6D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF3C6D second address: AF3C71 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF548D second address: AF5493 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF5493 second address: AF549A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 pop eax 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF55CD second address: AF55D2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF915F second address: AF9163 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF9163 second address: AF9169 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF9169 second address: AF9170 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push ebx 0x00000004 pop ebx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF9170 second address: AF918F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 jg 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000e jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000013 push eax 0x00000014 push edx 0x00000015 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AF941B second address: AF9420 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edi 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFA3A6 second address: AFA3F0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jne 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b jnl 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000011 popad 0x00000012 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], eax 0x00000016 jmp 00007FABF0D685FAh 0x0000001b pop eax 0x0000001c mov esi, dword ptr [ebp+122D1AA3h] 0x00000022 call 00007FABF0D685F9h 0x00000027 push ebx 0x00000028 pushad 0x00000029 jmp 00007FABF0D68600h 0x0000002e push eax 0x0000002f push edx 0x00000030 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFA3F0 second address: AFA43A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 pop ebx 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edi 0x00000008 jg 00007FABF0F31B5Dh 0x0000000e pop edi 0x0000000f mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04h] 0x00000013 jmp 00007FABF0F31B55h 0x00000018 mov eax, dword ptr [eax] 0x0000001a jc 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x00000020 pushad 0x00000021 push eax 0x00000022 push edx 0x00000023 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFA43A second address: AFA440 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFA440 second address: AFA45F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b pushad 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0F31B50h 0x00000011 push eax 0x00000012 pop eax 0x00000013 popad 0x00000014 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFA793 second address: AFA798 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ecx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFA798 second address: AFA7C2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ebx 0x00000003 jmp 00007FABF0F31B57h 0x00000008 pop ebx 0x00000009 pop edx 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e pushad 0x0000000f jl 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000015 pushad 0x00000016 popad 0x00000017 popad 0x00000018 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFA7C2 second address: AFA7C8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFB096 second address: AFB09A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFB95F second address: AFB980 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop eax 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 jmp 00007FABF0D68609h 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFB980 second address: AFB9BB instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 jc 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000009 jmp 00007FABF0F31B55h 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f pop edx 0x00000010 pop eax 0x00000011 nop 0x00000012 mov si, cx 0x00000015 push 00000000h 0x00000017 add edi, 243983D7h 0x0000001d push 00000000h 0x0000001f add dword ptr [ebp+122D3552h], ebx 0x00000025 push eax 0x00000026 pushad 0x00000027 push eax 0x00000028 push edx 0x00000029 pushad 0x0000002a popad 0x0000002b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFC36A second address: AFC390 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 jo 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000d pop edx 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f push eax 0x00000010 push eax 0x00000011 push edx 0x00000012 jmp 00007FABF0D68604h 0x00000017 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFDDD7 second address: AFDDDB instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFE935 second address: AFE939 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0183E second address: B01842 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B01F9F second address: B01FB7 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ecx 0x00000005 pop ebx 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a jmp 00007FABF0D685FBh 0x0000000f push edx 0x00000010 pop edx 0x00000011 popad 0x00000012 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B04F70 second address: B04F74 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B02754 second address: B02758 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B05430 second address: B054F2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ecx 0x00000003 pop ecx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pop esi 0x00000007 mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0x0000000a mov dword ptr [ebp+122D3674h], ecx 0x00000010 push 00000000h 0x00000012 push 00000000h 0x00000014 push ebx 0x00000015 call 00007FABF0F31B48h 0x0000001a pop ebx 0x0000001b mov dword ptr [esp+04h], ebx 0x0000001f add dword ptr [esp+04h], 0000001Ah 0x00000027 inc ebx 0x00000028 push ebx 0x00000029 ret 0x0000002a pop ebx 0x0000002b ret 0x0000002c call 00007FABF0F31B4Bh 0x00000031 mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+122D3435h] 0x00000037 pop ebx 0x00000038 call 00007FABF0F31B59h 0x0000003d jmp 00007FABF0F31B55h 0x00000042 pop ebx 0x00000043 push 00000000h 0x00000045 push 00000000h 0x00000047 push ebx 0x00000048 call 00007FABF0F31B48h 0x0000004d pop ebx 0x0000004e mov dword ptr [esp+04h], ebx 0x00000052 add dword ptr [esp+04h], 0000001Ah 0x0000005a inc ebx 0x0000005b push ebx 0x0000005c ret 0x0000005d pop ebx 0x0000005e ret 0x0000005f mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+122D2D0Ch] 0x00000065 push eax 0x00000066 push eax 0x00000067 push edx 0x00000068 pushad 0x00000069 jmp 00007FABF0F31B58h 0x0000006e jnl 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000074 popad 0x00000075 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B054F2 second address: B054F8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 push edi 0x00000005 pop edi 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B065FE second address: B0660C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 jp 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B066D2 second address: B066D6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B076F6 second address: B076FA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B06820 second address: B06827 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push ebx 0x00000004 pop ebx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B076FA second address: B07758 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0x0000000a sub dword ptr [ebp+1247A159h], edx 0x00000010 mov bx, cx 0x00000013 push 00000000h 0x00000015 push 00000000h 0x00000017 push ecx 0x00000018 call 00007FABF0F31B48h 0x0000001d pop ecx 0x0000001e mov dword ptr [esp+04h], ecx 0x00000022 add dword ptr [esp+04h], 0000001Ch 0x0000002a inc ecx 0x0000002b push ecx 0x0000002c ret 0x0000002d pop ecx 0x0000002e ret 0x0000002f mov dword ptr [ebp+122D2E86h], edi 0x00000035 push 00000000h 0x00000037 mov ebx, esi 0x00000039 xchg eax, esi 0x0000003a push eax 0x0000003b push edx 0x0000003c jns 00007FABF0F31B58h 0x00000042 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B07758 second address: B0775E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B06937 second address: B0693C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0775E second address: B07762 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B09987 second address: B0998D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0998D second address: B09992 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B09992 second address: B09998 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0AA60 second address: B0AA66 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B09BB2 second address: B09BC1 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Bh 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0AA66 second address: B0AAF5 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ecx 0x00000003 push edi 0x00000004 pop edi 0x00000005 pop ecx 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 nop 0x00000009 push 00000000h 0x0000000b push ebp 0x0000000c call 00007FABF0D685F8h 0x00000011 pop ebp 0x00000012 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], ebp 0x00000016 add dword ptr [esp+04h], 00000014h 0x0000001e inc ebp 0x0000001f push ebp 0x00000020 ret 0x00000021 pop ebp 0x00000022 ret 0x00000023 jmp 00007FABF0D685FDh 0x00000028 jnl 00007FABF0D68600h 0x0000002e push 00000000h 0x00000030 push 00000000h 0x00000032 push eax 0x00000033 call 00007FABF0D685F8h 0x00000038 pop eax 0x00000039 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], eax 0x0000003d add dword ptr [esp+04h], 00000019h 0x00000045 inc eax 0x00000046 push eax 0x00000047 ret 0x00000048 pop eax 0x00000049 ret 0x0000004a mov dword ptr [ebp+1247A159h], edx 0x00000050 jmp 00007FABF0D685FAh 0x00000055 push ecx 0x00000056 sbb di, C74Fh 0x0000005b pop ebx 0x0000005c push 00000000h 0x0000005e mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+122D1ABCh] 0x00000064 mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+122D29F8h] 0x0000006a xchg eax, esi 0x0000006b pushad 0x0000006c push esi 0x0000006d push eax 0x0000006e push edx 0x0000006f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0AAF5 second address: B0AAFE instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop esi 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0AAFE second address: B0AB02 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B09CAA second address: B09CB0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 pop edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0BDC9 second address: B0BE48 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jne 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0D68604h 0x00000011 nop 0x00000012 jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x00000017 push dword ptr fs:[00000000h] 0x0000001e mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+124554B7h] 0x00000024 push ecx 0x00000025 jp 00007FABF0D685FBh 0x0000002b pop ebx 0x0000002c mov dword ptr fs:[00000000h], esp 0x00000033 xor dword ptr [ebp+122D187Dh], esi 0x00000039 mov ebx, ecx 0x0000003b mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+122D0049h] 0x00000041 mov dword ptr [ebp+124554B7h], edi 0x00000047 push FFFFFFFFh 0x00000049 mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+122D2B60h] 0x0000004f nop 0x00000050 je 00007FABF0D68600h 0x00000056 pushad 0x00000057 push eax 0x00000058 pop eax 0x00000059 push eax 0x0000005a push edx 0x0000005b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0BE48 second address: B0BE54 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0BE54 second address: B0BE5E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jno 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0CD38 second address: B0CD4C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push edi 0x00000004 pop edi 0x00000005 pushad 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 popad 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b pushad 0x0000000c push ecx 0x0000000d pushad 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f pop ecx 0x00000010 push eax 0x00000011 push edx 0x00000012 push edx 0x00000013 pop edx 0x00000014 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0FB10 second address: B0FB14 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0FB14 second address: B0FB1E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B11BC8 second address: B11BD1 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push esi 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B12BB0 second address: B12C24 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ecx 0x00000003 pop ecx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0x0000000a mov ebx, edx 0x0000000c push 00000000h 0x0000000e push 00000000h 0x00000010 push eax 0x00000011 call 00007FABF0F31B48h 0x00000016 pop eax 0x00000017 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], eax 0x0000001b add dword ptr [esp+04h], 00000016h 0x00000023 inc eax 0x00000024 push eax 0x00000025 ret 0x00000026 pop eax 0x00000027 ret 0x00000028 call 00007FABF0F31B55h 0x0000002d mov ebx, edx 0x0000002f pop ebx 0x00000030 push 00000000h 0x00000032 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Dh 0x00000037 xchg eax, esi 0x00000038 jmp 00007FABF0F31B56h 0x0000003d push eax 0x0000003e push edx 0x0000003f jl 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x00000045 push eax 0x00000046 push edx 0x00000047 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0FC83 second address: B0FC89 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0FD88 second address: B0FDA0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B12D9C second address: B12DA2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B12DA2 second address: B12DA6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B12DA6 second address: B12DC1 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edx 0x00000003 pop edx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a pushad 0x0000000b jg 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000011 jng 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000017 popad 0x00000018 pushad 0x00000019 push eax 0x0000001a push edx 0x0000001b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B13DE0 second address: B13DE4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B13EAD second address: B13EB1 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B13EB1 second address: B13EBA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ebx 0x00000003 pop ebx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pushad 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B13EBA second address: B13ED1 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 popad 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b jnc 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000011 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B13ED1 second address: B13ED7 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0DE92 second address: B0DEAE instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D68602h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d pushad 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B14DB7 second address: B14DBB instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B14DBB second address: B14DC5 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ABEE3D second address: ABEE43 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: ABEE43 second address: ABEE57 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a jmp 00007FABF0D685FAh 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B1F7B1 second address: B1F7BF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Ah 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B1F7BF second address: B1F7C5 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B1F27C second address: B1F283 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push ecx 0x00000005 pop ecx 0x00000006 pop esi 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B1F3C8 second address: B1F3CC instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B24F50 second address: B24F56 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ebx 0x00000003 pop ebx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B24F56 second address: B24F5B instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ecx 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B24F5B second address: B24F79 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ecx 0x00000005 pop edx 0x00000006 pop eax 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 je 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x0000000e jno 00007FABF0F31B48h 0x00000014 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04h] 0x00000018 push edi 0x00000019 push ecx 0x0000001a push eax 0x0000001b push edx 0x0000001c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B24F79 second address: B24F85 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ecx 0x00000005 pop edi 0x00000006 mov eax, dword ptr [eax] 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B25136 second address: B25151 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ebx 0x00000003 pop ebx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Bh 0x0000000b popad 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push eax 0x0000000e push edx 0x0000000f pushad 0x00000010 push ecx 0x00000011 pop ecx 0x00000012 pushad 0x00000013 popad 0x00000014 popad 0x00000015 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B25151 second address: B25160 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D685FBh 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B25160 second address: B251AD instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 ja 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04h] 0x00000010 jmp 00007FABF0F31B56h 0x00000015 mov eax, dword ptr [eax] 0x00000017 pushad 0x00000018 push ebx 0x00000019 push esi 0x0000001a pop esi 0x0000001b pop ebx 0x0000001c pushad 0x0000001d push edi 0x0000001e pop edi 0x0000001f pushad 0x00000020 popad 0x00000021 popad 0x00000022 popad 0x00000023 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], eax 0x00000027 pushad 0x00000028 jnl 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x0000002e je 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x00000034 push eax 0x00000035 push edx 0x00000036 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B264D3 second address: B264E4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D685FDh 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B264E4 second address: B264FB instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B53h 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B2CAF0 second address: B2CAF6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B2CF08 second address: B2CF22 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 je 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a jmp 00007FABF0F31B50h 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B2D36B second address: B2D371 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B2D371 second address: B2D37B instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jng 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B2D37B second address: B2D381 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B2D381 second address: B2D386 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B31B81 second address: B31B87 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B31E3F second address: B31E48 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ebx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B31E48 second address: B31E4C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B31E4C second address: B31E88 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B58h 0x00000007 jmp 00007FABF0F31B56h 0x0000000c pop edx 0x0000000d pop eax 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f push eax 0x00000010 push eax 0x00000011 push edx 0x00000012 jp 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000018 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B31E88 second address: B31E8C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B315FD second address: B3161E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push ecx 0x00000005 pop ecx 0x00000006 pushad 0x00000007 popad 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 push esi 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d pop edx 0x0000000e pop esi 0x0000000f popad 0x00000010 pushad 0x00000011 jp 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x00000017 push eax 0x00000018 push edx 0x00000019 push esi 0x0000001a pop esi 0x0000001b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B325AB second address: B325B5 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jbe 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B34142 second address: B34146 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B34146 second address: B34155 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jne 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c pushad 0x0000000d push eax 0x0000000e push edx 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B34155 second address: B34162 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 jc 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000c popad 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B34162 second address: B34168 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B3989D second address: B398AA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pushad 0x00000007 push esi 0x00000008 pop esi 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AAC50D second address: AAC513 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AAC513 second address: AAC517 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AAC517 second address: AAC526 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jc 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 push ecx 0x00000009 pop ecx 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c pushad 0x0000000d push eax 0x0000000e push edx 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B3861B second address: B3863F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 jmp 00007FABF0F31B51h 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x00000011 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B3863F second address: B3864F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B3864F second address: B38658 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pushad 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B38BB5 second address: B38BC9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B38BC9 second address: B38BE3 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AE1D30 second address: AE1D4A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x00000009 pop ecx 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AE1D4A second address: AE1D50 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AE1D50 second address: AE1D6A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pushad 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b push esi 0x0000000c pop esi 0x0000000d popad 0x0000000e pop edx 0x0000000f pop eax 0x00000010 push eax 0x00000011 push edx 0x00000012 jl 00007FABF0D685F8h 0x00000018 pushad 0x00000019 popad 0x0000001a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B39759 second address: B3976F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B52h 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B380E8 second address: B380FF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D685FEh 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c push ebx 0x0000000d pop ebx 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B380FF second address: B38103 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AB4D3E second address: AB4D44 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AB4D44 second address: AB4D53 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ebx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 jnl 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000d pushad 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B02F19 second address: B02F1D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B02F1D second address: B02F3A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B59h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B02F3A second address: AE1229 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D68608h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0x0000000c cmc 0x0000000d call dword ptr [ebp+122D339Dh] 0x00000013 pushad 0x00000014 push esi 0x00000015 pushad 0x00000016 popad 0x00000017 pop esi 0x00000018 push esi 0x00000019 push ecx 0x0000001a pop ecx 0x0000001b pop esi 0x0000001c push eax 0x0000001d push edx 0x0000001e pushad 0x0000001f popad 0x00000020 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B03044 second address: B03049 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ebx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B034BF second address: B034D1 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D685FAh 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b pushad 0x0000000c popad 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B034D1 second address: B034D5 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B034D5 second address: B034F6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 add dword ptr [esp], 3D842E65h 0x0000000e or ecx, dword ptr [ebp+122D2A30h] 0x00000014 call 00007FABF0D685F9h 0x00000019 pushad 0x0000001a push eax 0x0000001b push eax 0x0000001c push edx 0x0000001d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B034F6 second address: B0350D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop eax 0x00000005 js 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x0000000b jbe 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000011 popad 0x00000012 push eax 0x00000013 pushad 0x00000014 push eax 0x00000015 push eax 0x00000016 push edx 0x00000017 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0350D second address: B0353D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop eax 0x00000005 jng 00007FABF0D68605h 0x0000000b jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000010 popad 0x00000011 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04h] 0x00000015 pushad 0x00000016 push edi 0x00000017 jmp 00007FABF0D685FBh 0x0000001c pop edi 0x0000001d pushad 0x0000001e push eax 0x0000001f push edx 0x00000020 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B0353D second address: B03543 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B038CE second address: B038D4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B038D4 second address: B038F0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 jnl 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x0000000b popad 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d jc 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x00000013 push edi 0x00000014 push eax 0x00000015 push edx 0x00000016 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B03A18 second address: B03A26 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 jbe 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B03A26 second address: B03A2A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B03A2A second address: B03A7C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 popad 0x00000007 nop 0x00000008 push 00000000h 0x0000000a push ebp 0x0000000b call 00007FABF0D685F8h 0x00000010 pop ebp 0x00000011 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], ebp 0x00000015 add dword ptr [esp+04h], 00000019h 0x0000001d inc ebp 0x0000001e push ebp 0x0000001f ret 0x00000020 pop ebp 0x00000021 ret 0x00000022 push 00000004h 0x00000024 je 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x0000002a mov dword ptr [ebp+1247E1BFh], edx 0x00000030 nop 0x00000031 push eax 0x00000032 push edx 0x00000033 push eax 0x00000034 push edx 0x00000035 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x0000003a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B03A7C second address: B03A80 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B03A80 second address: B03A86 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B041F4 second address: AE1D30 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B52h 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a nop 0x0000000b push 00000000h 0x0000000d push ebp 0x0000000e call 00007FABF0F31B48h 0x00000013 pop ebp 0x00000014 mov dword ptr [esp+04h], ebp 0x00000018 add dword ptr [esp+04h], 00000019h 0x00000020 inc ebp 0x00000021 push ebp 0x00000022 ret 0x00000023 pop ebp 0x00000024 ret 0x00000025 mov dword ptr [ebp+122D1879h], eax 0x0000002b lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+12486C46h] 0x00000031 sub ecx, 25EFE05Ah 0x00000037 nop 0x00000038 jmp 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x0000003d push eax 0x0000003e push esi 0x0000003f push ebx 0x00000040 pushad 0x00000041 popad 0x00000042 pop ebx 0x00000043 pop esi 0x00000044 nop 0x00000045 mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+1245A7BEh] 0x0000004b call dword ptr [ebp+122D2C57h] 0x00000051 push eax 0x00000052 push edx 0x00000053 push ecx 0x00000054 push eax 0x00000055 push edx 0x00000056 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B41B93 second address: B41B9F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 je 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B41B9F second address: B41BA4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B41D20 second address: B41D2C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 jg 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B41D2C second address: B41D3C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 je 00007FABF0F31B52h 0x00000008 jg 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000e push eax 0x0000000f push edx 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B42280 second address: B42284 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B42284 second address: B4228A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B4228A second address: B422AF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b jmp 00007FABF0D685FAh 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B42409 second address: B4240F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B4240F second address: B42413 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B42413 second address: B42437 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B59h 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 pop edx 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b popad 0x0000000c pushad 0x0000000d push eax 0x0000000e push eax 0x0000000f push edx 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B42437 second address: B42446 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop eax 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 push ecx 0x00000008 pop ecx 0x00000009 js 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B42446 second address: B42450 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jns 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B42450 second address: B42464 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 jne 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000e jp 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000014 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B42464 second address: B42468 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B45D45 second address: B45D80 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D68603h 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x00000011 jmp 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000016 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B45D80 second address: B45D8A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 js 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AAFAC1 second address: AAFAEF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edx 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop edx 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a jl 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000010 jno 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000016 pushad 0x00000017 popad 0x00000018 popad 0x00000019 je 00007FABF0D68609h 0x0000001f jmp 00007FABF0D685FDh 0x00000024 push eax 0x00000025 push edx 0x00000026 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B48715 second address: B48719 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B48719 second address: B48727 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jo 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c pushad 0x0000000d popad 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B48727 second address: B48754 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B55h 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 pop edx 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b pushad 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Fh 0x00000011 push eax 0x00000012 push edx 0x00000013 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B489AA second address: B489F0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edx 0x00000003 pop edx 0x00000004 jo 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c pushad 0x0000000d jmp 00007FABF0D68607h 0x00000012 jg 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000018 popad 0x00000019 pushad 0x0000001a jmp 00007FABF0D68608h 0x0000001f push eax 0x00000020 push edx 0x00000021 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B4AF23 second address: B4AF3A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pushad 0x00000007 jno 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000d pushad 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f push esi 0x00000010 pop esi 0x00000011 push edi 0x00000012 pop edi 0x00000013 popad 0x00000014 push edi 0x00000015 push eax 0x00000016 push edx 0x00000017 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B4AF3A second address: B4AF40 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B4AF40 second address: B4AF4D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edi 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 je 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B519E4 second address: B519EE instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 je 00007FABF0D68602h 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B519EE second address: B51A18 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 je 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a pushad 0x0000000b jmp 00007FABF0F31B55h 0x00000010 jp 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000016 pushad 0x00000017 popad 0x00000018 push eax 0x00000019 push edx 0x0000001a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B503CC second address: B503D0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B503D0 second address: B503F3 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push ebx 0x00000005 pop ebx 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b jnc 00007FABF0F31B52h 0x00000011 push eax 0x00000012 push edx 0x00000013 push ecx 0x00000014 pop ecx 0x00000015 push edx 0x00000016 pop edx 0x00000017 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B503F3 second address: B503F9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edx 0x00000003 pop edx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B503F9 second address: B50416 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B53h 0x00000009 jne 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B50696 second address: B5069A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B5069A second address: B506AF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 jnc 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c pushad 0x0000000d jg 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000013 push eax 0x00000014 push edx 0x00000015 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B506AF second address: B506BD instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a pushad 0x0000000b popad 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B50811 second address: B50815 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B50815 second address: B50830 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D68601h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c pop edx 0x0000000d pushad 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B50830 second address: B5083E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jne 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B5083E second address: B50842 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B509D9 second address: B509E5 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jo 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B509E5 second address: B509F1 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 js 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B50B1C second address: B50B22 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B54843 second address: B54872 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B54872 second address: B54879 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 pushad 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B54538 second address: B54542 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jnc 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B54542 second address: B5454C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jnl 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B57B45 second address: B57B49 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B57B49 second address: B57B4F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B57B4F second address: B57B65 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 jns 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000b popad 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e jo 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000014 push esi 0x00000015 pop esi 0x00000016 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B57B65 second address: B57B7C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B53h 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B57B7C second address: B57B89 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 push edi 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b push ebx 0x0000000c pop ebx 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B57E74 second address: B57E88 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x00000009 pop edx 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B5F48D second address: B5F491 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B5F491 second address: B5F49D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B5F49D second address: B5F4B0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B5F4B0 second address: B5F4B4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B5F762 second address: B5F77B instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 jno 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000009 jne 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000f popad 0x00000010 pushad 0x00000011 jl 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000017 push eax 0x00000018 push edx 0x00000019 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B5FE0A second address: B5FE0F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B60131 second address: B60135 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B60135 second address: B60147 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jo 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c jnc 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000012 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B60147 second address: B60153 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jns 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 push ebx 0x00000009 pop ebx 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B603B3 second address: B603B8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edi 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B60FAF second address: B60FE7 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e jmp 00007FABF0D68608h 0x00000013 push eax 0x00000014 push edx 0x00000015 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B60FE7 second address: B60FEB instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B60FEB second address: B61001 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jo 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0D685FAh 0x00000011 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B61001 second address: B61008 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ecx 0x00000003 push esi 0x00000004 pop esi 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6719B second address: B671E9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 jmp 00007FABF0D68607h 0x0000000d jnc 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000013 pop eax 0x00000014 pop edx 0x00000015 pop eax 0x00000016 push eax 0x00000017 push edx 0x00000018 jmp 00007FABF0D68607h 0x0000001d pushad 0x0000001e push eax 0x0000001f push edx 0x00000020 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B671E9 second address: B67209 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B57h 0x00000009 push edi 0x0000000a pop edi 0x0000000b pushad 0x0000000c popad 0x0000000d popad 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B67209 second address: B67219 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6AFA8 second address: B6AFBF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 pushad 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 jmp 00007FABF0F31B50h 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6AFBF second address: B6B00C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 pop edx 0x00000006 pop eax 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x0000000d jmp 00007FABF0D68607h 0x00000012 jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x00000017 pushad 0x00000018 push eax 0x00000019 push edx 0x0000001a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6A168 second address: B6A172 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jne 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6A43F second address: B6A455 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jbe 00007FABF0D685FEh 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6A455 second address: B6A459 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6A459 second address: B6A45D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6A6CB second address: B6A6E8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 jmp 00007FABF0F31B57h 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6A6E8 second address: B6A6EE instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6A9D1 second address: B6A9D5 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6A9D5 second address: B6A9F5 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x0000000e pop eax 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B6AB30 second address: B6AB34 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71B72 second address: B71B8E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push esi 0x00000003 jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 pop eax 0x0000000a pop esi 0x0000000b pop edx 0x0000000c pop eax 0x0000000d push eax 0x0000000e push edx 0x0000000f push esi 0x00000010 push eax 0x00000011 push edx 0x00000012 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71B8E second address: B71B9D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pop esi 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 jnl 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000e pop eax 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71B9D second address: B71BA8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 jo 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71CFA second address: B71D0A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edx 0x00000003 pop edx 0x00000004 jno 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e push eax 0x0000000f push edx 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71D0A second address: B71D10 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71D10 second address: B71D14 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71D14 second address: B71D24 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jnl 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push ecx 0x0000000e push eax 0x0000000f push edx 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71D24 second address: B71D2A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B71D2A second address: B71D46 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ecx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 jmp 00007FABF0D68603h 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7203F second address: B72043 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B72043 second address: B72049 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B72049 second address: B72059 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a jl 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B72059 second address: B72078 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D68608h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B722F2 second address: B722F9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push edi 0x00000005 pop edi 0x00000006 pop ebx 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B722F9 second address: B72355 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jc 00007FABF0D68618h 0x00000008 jmp 00007FABF0D685FBh 0x0000000d jmp 00007FABF0D68607h 0x00000012 push ebx 0x00000013 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x00000018 pop ebx 0x00000019 pop edx 0x0000001a pop eax 0x0000001b push ebx 0x0000001c jc 00007FABF0D685FCh 0x00000022 jno 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000028 pushad 0x00000029 pushad 0x0000002a popad 0x0000002b ja 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000031 push eax 0x00000032 push edx 0x00000033 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7247E second address: B72484 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push esi 0x00000005 pop esi 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B72A5C second address: B72A81 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ebx 0x00000003 pop ebx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D68600h 0x00000009 pop edx 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B72A81 second address: B72A88 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 push ebx 0x00000004 pop ebx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B78854 second address: B7885F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push esi 0x00000003 jng 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7885F second address: B78868 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop esi 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B78868 second address: B7886C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7886C second address: B78876 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jbe 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AB839E second address: AB83A2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7B488 second address: B7B48D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edx 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7B5DE second address: B7B5EA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jbe 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7B730 second address: B7B74F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push esi 0x00000005 pop esi 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b jmp 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7B74F second address: B7B755 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ecx 0x00000003 pop ecx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7B755 second address: B7B75A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push eax 0x00000004 push edx 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B7B75A second address: B7B78B instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push ebx 0x00000005 pop ebx 0x00000006 pop eax 0x00000007 push eax 0x00000008 push edx 0x00000009 jmp 00007FABF0D68608h 0x0000000e jmp 00007FABF0D68600h 0x00000013 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B8E578 second address: B8E57C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B99550 second address: B9956E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jg 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d pushad 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000014 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B9956E second address: B99579 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push esi 0x00000003 pop esi 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pushad 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 pop edx 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B99579 second address: B995D8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D68608h 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b pushad 0x0000000c pushad 0x0000000d jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000012 jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x00000017 popad 0x00000018 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x0000001d push eax 0x0000001e push edx 0x0000001f jnl 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000025 pushad 0x00000026 popad 0x00000027 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B995D8 second address: B995DC instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: B9D141 second address: B9D16E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jng 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c jng 00007FABF0D68622h 0x00000012 pushad 0x00000013 push ecx 0x00000014 pop ecx 0x00000015 jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x0000001a push eax 0x0000001b push edx 0x0000001c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AB3193 second address: AB3197 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AB3197 second address: AB319D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AB319D second address: AB31A3 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AB31A3 second address: AB31DB instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0D68601h 0x00000007 push edi 0x00000008 push esi 0x00000009 pop esi 0x0000000a push edi 0x0000000b pop edi 0x0000000c pop edi 0x0000000d pop edx 0x0000000e pop eax 0x0000000f pushad 0x00000010 push eax 0x00000011 push edx 0x00000012 push ebx 0x00000013 pop ebx 0x00000014 jmp 00007FABF0D68608h 0x00000019 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AB31DB second address: AB31E6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push edi 0x00000003 pop edi 0x00000004 push ebx 0x00000005 pop ebx 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA5C0F second address: BA5C6D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D685FDh 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a pushad 0x0000000b popad 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0D68606h 0x00000011 jnp 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000017 jmp 00007FABF0D685FFh 0x0000001c popad 0x0000001d pop edx 0x0000001e push eax 0x0000001f push edx 0x00000020 jmp 00007FABF0D68605h 0x00000025 push eax 0x00000026 push edx 0x00000027 pushad 0x00000028 popad 0x00000029 pushad 0x0000002a popad 0x0000002b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA5C6D second address: BA5C71 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA5C71 second address: BA5C77 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA46B7 second address: BA46C9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Ch 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA46C9 second address: BA46D8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 je 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a popad 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d pushad 0x0000000e popad 0x0000000f rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA46D8 second address: BA46EF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Fh 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 push eax 0x0000000a push edx 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA46EF second address: BA46F3 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA46F3 second address: BA46F7 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA49D2 second address: BA49D6 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA49D6 second address: BA49E4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 jng 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA49E4 second address: BA49F0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 jg 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA4DF1 second address: BA4E1C instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B54h 0x00000009 pop edx 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b pushad 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x00000011 push eax 0x00000012 push edx 0x00000013 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA4E1C second address: BA4E22 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA4E22 second address: BA4E27 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA8DC2 second address: BA8DDF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0D68609h 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BA8DDF second address: BA8E11 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B56h 0x00000007 pushad 0x00000008 popad 0x00000009 pop edx 0x0000000a pop eax 0x0000000b push ecx 0x0000000c jmp 00007FABF0F31B53h 0x00000011 push eax 0x00000012 push edx 0x00000013 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BB6465 second address: BB648D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 jng 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000a jmp 00007FABF0D68609h 0x0000000f popad 0x00000010 push eax 0x00000011 push edx 0x00000012 push eax 0x00000013 push edx 0x00000014 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BB648D second address: BB6497 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 js 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000a rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BBDBEF second address: BBDBF3 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BBF545 second address: BBF555 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jng 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 jno 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000000e pop edx 0x0000000f pop eax 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BBF555 second address: BBF55D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 pushad 0x00000007 popad 0x00000008 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BB8755 second address: BB875B instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BB875B second address: BB875F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BB875F second address: BB8796 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push esi 0x00000003 pop esi 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 jnl 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x0000000c js 00007FABF0F31B6Dh 0x00000012 push eax 0x00000013 push edx 0x00000014 jmp 00007FABF0F31B59h 0x00000019 push eax 0x0000001a push edx 0x0000001b rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BB8796 second address: BB879A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BCC2E3 second address: BCC313 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 je 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x00000008 pushad 0x00000009 popad 0x0000000a pop edx 0x0000000b pop eax 0x0000000c pop edi 0x0000000d push eax 0x0000000e push edx 0x0000000f jng 00007FABF0F31B61h 0x00000015 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BDFBC3 second address: BDFBE2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pushad 0x00000005 popad 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 jl 00007FABF0D6862Ch 0x0000000e push ecx 0x0000000f jmp 00007FABF0D685FEh 0x00000014 push eax 0x00000015 push edx 0x00000016 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BDFBE2 second address: BDFBF9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ecx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push edx 0x00000007 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x0000000c push eax 0x0000000d push edx 0x0000000e rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BDFBF9 second address: BDFBFD instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE48B7 second address: BE48C4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 jng 00007FABF0F31B59h 0x0000000b push eax 0x0000000c push edx 0x0000000d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE4088 second address: BE4098 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 push eax 0x00000007 push edx 0x00000008 jg 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x0000000e push eax 0x0000000f pop eax 0x00000010 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE41EB second address: BE4206 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 jmp 00007FABF0F31B57h 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE4206 second address: BE420A instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE4492 second address: BE449E instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push esi 0x00000005 pop esi 0x00000006 pop edi 0x00000007 pop ecx 0x00000008 push edi 0x00000009 push ebx 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE86DD second address: BE86E2 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 popad 0x00000005 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE86E2 second address: BE86E8 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE86E8 second address: BE86EC instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE86EC second address: BE86F0 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE86F0 second address: BE8702 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 push eax 0x00000009 push edx 0x0000000a push eax 0x0000000b push edx 0x0000000c jns 00007FABF0D685F6h 0x00000012 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE89EC second address: BE8A4F instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B58h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 mov dword ptr [esp], eax 0x0000000c jns 00007FABF0F31B47h 0x00000012 stc 0x00000013 movsx edx, bx 0x00000016 push 00000004h 0x00000018 push ecx 0x00000019 mov dl, A0h 0x0000001b pop edx 0x0000001c call 00007FABF0F31B49h 0x00000021 push eax 0x00000022 pushad 0x00000023 pushad 0x00000024 popad 0x00000025 jmp 00007FABF0F31B53h 0x0000002a popad 0x0000002b pop eax 0x0000002c push eax 0x0000002d pushad 0x0000002e push eax 0x0000002f push edx 0x00000030 jmp 00007FABF0F31B4Eh 0x00000035 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE8A4F second address: BE8A53 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BE8C32 second address: BE8C6D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop ebx 0x00000005 push eax 0x00000006 push esi 0x00000007 je 00007FABF0F31B55h 0x0000000d pop esi 0x0000000e nop 0x0000000f mov dword ptr [ebp+122D2E99h], ebx 0x00000015 push dword ptr [ebp+122D3557h] 0x0000001b mov edx, edi 0x0000001d push 881EA78Dh 0x00000022 push eax 0x00000023 push edx 0x00000024 push ebx 0x00000025 jg 00007FABF0F31B46h 0x0000002b pop ebx 0x0000002c rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BEA521 second address: BEA525 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BEA0F3 second address: BEA0F9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push ebx 0x00000003 pop ebx 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BEA0F9 second address: BEA0FF instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BEA0FF second address: BEA105 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BEA105 second address: BEA109 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: BEA109 second address: BEA10D instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 4F802B5 second address: 4F802B9 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 4F802B9 second address: 4F802D4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 jmp 00007FABF0F31B57h 0x00000007 pop edx 0x00000008 pop eax 0x00000009 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 4F8036A second address: 4F80370 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 push eax 0x00000005 push edx 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 4F80370 second address: 4F80374 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: 4F80374 second address: 4F803A4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pushad 0x00000003 popad 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 pop edx 0x00000007 pop eax 0x00000008 push ecx 0x00000009 pushad 0x0000000a movzx esi, dx 0x0000000d push ebx 0x0000000e mov di, cx 0x00000011 pop eax 0x00000012 popad 0x00000013 mov dword ptr [esp], ebp 0x00000016 push eax 0x00000017 push edx 0x00000018 jmp 00007FABF0D68608h 0x0000001d rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFCCB0 second address: AFCCB4 instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 push eax 0x00000003 push edx 0x00000004 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe RDTSC instruction interceptor: First address: AFCCB4 second address: AFCCBA instructions: 0x00000000 rdtsc 0x00000002 pop edx 0x00000003 pop eax 0x00000004 pop edx 0x00000005 pop eax 0x00000006 rdtsc
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Special instruction interceptor: First address: 94F937 instructions caused by: Self-modifying code
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Special instruction interceptor: First address: 94FA30 instructions caused by: Self-modifying code
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Special instruction interceptor: First address: AF3DF3 instructions caused by: Self-modifying code
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Special instruction interceptor: First address: 94D366 instructions caused by: Self-modifying code
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Special instruction interceptor: First address: B7DDF2 instructions caused by: Self-modifying code
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Registry key queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000 name: DriverDesc Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Registry key queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System name: SystemBiosVersion Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Registry key queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System name: VideoBiosVersion Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Evaded block: after key decision
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Evasive API call chain: GetSystemTime,DecisionNodes
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe API coverage: 4.7 %
Source: all processes Thread injection, dropped files, key value created, disk infection and DNS query: no activity detected
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007118A0 lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_007118A0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00713910 wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_00713910
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00711269 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_00711269
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00711250 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_00711250
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071E210 wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,wsprintfA,PathMatchSpecA,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0071E210
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00714B29 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA, 0_2_00714B29
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00714B10 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_00714B10
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071CBE0 wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,lstrcat,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,PathMatchSpecA,CoInitialize,CoUninitialize,lstrcat,lstrlen,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,wsprintfA,PathMatchSpecA,wsprintfA,CopyFileA,CreateFileA,GetFileSizeEx,CloseHandle,CloseHandle,__ehfuncinfo$??2@YAPAXIABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0071CBE0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007123A9 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA, 0_2_007123A9
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00712390 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,StrCmpCA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA, 0_2_00712390
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0070DB99 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0070DB99
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0070DB80 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,StrCmpCA,DeleteFileA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0070DB80
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071DD30 GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,wsprintfA,CopyFileA,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrlen,lstrcpy, 0_2_0071DD30
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_0071D530 wsprintfA,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_0071D530
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007016B9 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA, 0_2_007016B9
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007016A0 lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,FindFirstFileA,StrCmpCA,StrCmpCA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,GetFileAttributesA,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,CopyFileA,lstrcpy,lstrcpy,DeleteFileA,FindNextFileA,FindClose, 0_2_007016A0
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00721BF0 lstrcpy,ExitProcess,GetSystemInfo,ExitProcess,GetUserDefaultLangID,ExitProcess,ExitProcess,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrlen,lstrcpy,lstrcat,lstrcpy,OpenEventA,CloseHandle,Sleep,OpenEventA,CreateEventA,CloseHandle,ExitProcess, 0_2_00721BF0
Source: file.exe, file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085312961.0000000000AD5000.00000040.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp Binary or memory string: HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001136000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp, file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001119000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp Binary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.00000000010BE000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp Binary or memory string: VMwareVMware
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085312961.0000000000AD5000.00000040.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp Binary or memory string: Restart now?\\.\Oreans.vxd%s\Oreans.vxdXprotEventHARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__SeShutdownPrivilegeSoftware\WinLicenseCreateEvent API Error while extraction the driverGetEnvironmentVariable API Error while extraction the driverOpenSCManager API Error while extraction the driverCreateService API Error while extraction the driverCloseServiceHandle API Error while extraction the driverOpenService API Error while extraction the driverStartService API Error while extraction the driverAPIC error: Cannot find Processors Control Blocks. Please,
Source: file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085798410.0000000001106000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp Binary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe API call chain: ExitProcess graph end node
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe API call chain: ExitProcess graph end node
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe API call chain: ExitProcess graph end node
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe API call chain: ExitProcess graph end node
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe API call chain: ExitProcess graph end node
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe API call chain: ExitProcess graph end node
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe System information queried: ModuleInformation Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Process information queried: ProcessInformation Jump to behavior

Anti Debugging

Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Thread information set: HideFromDebugger Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Open window title or class name: regmonclass
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Open window title or class name: gbdyllo
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Open window title or class name: process monitor - sysinternals:
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Open window title or class name: procmon_window_class
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Open window title or class name: registry monitor - sysinternals:
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Open window title or class name: ollydbg
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Open window title or class name: filemonclass
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Open window title or class name: file monitor - sysinternals:
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe File opened: NTICE
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe File opened: SICE
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe File opened: SIWVID
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Process queried: DebugPort Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Process queried: DebugPort Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Process queried: DebugPort Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00704A60 VirtualProtect 00000000,00000004,00000100,? 0_2_00704A60
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00726390 GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,LoadLibraryA,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress,GetProcAddress, 0_2_00726390
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00726390 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h] 0_2_00726390
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00722A40 GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,GetUserNameA, 0_2_00722A40
Source: all processes Thread injection, dropped files, key value created, disk infection and DNS query: no activity detected
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Memory protected: page guard Jump to behavior

HIPS / PFW / Operating System Protection Evasion

Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: file.exe PID: 2804, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00724610 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot,Process32First,Process32Next,StrCmpCA,Process32Next,CloseHandle, 0_2_00724610
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_007246A0 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot,Process32First,Process32Next,StrCmpCA,OpenProcess,TerminateProcess,CloseHandle,Process32Next,CloseHandle, 0_2_007246A0
Source: file.exe, file.exe, 00000000.00000002.2085312961.0000000000AD5000.00000040.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp Binary or memory string: rProgram Manager
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: GetKeyboardLayoutList,LocalAlloc,GetKeyboardLayoutList,GetLocaleInfoA,LocalFree, 0_2_00722D60
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Queries volume information: C:\ VolumeInformation Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00722B60 GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,GetLocalTime,wsprintfA, 0_2_00722B60
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00722A40 GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,GetUserNameA, 0_2_00722A40
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.exe Code function: 0_2_00722C10 GetProcessHeap,RtlAllocateHeap,GetTimeZoneInformation,wsprintfA, 0_2_00722C10

Stealing of Sensitive Information

Source: Yara match File source: 00000000.00000003.2044462951.0000000004E20000.00000004.00001000.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 00000000.00000002.2085133924.0000000000701000.00000040.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 00000000.00000002.2085798410.00000000010BE000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: file.exe PID: 2804, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: dump.pcap, type: PCAP

Remote Access Functionality

Source: Yara match File source: 00000000.00000003.2044462951.0000000004E20000.00000004.00001000.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 00000000.00000002.2085133924.0000000000701000.00000040.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: 00000000.00000002.2085798410.00000000010BE000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
Source: Yara match File source: Process Memory Space: file.exe PID: 2804, type: MEMORYSTR
Source: Yara match File source: dump.pcap, type: PCAP
  • No. of IPs < 25%
  • 25% < No. of IPs < 50%
  • 50% < No. of IPs < 75%
  • 75% < No. of IPs