Edit tour
Analysis Report
General Information
Sample name: | k1iZHyRK6K.exerenamed because original name is a hash value |
Original sample name: | 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146.exe |
Analysis ID: | 1547752 |
MD5: | 5780dbae6ac61a88c8d89f216f324146 |
SHA1: | cebcebedc7aaea3a4dd1fbec933cd169bf92e9dc |
SHA256: | 4b1967b04039c9b7a23651043b38c895cca2eb560de30a960368f82549079605 |
Tags: | DCRatexeuser-abuse_ch |
Infos: | |
Score: | 100 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Antivirus detection for dropped file
Found malware configuration
Multi AV Scanner detection for domain / URL
Multi AV Scanner detection for dropped file
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Suricata IDS alerts for network traffic
Yara detected DCRat
.NET source code contains potential unpacker
.NET source code contains very large strings
.NET source code references suspicious native API functions
AI detected suspicious sample
Creates an undocumented autostart registry key
Creates multiple autostart registry keys
Creates processes via WMI
Drops executable to a common third party application directory
Infects executable files (exe, dll, sys, html)
Machine Learning detection for dropped file
Machine Learning detection for sample
Queries sensitive video device information (via WMI, Win32_VideoController, often done to detect virtual machines)
Sample uses string decryption to hide its real strings
Sigma detected: Dot net compiler compiles file from suspicious location
Sigma detected: Files With System Process Name In Unsuspected Locations
Uses ping.exe to check the status of other devices and networks
Uses ping.exe to sleep
Uses schtasks.exe or at.exe to add and modify task schedules
AV process strings found (often used to terminate AV products)
Allocates memory with a write watch (potentially for evading sandboxes)
Checks if Antivirus/Antispyware/Firewall program is installed (via WMI)
Compiles C# or VB.Net code
Contains long sleeps (>= 3 min)
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)
Creates files inside the system directory
Deletes files inside the Windows folder
Detected potential crypto function
Dropped file seen in connection with other malware
Drops PE files
Drops PE files to the windows directory (C:\Windows)
Drops files with a non-matching file extension (content does not match file extension)
Enables debug privileges
Found a high number of Window / User specific system calls (may be a loop to detect user behavior)
Found dropped PE file which has not been started or loaded
HTTP GET or POST without a user agent
IP address seen in connection with other malware
Internet Provider seen in connection with other malware
JA3 SSL client fingerprint seen in connection with other malware
May check the online IP address of the machine
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
Queries sensitive BIOS Information (via WMI, Win32_Bios & Win32_BaseBoard, often done to detect virtual machines)
Queries sensitive Operating System Information (via WMI, Win32_ComputerSystem, often done to detect virtual machines)
Queries sensitive processor information (via WMI, Win32_Processor, often done to detect virtual machines)
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
Sample file is different than original file name gathered from version info
Sigma detected: CurrentVersion Autorun Keys Modification
Sigma detected: CurrentVersion NT Autorun Keys Modification
Sigma detected: Dynamic .NET Compilation Via Csc.EXE
Suricata IDS alerts with low severity for network traffic
Uses 32bit PE files
Uses a known web browser user agent for HTTP communication
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
- System is w10x64
- k1iZHyRK6K.exe (PID: 6828 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Deskt op\k1iZHyR K6K.exe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146) - schtasks.exe (PID: 3120 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 11 /tr "'C:\Progr am Files\A dobe\Acrob at DC\Reso urce\Font\ lMBSkpoWMY aHkUMNHfb. exe'" /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 4144 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfb" /sc ONLOGON / tr "'C:\Pr ogram File s\Adobe\Ac robat DC\R esource\Fo nt\lMBSkpo WMYaHkUMNH fb.exe'" / rl HIGHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 2132 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 12 /tr "'C:\Progr am Files\A dobe\Acrob at DC\Reso urce\Font\ lMBSkpoWMY aHkUMNHfb. exe'" /rl HIGHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - csc.exe (PID: 1148 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\Microsof t.NET\Fram ework64\v4 .0.30319\c sc.exe" /n oconfig /f ullpaths @ "C:\Users\ user\AppDa ta\Local\T emp\rsqbzo fw\rsqbzof w.cmdline" MD5: F65B029562077B648A6A5F6A1AA76A66) - conhost.exe (PID: 2056 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - cvtres.exe (PID: 4008 cmdline:
C:\Windows \Microsoft .NET\Frame work64\v4. 0.30319\cv tres.exe / NOLOGO /RE ADONLY /MA CHINE:IX86 "/OUT:C:\ Users\user \AppData\L ocal\Temp\ RES5941.tm p" "c:\Win dows\Syste m32\CSCC09 3A9EE2E0C4 098883B2A2 65DAA859.T MP" MD5: C877CBB966EA5939AA2A17B6A5160950) - schtasks.exe (PID: 3220 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 9 /tr " 'C:\Progra m Files\Mi crosoft\lM BSkpoWMYaH kUMNHfb.ex e'" /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 3168 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfb" /sc ONLOGON / tr "'C:\Pr ogram File s\Microsof t\lMBSkpoW MYaHkUMNHf b.exe'" /r l HIGHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 6896 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 7 /tr " 'C:\Progra m Files\Mi crosoft\lM BSkpoWMYaH kUMNHfb.ex e'" /rl HI GHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 3592 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 5 /tr " 'C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\window s multimed ia platfor m\lMBSkpoW MYaHkUMNHf b.exe'" /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 2128 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfb" /sc ONLOGON / tr "'C:\Pr ogram File s (x86)\wi ndows mult imedia pla tform\lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfb.exe' " /rl HIGH EST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 2188 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 10 /tr "'C:\Progr am Files ( x86)\windo ws multime dia platfo rm\lMBSkpo WMYaHkUMNH fb.exe'" / rl HIGHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 4008 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 14 /tr "'C:\Users \user\Vide os\lMBSkpo WMYaHkUMNH fb.exe'" / f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 5960 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfb" /sc ONLOGON / tr "'C:\Us ers\user\V ideos\lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfb.exe' " /rl HIGH EST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 5172 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 5 /tr " 'C:\Users\ user\Video s\lMBSkpoW MYaHkUMNHf b.exe'" /r l HIGHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 3736 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 7 /tr " 'C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\window s portable devices\l MBSkpoWMYa HkUMNHfb.e xe'" /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 2312 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfb" /sc ONLOGON / tr "'C:\Pr ogram File s (x86)\wi ndows port able devic es\lMBSkpo WMYaHkUMNH fb.exe'" / rl HIGHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 3228 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "lMBS kpoWMYaHkU MNHfbl" /s c MINUTE / mo 12 /tr "'C:\Progr am Files ( x86)\windo ws portabl e devices\ lMBSkpoWMY aHkUMNHfb. exe'" /rl HIGHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 1368 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "k1iZ HyRK6Kk" / sc MINUTE /mo 8 /tr "'C:\Users \user\Desk top\k1iZHy RK6K.exe'" /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 2056 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "k1iZ HyRK6K" /s c ONLOGON /tr "'C:\U sers\user\ Desktop\k1 iZHyRK6K.e xe'" /rl H IGHEST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - schtasks.exe (PID: 6924 cmdline:
schtasks.e xe /create /tn "k1iZ HyRK6Kk" / sc MINUTE /mo 13 /tr "'C:\User s\user\Des ktop\k1iZH yRK6K.exe' " /rl HIGH EST /f MD5: 76CD6626DD8834BD4A42E6A565104DC2) - cmd.exe (PID: 7260 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \cmd.exe" /C "C:\Use rs\user\Ap pData\Loca l\Temp\Yzu QZSWjCd.ba t" MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 7268 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - chcp.com (PID: 7308 cmdline:
chcp 65001 MD5: 33395C4732A49065EA72590B14B64F32) - PING.EXE (PID: 7324 cmdline:
ping -n 10 localhost MD5: 2F46799D79D22AC72C241EC0322B011D) - k1iZHyRK6K.exe (PID: 7672 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Deskt op\k1iZHyR K6K.exe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- k1iZHyRK6K.exe (PID: 2312 cmdline:
C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\k1iZHyRK 6K.exe MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- k1iZHyRK6K.exe (PID: 4008 cmdline:
C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\k1iZHyRK 6K.exe MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- lMBSkpoWMYaHkUMNHfb.exe (PID: 1368 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\window s portable devices\l MBSkpoWMYa HkUMNHfb.e xe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- lMBSkpoWMYaHkUMNHfb.exe (PID: 6300 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\window s portable devices\l MBSkpoWMYa HkUMNHfb.e xe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- lMBSkpoWMYaHkUMNHfb.exe (PID: 7464 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\window s portable devices\l MBSkpoWMYa HkUMNHfb.e xe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146) - cmd.exe (PID: 7556 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \cmd.exe" /c "C:\Pro gram Files (x86)\win dows porta ble device s\lMBSkpoW MYaHkUMNHf b.exe" MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 7568 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - lMBSkpoWMYaHkUMNHfb.exe (PID: 7616 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\window s portable devices\l MBSkpoWMYa HkUMNHfb.e xe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146) - cmd.exe (PID: 7836 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \cmd.exe" /C "C:\Use rs\user\Ap pData\Loca l\Temp\Jan KBv1Gj5.ba t" MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 7848 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - chcp.com (PID: 7884 cmdline:
chcp 65001 MD5: 33395C4732A49065EA72590B14B64F32) - w32tm.exe (PID: 7900 cmdline:
w32tm /str ipchart /c omputer:lo calhost /p eriod:5 /d ataonly /s amples:2 MD5: 81A82132737224D324A3E8DA993E2FB5) - lMBSkpoWMYaHkUMNHfb.exe (PID: 8032 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\window s portable devices\l MBSkpoWMYa HkUMNHfb.e xe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- k1iZHyRK6K.exe (PID: 8004 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Deskt op\k1iZHyR K6K.exe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- lMBSkpoWMYaHkUMNHfb.exe (PID: 8184 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files (x 86)\window s portable devices\l MBSkpoWMYa HkUMNHfb.e xe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- k1iZHyRK6K.exe (PID: 2084 cmdline:
"C:\Users\ user\Deskt op\k1iZHyR K6K.exe" MD5: 5780DBAE6AC61A88C8D89F216F324146)
- cleanup
Name | Description | Attribution | Blogpost URLs | Link |
DCRat | DCRat is a typical RAT that has been around since at least June 2019. | No Attribution |
{"C2 url": "http://452132cm.n9shteam2.top/Processdownloads", "MUTEX": "DCR_MUTEX-2hFQuLJGsb7uyNm7Vrhw", "Params": {"0": "{SYSTEMDRIVE}/Users/", "1": "true", "2": "false", "3": "true", "4": "true", "5": "true", "6": "true", "7": "false", "8": "true", "9": "true", "10": "true", "11": "true", "12": "true", "13": "true", "14": "true"}}
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_DCRat_1 | Yara detected DCRat | Joe Security |
System Summary |
Source: | Author: Sander Wiebing, Tim Shelton, Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems): |
Source: | Author: Victor Sergeev, Daniil Yugoslavskiy, Gleb Sukhodolskiy, Timur Zinniatullin, oscd.community, Tim Shelton, frack113 (split): |
Source: | Author: Victor Sergeev, Daniil Yugoslavskiy, Gleb Sukhodolskiy, Timur Zinniatullin, oscd.community, Tim Shelton, frack113 (split): |
Source: | Author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), X__Junior (Nextron Systems): |
Source: | Author: frack113: |
Data Obfuscation |
Source: | Author: Joe Security: |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-03T02:32:16.428299+0100 | 2022930 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 443 | | 49734 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:32:57.868359+0100 | 2022930 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 443 | | 49746 | TCP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-03T02:32:13.276414+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49733 | | 80 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:32:36.148392+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49740 | | 80 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:32:44.308445+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49741 | | 80 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:32:52.215984+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49743 | | 80 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:32:53.791671+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49744 | | 80 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:33:16.681374+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49828 | | 80 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:33:25.145277+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49865 | | 80 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:33:27.261821+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49875 | | 80 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:33:33.650847+0100 | 2048095 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 49903 | | 80 | TCP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-03T02:32:00.954111+0100 | 2803305 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49731 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-03T02:32:01.938898+0100 | 2803305 | 3 | Unknown Traffic | | 49732 | | 443 | TCP |
Click to jump to signature section
Show All Signature Results
AV Detection |
Source: | Avira: |
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: | ||
Source: | Avira: |
Source: | Malware Configuration Extractor: |
Source: | Virustotal: | Perma Link | ||
Source: | Virustotal: | Perma Link |
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: | ||
Source: | ReversingLabs: |
Source: | ReversingLabs: | |||
Source: | Virustotal: | Perma Link |
Source: | Integrated Neural Analysis Model: |
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: | ||
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: |
Source: | Joe Sandbox ML: |
Source: | String decryptor: | ||
Source: | String decryptor: | ||
Source: | String decryptor: |
Source: | Static PE information: |
Source: | Directory created: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | Directory created: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | Directory created: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | Directory created: | Jump to behavior |
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: |
Source: | Static PE information: |
Source: | Binary string: |
Spreading |
Source: | System file written: | Jump to behavior |
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File opened: | Jump to behavior |
Networking |
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: |
Source: | Process created: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |
Source: | IP Address: | ||
Source: | IP Address: | ||
Source: | IP Address: |
Source: | ASN Name: |
Source: | JA3 fingerprint: |
Source: | DNS query: |
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: | ||
Source: | Suricata IDS: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: | ||
Source: | UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: | ||
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |
Source: | DNS traffic detected: | ||
Source: | DNS traffic detected: |
Source: | HTTP traffic detected: |
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: | ||
Source: | String found in binary or memory: |
Source: | Network traffic detected: | ||
Source: | Network traffic detected: | ||
Source: | Network traffic detected: | ||
Source: | Network traffic detected: | ||
Source: | Network traffic detected: | ||
Source: | Network traffic detected: |
Source: | HTTPS traffic detected: |
System Summary |
Source: | Long String: |
Source: | File created: | Jump to behavior | ||
Source: | File created: | Jump to behavior |
Source: | File deleted: | Jump to behavior |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B878028 | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B87C425 | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B87C350 | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B878E70 | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B871222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B8793A1 | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B878E7F | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B8848EE | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B9F0B12 | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B9E195A | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B9F33AA | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B9F331A | |
Source: | Code function: | 0_2_00007FFD9B9EFD66 | |
Source: | Code function: | 22_2_00007FFD9B8A1222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 23_2_00007FFD9B891222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 24_2_00007FFD9B891222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 25_2_00007FFD9B891222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 30_2_00007FFD9BAA8028 | |
Source: | Code function: | 30_2_00007FFD9BAAC425 | |
Source: | Code function: | 30_2_00007FFD9BAAC350 | |
Source: | Code function: | 30_2_00007FFD9BAA8E70 | |
Source: | Code function: | 30_2_00007FFD9BAA1222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 30_2_00007FFD9BAA8E7F | |
Source: | Code function: | 30_2_00007FFD9BAB48EE | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BAB8028 | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BABC425 | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BABC350 | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BAB8E70 | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BAB1222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BAB93A1 | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BAB8E7F | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BAC48EE | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BC33E82 | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BC2195A | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BC330D6 | |
Source: | Code function: | 35_2_00007FFD9BC3A08E | |
Source: | Code function: | 36_2_00007FFD9BAA1222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 42_2_00007FFD9BAB1222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 43_2_00007FFD9BA91222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 46_2_00007FFD9BA91222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 47_2_00007FFD9BAA8028 | |
Source: | Code function: | 47_2_00007FFD9BAA1222 | |
Source: | Code function: | 47_2_00007FFD9BAA8E7F | |
Source: | Code function: | 47_2_00007FFD9BAAC425 | |
Source: | Code function: | 47_2_00007FFD9BAAC350 | |
Source: | Code function: | 47_2_00007FFD9BC1195A |
Source: | Dropped File: |
Source: | Binary or memory string: | ||
Source: | Binary or memory string: | ||
Source: | Binary or memory string: | ||
Source: | Binary or memory string: | ||
Source: | Binary or memory string: | ||
Source: | Binary or memory string: | ||
Source: | Binary or memory string: | ||
Source: | Binary or memory string: | ||
Source: | Binary or memory string: |
Source: | Static PE information: |
Source: | Cryptographic APIs: | ||
Source: | Cryptographic APIs: | ||
Source: | Cryptographic APIs: |
Source: | Base64 encoded string: | ||
Source: | Base64 encoded string: | ||
Source: | Base64 encoded string: | ||
Source: | Base64 encoded string: |