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Windows Analysis Report


General Information

Sample name:LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe
Analysis ID:1481468


Range:0 - 100


Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Found malware configuration
Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Yara detected Njrat
.NET source code contains potential unpacker
Contains functionality to disable the Task Manager (.Net Source)
Contains functionality to spread to USB devices (.Net source)
Machine Learning detection for sample
PE file contains section with special chars
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)
Detected non-DNS traffic on DNS port
Entry point lies outside standard sections
IP address seen in connection with other malware
JA3 SSL client fingerprint seen in connection with other malware
May infect USB drives
PE file contains sections with non-standard names
Stores files to the Windows start menu directory
Uses 32bit PE files
Yara signature match


  • System is w10x64
  • LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe (PID: 7492 cmdline: "C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe" MD5: 01DA9EA1CC55C02A1755B20A4EC69F05)
    • chrome.exe (PID: 7676 cmdline: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4)
      • chrome.exe (PID: 7900 cmdline: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2172 --field-trial-handle=1904,i,3045040594546194306,8046493471930814901,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4)
    • chrome.exe (PID: 3552 cmdline: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4)
      • chrome.exe (PID: 4508 cmdline: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2128 --field-trial-handle=1888,i,6999489819283979014,13540749176578719827,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8 MD5: 45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4)
  • cleanup
NameDescriptionAttributionBlogpost URLsLink
NjRATRedPacket Security describes NJRat as "a remote access trojan (RAT) has capabilities to log keystrokes, access the victim's camera, steal credentials stored in browsers, open a reverse shell, upload/download files, view the victim's desktop, perform process, file, and registry manipulations, and capabilities to let the attacker update, uninstall, restart, close, disconnect the RAT and rename its campaign ID. Through the Command & Control (CnC) server software, the attacker has capabilities to create and configure the malware to spread through USB drives."It is supposedly popular with actors in the Middle East. Similar to other RATs, many leaked builders may be backdoored.
  • Earth Lusca
  • Operation C-Major
  • The Gorgon Group
{"Campaign ID": "Lmao", "Version": "0.7d", "Install Name": "496779573766ea94e8f182410716b25d", "Install Dir": "Adobe Update", "Registry Value": "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", "Network Seprator": "|'|'|"}
LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeJoeSecurity_NjratYara detected NjratJoe Security
    • 0x115d2:$a1: get_Registry
    • 0x15a27:$a2: SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS
    • 0x156c9:$a3: Download ERROR
    • 0x15c79:$a4: cmd.exe /c ping 0 -n 2 & del "
    • 0x13c06:$a5: netsh firewall delete allowedprogram "
    LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeNjratdetect njRAT in memoryJPCERT/CC Incident Response Group
    • 0x15a27:$reg: SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS
    • 0x156ad:$msg: Execute ERROR
    • 0x15701:$msg: Execute ERROR
    • 0x15c79:$ping: cmd.exe /c ping 0 -n 2 & del
    LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeMALWARE_Win_NjRATDetects NjRAT / BladabindiditekSHen
    • 0x13c06:$s1: netsh firewall delete allowedprogram
    • 0x13c58:$s2: netsh firewall add allowedprogram
    • 0x15c79:$s3: 63 00 6D 00 64 00 2E 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 20 00 2F 00 63 00 20 00 70 00 69 00 6E 00 67
    • 0x156ad:$s4: Execute ERROR
    • 0x15701:$s4: Execute ERROR
    • 0x156c9:$s5: Download ERROR
    00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmpJoeSecurity_NjratYara detected NjratJoe Security
      • 0x113d2:$a1: get_Registry
      • 0x15827:$a2: SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS
      • 0x154c9:$a3: Download ERROR
      • 0x15a79:$a4: cmd.exe /c ping 0 -n 2 & del "
      • 0x13a06:$a5: netsh firewall delete allowedprogram "
      00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmpNjratdetect njRAT in memoryJPCERT/CC Incident Response Group
      • 0x15827:$reg: SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS
      • 0x154ad:$msg: Execute ERROR
      • 0x15501:$msg: Execute ERROR
      • 0x15a79:$ping: cmd.exe /c ping 0 -n 2 & del
      Process Memory Space: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe PID: 7492JoeSecurity_NjratYara detected NjratJoe Security
        0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpackJoeSecurity_NjratYara detected NjratJoe Security
          • 0x115d2:$a1: get_Registry
          • 0x15a27:$a2: SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS
          • 0x156c9:$a3: Download ERROR
          • 0x15c79:$a4: cmd.exe /c ping 0 -n 2 & del "
          • 0x13c06:$a5: netsh firewall delete allowedprogram "
          0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpackNjratdetect njRAT in memoryJPCERT/CC Incident Response Group
          • 0x15a27:$reg: SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS
          • 0x156ad:$msg: Execute ERROR
          • 0x15701:$msg: Execute ERROR
          • 0x15c79:$ping: cmd.exe /c ping 0 -n 2 & del
          0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpackMALWARE_Win_NjRATDetects NjRAT / BladabindiditekSHen
          • 0x13c06:$s1: netsh firewall delete allowedprogram
          • 0x13c58:$s2: netsh firewall add allowedprogram
          • 0x15c79:$s3: 63 00 6D 00 64 00 2E 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 20 00 2F 00 63 00 20 00 70 00 69 00 6E 00 67
          • 0x156ad:$s4: Execute ERROR
          • 0x15701:$s4: Execute ERROR
          • 0x156c9:$s5: Download ERROR
          No Sigma rule has matched
          No Snort rule has matched
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49726
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49737
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49737
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:60450
          Classtype:A Network Trojan was detected
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49726
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49726
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49737
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49737
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49726
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49726
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49760
          Classtype:A Network Trojan was detected
          Source Port:443
          Destination Port:49737
          Classtype:Potentially Bad Traffic

          Click to jump to signature section

          Show All Signature Results

          AV Detection

          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeAvira: detected
          Source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpackMalware Configuration Extractor: Njrat {"Campaign ID": "Lmao", "Version": "0.7d", "Install Name": "496779573766ea94e8f182410716b25d", "Install Dir": "Adobe Update", "Registry Value": "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", "Network Seprator": "|'|'|"}
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 97%
          Source: Yara matchFile source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLE
          Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
          Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORY
          Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe PID: 7492, type: MEMORYSTR
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeJoe Sandbox ML: detected
          Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/application-not-started?version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0HTTP Parser: No favicon
          Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/application-not-started?version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0HTTP Parser: No favicon
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic PE information: EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE
          Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
          Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
          Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
          Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic PE information: DYNAMIC_BASE, NX_COMPAT, NO_SEH, TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE


          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, Usb1.cs.Net Code: infect
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmpBinary or memory string: \autorun.inf
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmpBinary or memory string: [autorun]
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmpBinary or memory string: autorun.inf
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeBinary or memory string: \autorun.inf
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeBinary or memory string: [autorun]
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeBinary or memory string: autorun.inf
          Source: global trafficTCP traffic: ->
          Source: Joe Sandbox ViewIP Address:
          Source: Joe Sandbox ViewIP Address:
          Source: Joe Sandbox ViewIP Address:
          Source: Joe Sandbox ViewIP Address:
          Source: Joe Sandbox ViewJA3 fingerprint: 28a2c9bd18a11de089ef85a160da29e4
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
          Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /mscc/lib/v2/wcp-consent.js HTTP/1.1Host: wcpstatic.microsoft.comConnection: keep-alivesec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="117", "Not;A=Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="117"sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"Accept: */*Sec-Fetch-Site: same-siteSec-Fetch-Mode: no-corsSec-Fetch-Dest: scriptReferer: https://learn.microsoft.com/Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, brAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
          Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /scripts/c/ms.jsll-4.min.js HTTP/1.1Host: js.monitor.azure.comConnection: keep-alivesec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="117", "Not;A=Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="117"sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"Accept: */*Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-siteSec-Fetch-Mode: no-corsSec-Fetch-Dest: scriptReferer: https://learn.microsoft.com/Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, brAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
          Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /fs/windows/config.json HTTP/1.1Connection: Keep-AliveAccept: */*Accept-Encoding: identityIf-Unmodified-Since: Tue, 16 May 2017 22:58:00 GMTRange: bytes=0-2147483646User-Agent: Microsoft BITS/7.8Host: fs.microsoft.com
          Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /mscc/lib/v2/wcp-consent.js HTTP/1.1Host: wcpstatic.microsoft.comConnection: keep-aliveUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36Accept: */*Sec-Fetch-Site: noneSec-Fetch-Mode: corsSec-Fetch-Dest: emptyAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, brAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
          Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /scripts/c/ms.jsll-4.min.js HTTP/1.1Host: js.monitor.azure.comConnection: keep-aliveUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36Accept: */*Sec-Fetch-Site: noneSec-Fetch-Mode: corsSec-Fetch-Dest: emptyAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, brAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
          Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /SLS/%7B522D76A4-93E1-47F8-B8CE-07C937AD1A1E%7D/x64/10.0.19045.2006/0?CH=700&L=en-GB&P=&PT=0x30&WUA=10.0.19041.1949&MK=3FgPvgo5hwHzvrg&MD=TArSOtKe HTTP/1.1Connection: Keep-AliveAccept: */*User-Agent: Windows-Update-Agent/10.0.10011.16384 Client-Protocol/2.33Host: slscr.update.microsoft.com
          Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /SLS/%7BE7A50285-D08D-499D-9FF8-180FDC2332BC%7D/x64/10.0.19045.2006/0?CH=700&L=en-GB&P=&PT=0x30&WUA=10.0.19041.1949&MK=3FgPvgo5hwHzvrg&MD=TArSOtKe HTTP/1.1Connection: Keep-AliveAccept: */*User-Agent: Windows-Update-Agent/10.0.10011.16384 Client-Protocol/2.33Host: slscr.update.microsoft.com
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=${s}" equals www.facebook.com (Facebook)
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: href="https://www.linkedin.com/cws/share?url=${s}" equals www.linkedin.com (Linkedin)
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: </section>`}function Ise(e=hT,t=Gd){return Ha(UB,e,t)}function Pse(e=TT,t=yT){return Ha(aB,e,t)}var yI=(s=>(s.facebook="facebook",s.twitter="twitter",s.linkedin="linkedin",s.email="email",s.weibo="weibo",s))(yI||{}),xke={facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={url}",twitter:"https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer={url}&text={achievementCopy}&tw_p=tweetbutton&url={url}",linkedin:"https://www.linkedin.com/feed/?shareActive=true&text={body}",email:"mailto:?subject={subject}&body={body}",weibo:"http://service.weibo.com/share/share.php?title={title}&url={url}"};function ex(e,t,n){let o=encodeURIComponent(t),r=new URL(e);r.hostname="learn.microsoft.com";let s=r.href+=(e.indexOf("?")!==-1?"&":"?")+"WT.mc_id=",i=R.sharingId?`&sharingId=${R.sharingId}`:"";return Object.values(yI).reduce((l,c)=>{if(_.data.isPermissioned)return l[c]="#",l;let u=encodeURIComponent(s+c+i),d=n?.achievementCopyTitle?.overrideTitle??t,p=encodeURIComponent(c8.replace("{achievementTitle}",n?.achievementCopyTitle?.isUnquoted?`${d}`:`"${d}"`)),g={achievementCopy:p,url:u,title:o,body:`${p}${encodeURIComponent(` equals www.facebook.com (Facebook)
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: </section>`}function Ise(e=hT,t=Gd){return Ha(UB,e,t)}function Pse(e=TT,t=yT){return Ha(aB,e,t)}var yI=(s=>(s.facebook="facebook",s.twitter="twitter",s.linkedin="linkedin",s.email="email",s.weibo="weibo",s))(yI||{}),xke={facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={url}",twitter:"https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer={url}&text={achievementCopy}&tw_p=tweetbutton&url={url}",linkedin:"https://www.linkedin.com/feed/?shareActive=true&text={body}",email:"mailto:?subject={subject}&body={body}",weibo:"http://service.weibo.com/share/share.php?title={title}&url={url}"};function ex(e,t,n){let o=encodeURIComponent(t),r=new URL(e);r.hostname="learn.microsoft.com";let s=r.href+=(e.indexOf("?")!==-1?"&":"?")+"WT.mc_id=",i=R.sharingId?`&sharingId=${R.sharingId}`:"";return Object.values(yI).reduce((l,c)=>{if(_.data.isPermissioned)return l[c]="#",l;let u=encodeURIComponent(s+c+i),d=n?.achievementCopyTitle?.overrideTitle??t,p=encodeURIComponent(c8.replace("{achievementTitle}",n?.achievementCopyTitle?.isUnquoted?`${d}`:`"${d}"`)),g={achievementCopy:p,url:u,title:o,body:`${p}${encodeURIComponent(` equals www.linkedin.com (Linkedin)
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: </section>`}function Ise(e=hT,t=Gd){return Ha(UB,e,t)}function Pse(e=TT,t=yT){return Ha(aB,e,t)}var yI=(s=>(s.facebook="facebook",s.twitter="twitter",s.linkedin="linkedin",s.email="email",s.weibo="weibo",s))(yI||{}),xke={facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={url}",twitter:"https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer={url}&text={achievementCopy}&tw_p=tweetbutton&url={url}",linkedin:"https://www.linkedin.com/feed/?shareActive=true&text={body}",email:"mailto:?subject={subject}&body={body}",weibo:"http://service.weibo.com/share/share.php?title={title}&url={url}"};function ex(e,t,n){let o=encodeURIComponent(t),r=new URL(e);r.hostname="learn.microsoft.com";let s=r.href+=(e.indexOf("?")!==-1?"&":"?")+"WT.mc_id=",i=R.sharingId?`&sharingId=${R.sharingId}`:"";return Object.values(yI).reduce((l,c)=>{if(_.data.isPermissioned)return l[c]="#",l;let u=encodeURIComponent(s+c+i),d=n?.achievementCopyTitle?.overrideTitle??t,p=encodeURIComponent(c8.replace("{achievementTitle}",n?.achievementCopyTitle?.isUnquoted?`${d}`:`"${d}"`)),g={achievementCopy:p,url:u,title:o,body:`${p}${encodeURIComponent(` equals www.twitter.com (Twitter)
          Source: global trafficDNS traffic detected: DNS query: mdec.nelreports.net
          Source: global trafficDNS traffic detected: DNS query: www.google.com
          Source: global trafficDNS traffic detected: DNS query: js.monitor.azure.com
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: http://schema.org/Organization
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://aka.ms/ContentUserFeedback
          Source: chromecache_161.5.dr, chromecache_159.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://aka.ms/DP600/Plan/LearnT2?ocid=fabric24-dp600plan_learnpromo_T2_ad
          Source: chromecache_161.5.dr, chromecache_159.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://aka.ms/LFO_Events?wt.mc_id=esi_lfobannerevents_webpage_wwl
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://aka.ms/certhelp
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://aka.ms/feedback/report?space=61
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://aka.ms/pshelpmechoose
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://aka.ms/yourcaliforniaprivacychoices
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://authoring-docs-microsoft.poolparty.biz/devrel/69c76c32-967e-4c65-b89a-74cc527db725
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://authoring-docs-microsoft.poolparty.biz/devrel/7696cda6-0510-47f6-8302-71bb5d2e28cf
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://aznb-ame-prod.azureedge.net/component/$
          Source: chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://channel9.msdn.com/
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://client-api.arkoselabs.com/v2/api.js
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/$
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/Thraka
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/Youssef1313
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/adegeo
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/17c4acca45e573a92878a44a2cce57d699fe9c7c/docs/framework/install/
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/live/docs/framework/install/application-not-started.md
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/main/docs/framework/install/application-not-started.md
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/dotnet/docs/issues
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/dotnet/docs/issues/new?template=z-customer-feedback.yml
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/dotnet/try
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/gewarren
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-plain-object
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/mairaw
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/nschonni
          Source: chromecache_162.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://js.monitor.azure.com/scripts/c/ms.jsll-4.min.js
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://learn-video.azurefd.net/
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://learn-video.azurefd.net/vod/player
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Portal/consoles/default?api-version=2017-12-01-prev
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Portal/userSettings/cloudconsole?api-version=2017-0
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions?api-version=2016-06-01
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://octokit.github.io/rest.js/#throttling
          Source: chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://schema.org
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=$
          Source: chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drString found in binary or memory: https://www.linkedin.com/cws/share?url=$
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49720
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49672 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49676 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49760
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49727 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49704 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49725 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49760 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49719 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49720 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 60453
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 60450
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 60450 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49719
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49732
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49673 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49730
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49732 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49730 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49671 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49724 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 60453 -> 443
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49727
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49704
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49725
          Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49724
          Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
          Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
          Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
          Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2

          E-Banking Fraud

          Source: Yara matchFile source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLE
          Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
          Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORY
          Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe PID: 7492, type: MEMORYSTR

          System Summary

          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Njrat_30f3c220 Author: unknown
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: detect njRAT in memory Author: JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Detects NjRAT / Bladabindi Author: ditekSHen
          Source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Njrat_30f3c220 Author: unknown
          Source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: detect njRAT in memory Author: JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group
          Source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NjRAT / Bladabindi Author: ditekSHen
          Source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Njrat_30f3c220 Author: unknown
          Source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: detect njRAT in memory Author: JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic PE information: section name: >|u
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic PE information: EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Njrat_30f3c220 reference_sample = 741a0f3954499c11f9eddc8df7c31e7c59ca41f1a7005646735b8b1d53438c1b, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Njrat, fingerprint = d15e131bca6beddcaecb20fffaff1784ad8a33a25e7ce90f7450d1a362908cc4, id = 30f3c220-b8dc-45a1-bcf0-027c2f76fa63, last_modified = 2021-10-04
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Njrat hash1 = d5f63213ce11798879520b0e9b0d1b68d55f7727758ec8c120e370699a41379d, author = JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group, description = detect njRAT in memory, rule_usage = memory scan
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NjRAT author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NjRAT / Bladabindi
          Source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Njrat_30f3c220 reference_sample = 741a0f3954499c11f9eddc8df7c31e7c59ca41f1a7005646735b8b1d53438c1b, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Njrat, fingerprint = d15e131bca6beddcaecb20fffaff1784ad8a33a25e7ce90f7450d1a362908cc4, id = 30f3c220-b8dc-45a1-bcf0-027c2f76fa63, last_modified = 2021-10-04
          Source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Njrat hash1 = d5f63213ce11798879520b0e9b0d1b68d55f7727758ec8c120e370699a41379d, author = JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group, description = detect njRAT in memory, rule_usage = memory scan
          Source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NjRAT author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NjRAT / Bladabindi
          Source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Njrat_30f3c220 reference_sample = 741a0f3954499c11f9eddc8df7c31e7c59ca41f1a7005646735b8b1d53438c1b, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Njrat, fingerprint = d15e131bca6beddcaecb20fffaff1784ad8a33a25e7ce90f7450d1a362908cc4, id = 30f3c220-b8dc-45a1-bcf0-027c2f76fa63, last_modified = 2021-10-04
          Source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Njrat hash1 = d5f63213ce11798879520b0e9b0d1b68d55f7727758ec8c120e370699a41379d, author = JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group, description = detect njRAT in memory, rule_usage = memory scan
          Source: classification engineClassification label: mal100.spre.troj.evad.winEXE@29/67@10/6
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome AppsJump to behavior
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic file information: TRID: Win32 Executable (generic) Net Framework (10011505/4) 50.01%
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeKey opened: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiersJump to behavior
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 97%
          Source: unknownProcess created: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe "C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe"
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2172 --field-trial-handle=1904,i,3045040594546194306,8046493471930814901,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2128 --field-trial-handle=1888,i,6999489819283979014,13540749176578719827,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0Jump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0Jump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2172 --field-trial-handle=1904,i,3045040594546194306,8046493471930814901,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8Jump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: unknown unknownJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2128 --field-trial-handle=1888,i,6999489819283979014,13540749176578719827,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8Jump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: mscoree.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: apphelp.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: kernel.appcore.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: textshaping.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: uxtheme.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: textinputframework.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: coreuicomponents.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: coremessaging.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: ntmarta.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: wintypes.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: wintypes.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: wintypes.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: windows.storage.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: wldp.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: propsys.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: urlmon.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: iertutil.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: srvcli.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: netutils.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: windows.shell.servicehostbuilder.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: onecoreuapcommonproxystub.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: ieframe.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: netapi32.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: version.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: userenv.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: winhttp.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: wkscli.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: windows.staterepositoryps.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: edputil.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: secur32.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: sspicli.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: mlang.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: wininet.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: profapi.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: policymanager.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: msvcp110_win.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: onecorecommonproxystub.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: ieframe.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: netapi32.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: version.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: userenv.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: winhttp.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeSection loaded: wkscli.dllJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeKey value queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\WOW6432Node\CLSID\{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}\InProcServer32Jump to behavior
          Source: Google Drive.lnk.3.drLNK file: ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe
          Source: YouTube.lnk.3.drLNK file: ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe
          Source: Sheets.lnk.3.drLNK file: ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe
          Source: Gmail.lnk.3.drLNK file: ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe
          Source: Slides.lnk.3.drLNK file: ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe
          Source: Docs.lnk.3.drLNK file: ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe
          Source: Window RecorderWindow detected: More than 3 window changes detected
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic PE information: data directory type: IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic PE information: DYNAMIC_BASE, NX_COMPAT, NO_SEH, TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE

          Data Obfuscation

          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, Fransesco.cs.Net Code: Plugin System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(byte[])
          Source: initial sampleStatic PE information: section where entry point is pointing to: >|u
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic PE information: section name: >|u
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeStatic PE information: section name: >|u entropy: 6.934439630498995
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome AppsJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Google Drive.lnkJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\YouTube.lnkJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Sheets.lnkJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Gmail.lnkJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Slides.lnkJump to behavior
          Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Docs.lnkJump to behavior
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, 00000000.00000002.1546170095.00000000006ED000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmpBinary or memory string: \\?\SCSI#CdRom&Ven_NECVMWar&Prod_VMware_SATA_CD00#4&224f42ef&0&000000#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}\\\?\Volume{a33c736e-61ca-11ee-8c18-806e6f6e6963}\
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, 00000000.00000002.1546170095.00000000006ED000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmpBinary or memory string: \??\SCSI#CdRom&Ven_NECVMWar&Prod_VMware_SATA_CD00#4&224f42ef&0&000000#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}\
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0Jump to behavior
          Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeProcess created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0Jump to behavior
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeBinary or memory string: Shell_traywnd+MostrarBarraDeTarefas
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeBinary or memory string: Shell_TrayWnd
          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exeBinary or memory string: ProgMan

          Lowering of HIPS / PFW / Operating System Security Settings

          Source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, Fransesco.cs.Net Code: INS

          Stealing of Sensitive Information

          Source: Yara matchFile source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLE
          Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
          Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORY
          Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe PID: 7492, type: MEMORYSTR

          Remote Access Functionality

          Source: Yara matchFile source: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe, type: SAMPLE
          Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.0.LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe.20000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
          Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, type: MEMORY
          Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe PID: 7492, type: MEMORYSTR
          ReconnaissanceResource DevelopmentInitial AccessExecutionPersistencePrivilege EscalationDefense EvasionCredential AccessDiscoveryLateral MovementCollectionCommand and ControlExfiltrationImpact
          Gather Victim Identity InformationAcquire Infrastructure11
          Replication Through Removable Media
          Windows Management Instrumentation1
          Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
          Process Injection
          OS Credential Dumping1
          Security Software Discovery
          Remote ServicesData from Local System1
          Encrypted Channel
          Exfiltration Over Other Network MediumAbuse Accessibility Features
          CredentialsDomainsDefault AccountsScheduled Task/Job1
          DLL Side-Loading
          Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
          Disable or Modify Tools
          LSASS Memory1
          Process Discovery
          Remote Desktop ProtocolData from Removable Media1
          Ingress Tool Transfer
          Exfiltration Over BluetoothNetwork Denial of Service
          Email AddressesDNS ServerDomain AccountsAtLogon Script (Windows)1
          DLL Side-Loading
          Process Injection
          Security Account Manager1
          Peripheral Device Discovery
          SMB/Windows Admin SharesData from Network Shared Drive2
          Non-Application Layer Protocol
          Automated ExfiltrationData Encrypted for Impact
          Employee NamesVirtual Private ServerLocal AccountsCronLogin HookLogin Hook1
          Obfuscated Files or Information
          System Information Discovery
          Distributed Component Object ModelInput Capture3
          Application Layer Protocol
          Traffic DuplicationData Destruction
          Gather Victim Network InformationServerCloud AccountsLaunchdNetwork Logon ScriptNetwork Logon Script11
          Software Packing
          LSA SecretsInternet Connection DiscoverySSHKeyloggingFallback ChannelsScheduled TransferData Encrypted for Impact
          Domain PropertiesBotnetReplication Through Removable MediaScheduled TaskRC ScriptsRC Scripts1
          DLL Side-Loading
          Cached Domain CredentialsWi-Fi DiscoveryVNCGUI Input CaptureMultiband CommunicationData Transfer Size LimitsService Stop
          Hide Legend


          • Process
          • Signature
          • Created File
          • DNS/IP Info
          • Is Dropped
          • Is Windows Process
          • Number of created Registry Values
          • Number of created Files
          • Visual Basic
          • Delphi
          • Java
          • .Net C# or VB.NET
          • C, C++ or other language
          • Is malicious
          • Internet
          behaviorgraph top1 signatures2 2 Behavior Graph ID: 1481468 Sample: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe Startdate: 25/07/2024 Architecture: WINDOWS Score: 100 29 Found malware configuration 2->29 31 Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule) 2->31 33 Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample 2->33 35 7 other signatures 2->35 7 LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe 12 2->7         started        process3 process4 9 chrome.exe 9 7->9         started        12 chrome.exe 7->12         started        dnsIp5 19, 138, 443, 49703 unknown unknown 9->19 21 unknown Reserved 9->21 14 chrome.exe 9->14         started        17 chrome.exe 12->17         started        process6 dnsIp7 23 mdec.nelreports.net 14->23 25 js.monitor.azure.com 14->25 27 10 other IPs or domains 14->27

          This section contains all screenshots as thumbnails, including those not shown in the slideshow.

          LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe100%Joe Sandbox ML
          No Antivirus matches
          No Antivirus matches
          No Antivirus matches
          http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt0%URL Reputationsafe
          https://schema.org0%URL Reputationsafe
          http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt0%URL Reputationsafe
          http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt0%URL Reputationsafe
          https://aka.ms/yourcaliforniaprivacychoices0%URL Reputationsafe
          http://schema.org/Organization0%URL Reputationsafe
          http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt0%URL Reputationsafe
          https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/live/docs/framework/install/application-not-started.md0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Portal/consoles/default?api-version=2017-12-01-prev0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/17c4acca45e573a92878a44a2cce57d699fe9c7c/docs/framework/install/0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/dotnet/docs/issues0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/Thraka0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://client-api.arkoselabs.com/v2/api.js0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://authoring-docs-microsoft.poolparty.biz/devrel/69c76c32-967e-4c65-b89a-74cc527db7250%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://authoring-docs-microsoft.poolparty.biz/devrel/7696cda6-0510-47f6-8302-71bb5d2e28cf0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://aka.ms/certhelp0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/dotnet/docs/issues/new?template=z-customer-feedback.yml0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://www.linkedin.com/cws/share?url=$0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://aka.ms/ContentUserFeedback0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/nschonni0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/Youssef13130%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://management.azure.com/subscriptions?api-version=2016-06-010%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/mairaw0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://js.monitor.azure.com/scripts/c/ms.jsll-4.min.js0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://aka.ms/DP600/Plan/LearnT2?ocid=fabric24-dp600plan_learnpromo_T2_ad0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/adegeo0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://aka.ms/pshelpmechoose0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/main/docs/framework/install/application-not-started.md0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://octokit.github.io/rest.js/#throttling0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://aka.ms/feedback/report?space=610%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/$0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=$0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://learn-video.azurefd.net/vod/player0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Portal/userSettings/cloudconsole?api-version=2017-00%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/gewarren0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://channel9.msdn.com/0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://learn-video.azurefd.net/0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          https://github.com/dotnet/try0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
          NameIPActiveMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation

                      NameMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation
                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                      NameSourceMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation
                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                      https://client-api.arkoselabs.com/v2/api.jschromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                      https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Portal/consoles/default?api-version=2017-12-01-prevchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                      http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txtchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                      • URL Reputation: safe
                      https://aka.ms/LFO_Events?wt.mc_id=esi_lfobannerevents_webpage_wwlchromecache_161.5.dr, chromecache_159.5.drfalse
                        https://aka.ms/certhelpchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        https://www.linkedin.com/cws/share?url=$chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txtchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txtchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        https://aka.ms/DP600/Plan/LearnT2?ocid=fabric24-dp600plan_learnpromo_T2_adchromecache_161.5.dr, chromecache_159.5.drfalse
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        https://management.azure.com/subscriptions?api-version=2016-06-01chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        https://aka.ms/pshelpmechoosechromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                        https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-plain-objectchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          https://octokit.github.io/rest.js/#throttlingchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Portal/userSettings/cloudconsole?api-version=2017-0chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookiechromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          https://learn-video.azurefd.net/vod/playerchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=$chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          https://github.com/$chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          • URL Reputation: safe
                          http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txtchromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • URL Reputation: safe
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          https://learn-video.azurefd.net/chromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          https://github.com/dotnet/trychromecache_187.5.dr, chromecache_180.5.drfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          • No. of IPs < 25%
                          • 25% < No. of IPs < 50%
                          • 50% < No. of IPs < 75%
                          • 75% < No. of IPs
                          IPDomainCountryFlagASNASN NameMalicious
                          s-part-0014.t-0009.t-msedge.netUnited States
                          www.google.comUnited States
                          s-part-0017.t-0009.fb-t-msedge.netUnited States
                          s-part-0014.t-0009.fb-t-msedge.netUnited States
                          Joe Sandbox version:40.0.0 Tourmaline
                          Analysis ID:1481468
                          Start date and time:2024-07-25 09:46:50 +02:00
                          Joe Sandbox product:CloudBasic
                          Overall analysis duration:0h 4m 52s
                          Hypervisor based Inspection enabled:false
                          Report type:full
                          Cookbook file name:default.jbs
                          Analysis system description:Windows 10 x64 22H2 with Office Professional Plus 2019, Chrome 117, Firefox 118, Adobe Reader DC 23, Java 8 Update 381, 7zip 23.01
                          Number of analysed new started processes analysed:16
                          Number of new started drivers analysed:0
                          Number of existing processes analysed:0
                          Number of existing drivers analysed:0
                          Number of injected processes analysed:0
                          • HCA enabled
                          • EGA enabled
                          • AMSI enabled
                          Analysis Mode:default
                          Analysis stop reason:Timeout
                          Sample name:LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe
                          EGA Information:Failed
                          HCA Information:
                          • Successful, ratio: 100%
                          • Number of executed functions: 0
                          • Number of non-executed functions: 0
                          Cookbook Comments:
                          • Found application associated with file extension: .exe
                          • Exclude process from analysis (whitelisted): MpCmdRun.exe, dllhost.exe, WMIADAP.exe, SIHClient.exe, conhost.exe, svchost.exe
                          • Excluded IPs from analysis (whitelisted):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                          • Excluded domains from analysis (whitelisted): aijscdn2.afd.azureedge.net, azurefd-t-fb-prod.trafficmanager.net, slscr.update.microsoft.com, c-msn-com-nsatc.trafficmanager.net, clientservices.googleapis.com, browser.events.data.trafficmanager.net, learn.microsoft.com, onedscolprdeus10.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com, e11290.dspg.akamaiedge.net, mdec.nelreports.net.akamaized.net, go.microsoft.com, clients2.google.com, ocsp.digicert.com, a1883.dscd.akamai.net, onedscolprdeus16.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com, learn.microsoft.com.edgekey.net, update.googleapis.com, clients1.google.com, fs.microsoft.com, accounts.google.com, content-autofill.googleapis.com, c-bing-com.dual-a-0034.a-msedge.net, learn.microsoft.com.edgekey.net.globalredir.akadns.net, firstparty-azurefd-prod.trafficmanager.net, fe3cr.delivery.mp.microsoft.com, aijscdn2.azureedge.net, browser.events.data.microsoft.com, edgedl.me.gvt1.com, e13636.dscb.akamaiedge.net, c.bing.com, learn-public.trafficmanager.net, go.microsoft.com.edgekey.net, dual-a-0034.a-msedge.ne
                          • Not all processes where analyzed, report is missing behavior information
                          • Report size getting too big, too many NtOpenKeyEx calls found.
                          • Report size getting too big, too many NtProtectVirtualMemory calls found.
                          • Report size getting too big, too many NtQueryValueKey calls found.
                          • Some HTTPS proxied raw data packets have been limited to 10 per session. Please view the PCAPs for the complete data.
                          • VT rate limit hit for: LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe
                          No simulations
                          URL: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/application-not-started?version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0 Model: Perplexity: mixtral-8x7b-instruct
                          {"loginform": false,"urgency": false,"captcha": false,"reasons": ["The webpage does not contain a login form, as it does not request any sensitive information such as passwords, email addresses, usernames, phone numbers, or credit card numbers.","The text of the webpage does not create a sense of urgency, as it does not contain phrases such as 'Click here to view document', 'To view secured document click here', or 'Open the link to see your invoice'.","The webpage does not contain a CAPTCHA or any other anti-robot detection mechanism."]}
                          Title: Fix .NET Framework 'This application could not be started' - .NET Framework | Microsoft Learn OCR: Learn Q Sign in Discover v Product documentation Development languages v Topics v .NET Languages Features v Workloads Troubleshooting Resources v Download .NET APIs v Filter by title .NET / .NET Framework / Learn / .NET Framework documentation "This application could not be Overview of .NET Framework started" error when running a .NET Get started v Installation guide Framework application Overview For developers Article  02/16/2023  6 contributors Feedback > By OS version Repair .NET framework In this article v TroubleshcHJt How to fix the error Troubleshoot install end uninstall See also Troubleshoot 'This application could not started' When you attempt to run a .NET Framework application, you may receive the "This .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 application could not be started" error message. When this error is caused by an installed through Windows 11 version of .NET Framework not being detected, or by .NET Framework being corrupted, use this article to try to solve that problem. .NET Framework 1.1 on Windows 8 through Windows 11 mt.exe - This application could not be started. > Migration guide Development guide This application could not be started, > Tools Do you want to view information about this issue? > Additional APIs > What's new and obsolete Code analysis Yes No Download PDF 
                          MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionThreat NameLinkContext
                          • www.mimecast.com/Customers/Support/Contact-support/
                          http://border-fd.smartertechnologies.com/Get hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                          • border-fd.smartertechnologies.com/
                          https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/4MrPCrkvgotDWxrNCzxa8pGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                          • www.mimecast.com/
                 hashmaliciousCoinhive, XmrigBrowse
                            https://gist.github.com/qiuxiuya/d1415f62623f8acf65dd0a4c1096b1e2Get hashmaliciousXmrigBrowse
                              LisectAVT_2403002C_181.exeGet hashmaliciousRevengeBrowse
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                                  LisectAVT_2403002C_66.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                    Sol Distribution - SO-SBES3039324 - - PO52880.emlGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                      https://drive.google.com/file/d/18uQaHuJAdR5xS3lALDyDJ0z0B_5vCmVE/view?usp=drivesdkGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                        http://oopb.juhrtjao.shop/Get hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                          http://www.dpm.gov.pgGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                            Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_33.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                PO N#U00b0202415-0004 CULTER-ASSOCIETES_pdf.exeGet hashmaliciousAgentTeslaBrowse
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                                                    PowerShell101 (AutoRecovered).docxGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
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                                                          Perfomance_Evalution.docxGet hashmaliciousHTMLPhisherBrowse
                                                            RFQ - From Arcadia Aerospace Industries Entry CodeRBW51-PU5Y-9A5R.htmlGet hashmaliciousHTMLPhisherBrowse
                                                              invoice-72717953897646054572255005658360083176291774189023-quiltercheviot.pdfGet hashmaliciousHTMLPhisherBrowse
                                                                Setup.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
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                                                                                      MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionThreat NameLinkContext
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                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_76.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_62.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_46.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002B_493.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_49.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002A_61.exeGet hashmaliciousRamnitBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002A_270.exeGet hashmaliciousBlackMoonBrowse
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                                                                                      ACH Receipt.htmlGet hashmaliciousHTMLPhisherBrowse
                                                                                      Play____Now_AUD__autoresponse.htmGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Copy of Stonhard_BulkImageRefFileTemplate (version 1).emlGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
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                                                                                      PowerShell101 (AutoRecovered).docxGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
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                                                                                      Perfomance_Evalution.docxGet hashmaliciousHTMLPhisherBrowse
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                                                                                      invoice-72717953897646054572255005658360083176291774189023-quiltercheviot.pdfGet hashmaliciousHTMLPhisherBrowse
                                                                                      MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionThreat NameLinkContext
                                                                                      MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCKUSCWS610973I4SC2024.exeGet hashmaliciousDBatLoaderBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_181.exeGet hashmaliciousRevengeBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_44.exeGet hashmaliciousEICARBrowse
                                                                                      KolataFixed.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      KolataFixed.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_69.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_33.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Remittance advice.htmGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1B_6.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1B_6.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCKUSCWS610973I4SC2024.exeGet hashmaliciousDBatLoaderBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_181.exeGet hashmaliciousRevengeBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_44.exeGet hashmaliciousEICARBrowse
                                                                                      KolataFixed.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      KolataFixed.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_69.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_33.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Remittance advice.htmGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1B_6.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1B_6.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCKUSCWS610973I4SC2024.exeGet hashmaliciousDBatLoaderBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_181.exeGet hashmaliciousRevengeBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_44.exeGet hashmaliciousEICARBrowse
                                                                                      KolataFixed.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      KolataFixed.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_69.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_33.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Remittance advice.htmGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1B_6.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1B_6.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionThreat NameLinkContext
                                                                                      28a2c9bd18a11de089ef85a160da29e4https://gist.github.com/CreativeRoy/7405537df8cb20f60a08246a6093453bGet hashmaliciousCoinhive, XmrigBrowse
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                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_181.exeGet hashmaliciousRevengeBrowse
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                                                                                      LisectAVT_2403002C_66.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      Sol Distribution - SO-SBES3039324 - - PO52880.emlGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
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                                                                                      Lisect_AVT_24003_G1A_33.exeGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                                      No context
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                                                                                      File Type:MS Windows shortcut, Item id list present, Points to a file or directory, Has Relative path, Has Working directory, Has command line arguments, Icon number=0, Archive, ctime=Tue Oct 3 09:48:42 2023, mtime=Thu Jul 25 06:47:51 2024, atime=Wed Sep 27 04:28:28 2023, length=1210144, window=hide
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                                                                                      File Type:MS Windows shortcut, Item id list present, Points to a file or directory, Has Relative path, Has Working directory, Has command line arguments, Icon number=0, Archive, ctime=Tue Oct 3 09:48:42 2023, mtime=Thu Oct 5 07:00:51 2023, atime=Wed Sep 27 04:28:28 2023, length=1210144, window=hide
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                                                                                      Process:C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
                                                                                      File Type:MS Windows shortcut, Item id list present, Points to a file or directory, Has Relative path, Has Working directory, Has command line arguments, Icon number=0, Archive, ctime=Tue Oct 3 09:48:42 2023, mtime=Thu Jul 25 06:47:51 2024, atime=Wed Sep 27 04:28:28 2023, length=1210144, window=hide
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                                                                                      Process:C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
                                                                                      File Type:MS Windows shortcut, Item id list present, Points to a file or directory, Has Relative path, Has Working directory, Has command line arguments, Icon number=0, Archive, ctime=Tue Oct 3 09:48:42 2023, mtime=Thu Jul 25 06:47:51 2024, atime=Wed Sep 27 04:28:28 2023, length=1210144, window=hide
                                                                                      Size (bytes):2681
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                                                                                      Process:C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
                                                                                      File Type:MS Windows shortcut, Item id list present, Points to a file or directory, Has Relative path, Has Working directory, Has command line arguments, Icon number=0, Archive, ctime=Tue Oct 3 09:48:42 2023, mtime=Thu Jul 25 06:47:51 2024, atime=Wed Sep 27 04:28:28 2023, length=1210144, window=hide
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                                                                                      mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], eax
                                                                                      mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
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                                                                                      mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-04h]
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                                                                                      mov dword ptr [eax+04h], FFFFCC8Dh
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                                                                                      mov esi, dword ptr [ecx+24h]
                                                                                      mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx+18h]
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                                                                                      add edi, eax
                                                                                      add ebx, eax
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                                                                                      mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], edx
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                                                                                      mov edx, dword ptr [ebx+edx*4]
                                                                                      mov esi, dword ptr [edi+ecx*4]
                                                                                      add edx, eax
                                                                                      mov ecx, dword ptr [edx]
                                                                                      add esi, eax
                                                                                      cmp ecx, 4D746547h
                                                                                      jne 00007F07C885A544h
                                                                                      cmp dword ptr [edx+04h], 6C75646Fh
                                                                                      jne 00007F07C885A53Bh
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                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:47:57.186261+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434972695.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:47:59.822671+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434973795.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:47:59.844808+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434973795.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:48:40.834189+0200TCP2022930ET EXPLOIT Possible CVE-2016-2211 Symantec Cab Parsing Buffer Overflow4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:47:58.111870+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434972695.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:47:56.967085+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434972695.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:48:00.029513+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434973795.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:48:00.949369+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434973795.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:47:58.111882+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434972695.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:47:56.999296+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434972695.101.150.2192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:48:02.551404+0200TCP2022930ET EXPLOIT Possible CVE-2016-2211 Symantec Cab Parsing Buffer Overflow4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      2024-07-25T09:48:00.949372+0200TCP2012510ET SHELLCODE UTF-8/16 Encoded Shellcode4434973795.101.150.2192.168.2.8
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                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:40.392432928 CEST49676443192.168.2.852.182.143.211
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:40.673702002 CEST49673443192.168.2.823.206.229.226
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:41.001727104 CEST49672443192.168.2.823.206.229.226
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:41.659132957 CEST49671443192.168.2.8204.79.197.203
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:42.001773119 CEST4967780192.168.2.8192.229.211.108
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:50.001759052 CEST49676443192.168.2.852.182.143.211
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:50.283004999 CEST49673443192.168.2.823.206.229.226
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:50.612695932 CEST49672443192.168.2.823.206.229.226
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:52.254597902 CEST4434970423.206.229.226192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:52.254707098 CEST49704443192.168.2.823.206.229.226
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:52.635158062 CEST4967780192.168.2.8192.229.211.108
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.015718937 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.015759945 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.016091108 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.016091108 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.016125917 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.348664999 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.348715067 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.348822117 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.368998051 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.369026899 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.687405109 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.687809944 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.687828064 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.688913107 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.688985109 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.689860106 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.689956903 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.741384029 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.741405964 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.796541929 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.796668053 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.796708107 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.796772003 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.799649954 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.799683094 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.799736977 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.800304890 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.800323963 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.800431967 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.800451040 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.037745953 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.037841082 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.112699032 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.112718105 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.113207102 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.165682077 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.196572065 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.240510941 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.387072086 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.387166977 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.387223005 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.387432098 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.387454987 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.387471914 CEST49720443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.387480021 CEST44349720184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.428529024 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.428584099 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.428659916 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.428915024 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.428926945 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.483031034 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.483213902 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.483239889 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.484313011 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.484371901 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.489820004 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.490134001 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.490159035 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.490264893 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.490355015 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.490391970 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.491396904 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.491458893 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.492398024 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.492465019 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.492645025 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.492651939 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.530781984 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.530802011 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.546338081 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.578026056 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615775108 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615811110 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615818977 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615833998 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615840912 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615868092 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615875006 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615905046 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615921974 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.615952969 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631328106 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631355047 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631365061 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631393909 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631413937 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631428957 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631434917 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631462097 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631483078 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.631510019 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.706593990 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.706624031 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.706710100 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.706736088 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.706783056 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.710422039 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.710447073 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.710495949 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.710509062 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.710556984 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.727071047 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.727101088 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.727142096 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.727157116 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.727191925 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.727217913 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.730617046 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.730640888 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.730675936 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.730681896 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.730724096 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.731432915 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.731477976 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.731482029 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.731507063 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.731518984 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.731547117 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.731801033 CEST49725443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.731817007 CEST4434972513.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.760315895 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.760354042 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.760416031 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.760811090 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.760823011 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.796701908 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.796727896 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.796770096 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.796792984 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.796813011 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.796835899 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.800455093 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.800474882 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.800523996 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.800535917 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.800585985 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.803486109 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.803502083 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.803555012 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.803565025 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.803606033 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.806571007 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.806587934 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.806651115 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.806664944 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.806703091 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.910435915 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.910456896 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.910522938 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.910540104 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.910579920 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.914650917 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.914669037 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.914725065 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.914731026 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.914769888 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.918041945 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.918057919 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.918128967 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.918133974 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.918174982 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.919843912 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.919863939 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.919917107 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.919923067 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.919962883 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.921408892 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.921426058 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.921483994 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.921489000 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.921538115 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.922202110 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.922249079 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.922272921 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.922281981 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.922291040 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.922308922 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.922329903 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.925055981 CEST49724443192.168.2.813.107.246.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.925074100 CEST4434972413.107.246.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.940871000 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.940911055 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.940983057 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.941184998 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.941198111 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.093374014 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.093446016 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.094770908 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.094779968 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.095010042 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.096138000 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.136497974 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.374531984 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.374605894 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.374665976 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.376754999 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.376775980 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.376787901 CEST49727443192.168.2.8184.28.90.27
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.376794100 CEST44349727184.28.90.27192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.508115053 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.508356094 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.508383989 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.509454012 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.509519100 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.509828091 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.509886026 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.509958029 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.509965897 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.557092905 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.633752108 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.641201019 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.641238928 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.641289949 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.641304016 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.641340017 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.641359091 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.641388893 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.659847021 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.660120964 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.660144091 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.663805962 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.663866997 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.664156914 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.664222956 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.664316893 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.664323092 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.716680050 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.731389046 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.731477022 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.731498003 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.731530905 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.731549025 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.731578112 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.736907959 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.736958027 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.736987114 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737006903 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737035036 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737051010 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737106085 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737158060 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737164974 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737206936 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737248898 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737495899 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737525940 CEST49730443192.168.2.813.107.253.42
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.737544060 CEST4434973013.107.253.42192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784379005 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784414053 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784421921 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784446955 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784465075 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784477949 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784492970 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784508944 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784529924 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.784559965 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.875502110 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.875535965 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.875581026 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.875603914 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.875622988 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.875647068 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.881849051 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.881866932 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.881918907 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.881927013 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.881978035 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.999392033 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.999463081 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.999480963 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.999500036 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.999527931 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:57.999576092 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.000143051 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.000190973 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.000211000 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.000219107 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.000248909 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.000268936 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.008371115 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.008393049 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.008446932 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.008455038 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.008512974 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.011373997 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.011419058 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.011464119 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.011471033 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.011502981 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.011523962 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.092916012 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.092989922 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.093018055 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.093044996 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.093058109 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.093082905 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.094367027 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.094384909 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.094435930 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.094450951 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.094476938 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.094491959 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.095221996 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.095240116 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.095289946 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.095294952 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.095347881 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.096782923 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.096802950 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.096844912 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.096851110 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.096900940 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187098026 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187120914 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187165022 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187181950 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187211990 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187227964 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187799931 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187829018 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187856913 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187860966 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187875986 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187890053 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.187916994 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.210180044 CEST49732443192.168.2.813.107.253.45
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:58.210205078 CEST4434973213.107.253.45192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:01.389157057 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:01.389206886 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:01.389353037 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:01.391098976 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:01.391135931 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.181348085 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.181444883 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.190994024 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.191009998 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.191452026 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.244769096 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.286618948 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.332504988 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550203085 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550235033 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550242901 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550267935 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550282001 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550293922 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550328970 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550343037 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550359964 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.550383091 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.551212072 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.551275015 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.551284075 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.551302910 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.551352024 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.563339949 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.563371897 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.563385010 CEST49760443192.168.2.840.68.123.157
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:02.563390970 CEST4434976040.68.123.157192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:05.580939054 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:05.581001043 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:05.581054926 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:05.602459908 CEST49719443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:05.602483034 CEST44349719172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:06.046356916 CEST49704443192.168.2.823.206.229.226
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:06.051203966 CEST4434970423.206.229.226192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.259087086 CEST6044853192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.265141964 CEST53604481.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.265259981 CEST6044853192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.265316963 CEST6044853192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.271518946 CEST53604481.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.859018087 CEST53604481.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.863204002 CEST6044853192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.870737076 CEST53604481.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.870831966 CEST6044853192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:31.228121996 CEST4970380192.168.2.8199.232.214.172
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:31.540935040 CEST4970380192.168.2.8199.232.214.172
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:31.998020887 CEST8049703199.232.214.172192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:31.999429941 CEST8049703199.232.214.172192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:31.999488115 CEST4970380192.168.2.8199.232.214.172
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:39.987485886 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:39.987529039 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:39.987618923 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:39.988009930 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:39.988027096 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.613061905 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.613174915 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.614706993 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.614715099 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.615084887 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.616097927 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.660505056 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.827464104 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.827518940 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.827562094 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.827586889 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.827610016 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.827630997 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.827650070 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.833734989 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.833795071 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.833812952 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.833823919 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.833847046 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.833940983 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.833987951 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.834042072 CEST60450443192.168.2.820.12.23.50
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:40.834059000 CEST4436045020.12.23.50192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:54.964273930 CEST60453443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:54.964359045 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:54.964464903 CEST60453443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:54.964754105 CEST60453443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:54.964807034 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:55.742502928 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:55.742855072 CEST60453443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:55.742902994 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:55.743535995 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:55.743822098 CEST60453443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:55.743921041 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:55.791043997 CEST60453443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:49:05.532162905 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:49:05.532262087 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:49:05.532330036 CEST60453443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:49:07.230246067 CEST60453443192.168.2.8172.217.18.4
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:49:07.230281115 CEST44360453172.217.18.4192.168.2.8
                                                                                      TimestampSource PortDest PortSource IPDest IP
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:50.809377909 CEST53585241.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:50.817761898 CEST53506051.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:51.995273113 CEST53652531.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:53.788778067 CEST5037653192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:53.788988113 CEST6488453192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:54.903347015 CEST5146853192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:54.903595924 CEST6008553192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.010911942 CEST53514681.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.011104107 CEST53600851.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.776076078 CEST6435953192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.776192904 CEST5559553192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.932029963 CEST5856153192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.932161093 CEST6255853192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:01.309175014 CEST53534531.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:09.176326036 CEST53513281.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:16.258554935 CEST53638751.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:30.812012911 CEST138138192.168.2.8192.168.2.255
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:50.253880978 CEST53574141.1.1.1192.168.2.8
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:53.776052952 CEST6157653192.
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:53.776269913 CEST5130953192.
                                                                                      TimestampSource IPDest IPChecksumCodeType
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:52.137048006 CEST192. unreachable)Destination Unreachable
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:53.795216084 CEST192. unreachable)Destination Unreachable
                                                                                      TimestampSource IPDest IPTrans IDOP CodeNameTypeClassDNS over HTTPS
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:53.788778067 CEST192. query (0)mdec.nelreports.netA (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:53.788988113 CEST192. query (0)mdec.nelreports.net65IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:54.903347015 CEST192. query (0)www.google.comA (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:54.903595924 CEST192. query (0)www.google.com65IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.776076078 CEST192. query (0)js.monitor.azure.comA (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.776192904 CEST192. query (0)js.monitor.azure.com65IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.932029963 CEST192. query (0)js.monitor.azure.comA (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.932161093 CEST192. query (0)js.monitor.azure.com65IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:53.776052952 CEST192. query (0)mdec.nelreports.netA (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:48:53.776269913 CEST192. query (0)mdec.nelreports.net65IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      TimestampSource IPDest IPTrans IDReply CodeNameCNameAddressTypeClassDNS over HTTPS
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:53.796262026 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xd7c7No error (0)mdec.nelreports.netmdec.nelreports.net.akamaized.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:53.798755884 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80x1c6aNo error (0)mdec.nelreports.netmdec.nelreports.net.akamaized.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.010911942 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xd4a9No error (0)www.google.com172.217.18.4A (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.011104107 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80x81aaNo error (0)www.google.com65IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.784791946 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xe1b5No error (0)consentdeliveryfd.azurefd.netfirstparty-azurefd-prod.trafficmanager.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.784791946 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xe1b5No error (0)shed.dual-low.s-part-0014.t-0009.t-msedge.nets-part-0014.t-0009.t-msedge.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.784791946 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xe1b5No error (0)s-part-0014.t-0009.t-msedge.net13.107.246.42A (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.784898996 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xd7ecNo error (0)js.monitor.azure.comaijscdn2.azureedge.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.784898996 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xd7ecNo error (0)shed.dual-low.s-part-0014.t-0009.t-msedge.nets-part-0014.t-0009.t-msedge.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.784898996 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xd7ecNo error (0)s-part-0014.t-0009.t-msedge.net13.107.246.42A (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.784941912 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xd270No error (0)consentdeliveryfd.azurefd.netfirstparty-azurefd-prod.trafficmanager.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:55.785100937 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80x34e5No error (0)js.monitor.azure.comaijscdn2.azureedge.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                                      Jul 25, 2024 09:47:56.753951073 CEST1.1.1.1192.168.2.80xf6e8No error (0)consentdeliveryfd.azurefd.netfirstparty-azurefd-prod.trafficmanager.netCNAME (Canonical name)IN (0x0001)false
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                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:56 UTC16384INData Raw: 73 5d 28 29 2c 6e 3d 66 65 28 65 3d 3d 3d 43 6c 2e 4c 6f 63 61 6c 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 3f 22 6c 6f 63 61 6c 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 22 3a 22 73 65 73 73 69 6f 6e 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 22 29 2c 72 3d 54 6c 2b 74 2c 69 3d 28 6e 2e 73 65 74 49 74 65 6d 28 72 2c 74 29 2c 6e 2e 67 65 74 49 74 65 6d 28 72 29 21 3d 3d 74 29 3b 69 66 28 6e 5b 77 73 5d 28 72 29 2c 21 69 29 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 6e 7d 63 61 74 63 68 28 61 29 7b 7d 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 6e 75 6c 6c 7d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 45 6c 28 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 5f 6c 28 29 3f 49 6c 28 43 6c 2e 53 65 73 73 69 6f 6e 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 29 3a 6e 75 6c 6c 7d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 5f 6c 28 65 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 62 6c 3d 65 7c 7c 62 6c 3d 3d 3d 75 6e 64 65 66 69 6e 65 64 3f 21 21 49 6c 28 43 6c
                                                                                      Data Ascii: s](),n=fe(e===Cl.LocalStorage?"localStorage":"sessionStorage"),r=Tl+t,i=(n.setItem(r,t),n.getItem(r)!==t);if(n[ws](r),!i)return n}catch(a){}return null}function El(){return _l()?Il(Cl.SessionStorage):null}function _l(e){return bl=e||bl===undefined?!!Il(Cl
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:56 UTC16384INData Raw: 72 6e 20 6f 7d 7d 29 2c 59 28 65 2c 22 70 61 67 65 56 69 73 69 74 54 69 6d 65 54 72 61 63 6b 69 6e 67 48 61 6e 64 6c 65 72 22 2c 7b 67 3a 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 63 7d 7d 29 7d 29 7d 76 61 72 20 45 64 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 2c 74 29 7b 74 68 69 73 5b 6c 64 5d 3d 4f 74 28 29 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 70 61 67 65 4e 61 6d 65 3d 65 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 70 61 67 65 55 72 6c 3d 74 7d 2c 5f 64 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 2c 65 29 7b 76 61 72 20 6f 3d 74 68 69 73 2c 63 3d 7b 7d 3b 6f 2e 73 74 61 72 74 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 22 75 6e 64 65 66 69 6e 65 64 22 21 3d 74 79 70 65 6f 66 20 63 5b 65 5d 26 26 6d 65 28 61 2c 32 2c 36 32 2c 22 73 74 61 72 74 20 77 61 73 20 63 61 6c 6c 65 64 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 74 68 61 6e 20
                                                                                      Data Ascii: rn o}}),Y(e,"pageVisitTimeTrackingHandler",{g:function(){return c}})})}var Ed=function(e,t){this[ld]=Ot(),this.pageName=e,this.pageUrl=t},_d=function(a,e){var o=this,c={};o.start=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof c[e]&&me(a,2,62,"start was called more than
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:56 UTC16384INData Raw: 61 67 73 3d 6d 73 28 21 30 2c 6e 2e 5f 70 61 67 65 54 61 67 73 2c 74 2e 70 61 67 65 54 61 67 73 29 29 2c 65 2e 70 72 6f 70 65 72 74 69 65 73 3d 65 2e 70 72 6f 70 65 72 74 69 65 73 7c 7c 7b 7d 2c 65 2e 70 72 6f 70 65 72 74 69 65 73 2e 70 61 67 65 54 61 67 73 3d 6e 2e 5f 70 61 67 65 54 61 67 73 7d 2c 65 70 2e 70 72 6f 74 6f 74 79 70 65 2e 5f 67 65 74 42 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 76 61 72 20 74 3b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 65 26 26 63 65 28 65 2e 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 29 3f 74 3d 65 2e 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 3a 63 65 28 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 4d 65 74 61 54 61 67 29 26 26 28 74 3d 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 4d 65 74 61 54 61 67 29 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 67 65 74 56 61 6c 69 64 42 65 68 61 76 69
                                                                                      Data Ascii: ags=ms(!0,n._pageTags,t.pageTags)),e.properties=e.properties||{},e.properties.pageTags=n._pageTags},ep.prototype._getBehavior=function(e){var t;return e&&ce(e.behavior)?t=e.behavior:ce(this._behaviorMetaTag)&&(t=this._behaviorMetaTag),this._getValidBehavi
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:56 UTC16384INData Raw: 6d 65 73 2e 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 4e 61 6d 65 29 3b 72 26 26 28 61 5b 74 5d 3d 72 29 2c 69 26 26 28 61 5b 6e 5d 3d 69 29 7d 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 61 7d 2c 53 70 29 3b 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 53 70 28 65 2c 74 29 7b 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 3d 65 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 74 72 61 63 65 4c 6f 67 67 65 72 3d 74 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 42 6c 6f 62 46 69 65 6c 64 4e 61 6d 65 73 3d 6e 75 6c 6c 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 42 6c 6f 62 46 69 65 6c 64 4e 61 6d 65 73 3d 21 30 3d 3d 3d 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 2e 75 73 65 53 68 6f 72 74 4e 61 6d 65 46 6f 72 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 42 6c 6f 62 3f 54 70 2e 73 68 6f 72 74 4e 61 6d 65 73 3a 54 70 2e 6c 6f 6e 67 4e 61 6d 65 73 7d 76 61 72 20 78 70 2c 4e 70 3d 48 65 28 7b 75
                                                                                      Data Ascii: mes.contentName);r&&(a[t]=r),i&&(a[n]=i)}return a},Sp);function Sp(e,t){this._config=e,this._traceLogger=t,this._contentBlobFieldNames=null,this._contentBlobFieldNames=!0===this._config.useShortNameForContentBlob?Tp.shortNames:Tp.longNames}var xp,Np=He({u
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:56 UTC16384INData Raw: 67 3d 22 73 65 6e 64 54 79 70 65 22 2c 4b 67 3d 22 61 64 64 48 65 61 64 65 72 22 2c 47 67 3d 22 63 61 6e 53 65 6e 64 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 22 2c 58 67 3d 22 73 65 6e 64 51 75 65 75 65 64 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 73 22 2c 4a 67 3d 22 69 73 43 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 6c 79 49 64 6c 65 22 2c 51 67 3d 22 73 65 74 55 6e 6c 6f 61 64 69 6e 67 22 2c 59 67 3d 22 73 65 6e 64 53 79 6e 63 68 72 6f 6e 6f 75 73 42 61 74 63 68 22 2c 24 67 3d 22 5f 74 72 61 6e 73 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 5a 67 3d 22 67 65 74 57 50 61 72 61 6d 22 2c 65 76 3d 22 69 73 42 65 61 63 6f 6e 22 2c 74 76 3d 22 74 69 6d 69 6e 67 73 22 2c 6e 76 3d 22 69 73 54 65 61 72 64 6f 77 6e 22 2c 72 76 3d 22 69 73 53 79 6e 63 22 2c 69 76 3d 22 64 61 74 61 22 2c 61 76 3d 22 5f 73 65 6e 64 52 65 61 73 6f 6e 22 2c 6f 76 3d 22
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                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:56 UTC16384INData Raw: 28 29 7b 72 65 3d 21 31 2c 61 65 3d 21 28 69 65 3d 5b 5d 29 2c 52 3d 31 65 34 2c 75 65 3d 7b 7d 2c 73 65 3d 59 70 2c 65 65 3d 21 28 46 3d 7b 7d 29 2c 71 3d 42 3d 56 3d 55 3d 63 65 3d 6f 65 3d 30 2c 7a 3d 2d 31 2c 4b 3d 21 28 57 3d 21 28 6a 3d 4c 3d 4d 3d 50 3d 6b 3d 6e 75 6c 6c 29 29 2c 47 3d 36 2c 74 65 3d 4a 3d 6e 75 6c 6c 2c 6e 65 3d 21 28 58 3d 32 29 2c 51 3d 50 76 28 29 2c 48 3d 6e 65 77 20 42 76 28 4f 3d 35 30 30 2c 32 2c 31 2c 7b 72 65 71 75 65 75 65 3a 65 2c 73 65 6e 64 3a 53 2c 73 65 6e 74 3a 78 2c 64 72 6f 70 3a 4e 2c 72 73 70 46 61 69 6c 3a 44 2c 6f 74 68 3a 41 7d 29 2c 74 28 29 2c 46 5b 34 5d 3d 7b 62 61 74 63 68 65 73 3a 5b 5d 2c 69 4b 65 79 4d 61 70 3a 7b 7d 7d 2c 46 5b 33 5d 3d 7b 62 61 74 63 68 65 73 3a 5b 5d 2c 69 4b 65 79 4d 61 70 3a 7b
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                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:57 UTC16384INData Raw: 66 65 28 22 63 6f 6e 73 6f 6c 65 22 29 29 26 26 28 72 2e 65 72 72 6f 72 7c 7c 72 2e 6c 6f 67 29 28 74 2c 61 65 28 69 29 29 29 29 7d 78 65 28 61 3d 7b 74 68 65 6e 3a 6f 2c 22 63 61 74 63 68 22 3a 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 6f 28 75 6e 64 65 66 69 6e 65 64 2c 65 29 7d 2c 22 66 69 6e 61 6c 6c 79 22 3a 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 74 29 7b 76 61 72 20 65 3d 74 2c 6e 3d 74 3b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 51 28 74 29 26 26 28 65 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 74 26 26 74 28 29 2c 65 7d 2c 6e 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 74 68 72 6f 77 20 74 26 26 74 28 29 2c 65 7d 29 2c 6f 28 65 2c 6e 29 7d 7d 2c 22 73 74 61 74 65 22 2c 7b 67 65 74 3a 64 7d 29 2c 6d 74 28 29 26 26 28 61 5b 79 74 28 31 31 29 5d 3d 22 49
                                                                                      Data Ascii: fe("console"))&&(r.error||r.log)(t,ae(i))))}xe(a={then:o,"catch":function(e){return o(undefined,e)},"finally":function(t){var e=t,n=t;return Q(t)&&(e=function(e){return t&&t(),e},n=function(e){throw t&&t(),e}),o(e,n)}},"state",{get:d}),mt()&&(a[yt(11)]="I
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:57 UTC16384INData Raw: 2c 6e 2e 68 3d 6e 2e 68 7c 7c 72 6e 28 73 63 2c 30 2c 6e 29 29 3a 4c 28 72 2c 5b 65 5d 29 29 7d 29 7d 64 63 2e 5f 5f 69 65 44 79 6e 3d 31 3b 76 61 72 20 66 63 3d 64 63 3b 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 64 63 28 65 29 7b 74 68 69 73 2e 6c 69 73 74 65 6e 65 72 73 3d 5b 5d 3b 76 61 72 20 6e 2c 69 3d 5b 5d 2c 61 3d 7b 68 3a 6e 75 6c 6c 2c 63 62 3a 5b 5d 7d 2c 6f 3d 6c 6f 28 65 2c 75 63 29 5b 47 6e 5d 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 6e 3d 21 21 65 2e 63 66 67 2e 70 65 72 66 45 76 74 73 53 65 6e 64 41 6c 6c 7d 29 3b 76 65 28 64 63 2c 74 68 69 73 2c 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 59 28 65 2c 22 6c 69 73 74 65 6e 65 72 73 22 2c 7b 67 3a 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 69 7d 7d 29 2c 65 5b 74 72 5d 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29
                                                                                      Data Ascii: ,n.h=n.h||rn(sc,0,n)):L(r,[e]))})}dc.__ieDyn=1;var fc=dc;function dc(e){this.listeners=[];var n,i=[],a={h:null,cb:[]},o=lo(e,uc)[Gn](function(e){n=!!e.cfg.perfEvtsSendAll});ve(dc,this,function(e){Y(e,"listeners",{g:function(){return i}}),e[tr]=function(e)
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:57 UTC16384INData Raw: 28 61 29 7d 2c 36 2c 6e 29 2c 69 7d 2c 66 5b 63 72 5d 3d 73 2c 66 2e 61 64 64 50 6c 75 67 69 6e 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 2c 74 2c 6e 2c 72 29 7b 69 66 28 21 65 29 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 72 26 26 72 28 21 31 29 2c 76 6f 69 64 20 43 28 6e 75 29 3b 76 61 72 20 69 3d 73 28 65 5b 5a 6e 5d 29 3b 69 66 28 69 26 26 21 74 29 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 72 26 26 72 28 21 31 29 2c 76 6f 69 64 20 43 28 22 50 6c 75 67 69 6e 20 5b 22 2b 65 5b 5a 6e 5d 2b 22 5d 20 69 73 20 61 6c 72 65 61 64 79 20 6c 6f 61 64 65 64 21 22 29 3b 76 61 72 20 61 2c 6f 3d 7b 72 65 61 73 6f 6e 3a 31 36 7d 3b 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 63 28 29 7b 41 5b 74 65 5d 28 65 29 2c 6f 2e 61 64 64 65 64 3d 5b 65 5d 2c 67 28 6f 29 2c 72 26 26 72 28 21 30 29 7d 69 3f 76 28 61 3d 5b 69 2e 70 6c 75 67 69 6e
                                                                                      Data Ascii: (a)},6,n),i},f[cr]=s,f.addPlugin=function(e,t,n,r){if(!e)return r&&r(!1),void C(nu);var i=s(e[Zn]);if(i&&!t)return r&&r(!1),void C("Plugin ["+e[Zn]+"] is already loaded!");var a,o={reason:16};function c(){A[te](e),o.added=[e],g(o),r&&r(!0)}i?v(a=[i.plugin
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:57 UTC16384INData Raw: 73 5d 28 29 2c 6e 3d 66 65 28 65 3d 3d 3d 43 6c 2e 4c 6f 63 61 6c 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 3f 22 6c 6f 63 61 6c 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 22 3a 22 73 65 73 73 69 6f 6e 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 22 29 2c 72 3d 54 6c 2b 74 2c 69 3d 28 6e 2e 73 65 74 49 74 65 6d 28 72 2c 74 29 2c 6e 2e 67 65 74 49 74 65 6d 28 72 29 21 3d 3d 74 29 3b 69 66 28 6e 5b 77 73 5d 28 72 29 2c 21 69 29 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 6e 7d 63 61 74 63 68 28 61 29 7b 7d 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 6e 75 6c 6c 7d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 45 6c 28 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 5f 6c 28 29 3f 49 6c 28 43 6c 2e 53 65 73 73 69 6f 6e 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 29 3a 6e 75 6c 6c 7d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 5f 6c 28 65 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 62 6c 3d 65 7c 7c 62 6c 3d 3d 3d 75 6e 64 65 66 69 6e 65 64 3f 21 21 49 6c 28 43 6c
                                                                                      Data Ascii: s](),n=fe(e===Cl.LocalStorage?"localStorage":"sessionStorage"),r=Tl+t,i=(n.setItem(r,t),n.getItem(r)!==t);if(n[ws](r),!i)return n}catch(a){}return null}function El(){return _l()?Il(Cl.SessionStorage):null}function _l(e){return bl=e||bl===undefined?!!Il(Cl
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:58 UTC16384INData Raw: 72 6e 20 6f 7d 7d 29 2c 59 28 65 2c 22 70 61 67 65 56 69 73 69 74 54 69 6d 65 54 72 61 63 6b 69 6e 67 48 61 6e 64 6c 65 72 22 2c 7b 67 3a 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 63 7d 7d 29 7d 29 7d 76 61 72 20 45 64 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 2c 74 29 7b 74 68 69 73 5b 6c 64 5d 3d 4f 74 28 29 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 70 61 67 65 4e 61 6d 65 3d 65 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 70 61 67 65 55 72 6c 3d 74 7d 2c 5f 64 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 2c 65 29 7b 76 61 72 20 6f 3d 74 68 69 73 2c 63 3d 7b 7d 3b 6f 2e 73 74 61 72 74 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 22 75 6e 64 65 66 69 6e 65 64 22 21 3d 74 79 70 65 6f 66 20 63 5b 65 5d 26 26 6d 65 28 61 2c 32 2c 36 32 2c 22 73 74 61 72 74 20 77 61 73 20 63 61 6c 6c 65 64 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 74 68 61 6e 20
                                                                                      Data Ascii: rn o}}),Y(e,"pageVisitTimeTrackingHandler",{g:function(){return c}})})}var Ed=function(e,t){this[ld]=Ot(),this.pageName=e,this.pageUrl=t},_d=function(a,e){var o=this,c={};o.start=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof c[e]&&me(a,2,62,"start was called more than
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:58 UTC16384INData Raw: 61 67 73 3d 6d 73 28 21 30 2c 6e 2e 5f 70 61 67 65 54 61 67 73 2c 74 2e 70 61 67 65 54 61 67 73 29 29 2c 65 2e 70 72 6f 70 65 72 74 69 65 73 3d 65 2e 70 72 6f 70 65 72 74 69 65 73 7c 7c 7b 7d 2c 65 2e 70 72 6f 70 65 72 74 69 65 73 2e 70 61 67 65 54 61 67 73 3d 6e 2e 5f 70 61 67 65 54 61 67 73 7d 2c 65 70 2e 70 72 6f 74 6f 74 79 70 65 2e 5f 67 65 74 42 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 76 61 72 20 74 3b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 65 26 26 63 65 28 65 2e 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 29 3f 74 3d 65 2e 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 3a 63 65 28 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 4d 65 74 61 54 61 67 29 26 26 28 74 3d 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 62 65 68 61 76 69 6f 72 4d 65 74 61 54 61 67 29 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 67 65 74 56 61 6c 69 64 42 65 68 61 76 69
                                                                                      Data Ascii: ags=ms(!0,n._pageTags,t.pageTags)),e.properties=e.properties||{},e.properties.pageTags=n._pageTags},ep.prototype._getBehavior=function(e){var t;return e&&ce(e.behavior)?t=e.behavior:ce(this._behaviorMetaTag)&&(t=this._behaviorMetaTag),this._getValidBehavi
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:58 UTC16384INData Raw: 6d 65 73 2e 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 4e 61 6d 65 29 3b 72 26 26 28 61 5b 74 5d 3d 72 29 2c 69 26 26 28 61 5b 6e 5d 3d 69 29 7d 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 61 7d 2c 53 70 29 3b 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 53 70 28 65 2c 74 29 7b 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 3d 65 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 74 72 61 63 65 4c 6f 67 67 65 72 3d 74 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 42 6c 6f 62 46 69 65 6c 64 4e 61 6d 65 73 3d 6e 75 6c 6c 2c 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 42 6c 6f 62 46 69 65 6c 64 4e 61 6d 65 73 3d 21 30 3d 3d 3d 74 68 69 73 2e 5f 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 2e 75 73 65 53 68 6f 72 74 4e 61 6d 65 46 6f 72 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 42 6c 6f 62 3f 54 70 2e 73 68 6f 72 74 4e 61 6d 65 73 3a 54 70 2e 6c 6f 6e 67 4e 61 6d 65 73 7d 76 61 72 20 78 70 2c 4e 70 3d 48 65 28 7b 75
                                                                                      Data Ascii: mes.contentName);r&&(a[t]=r),i&&(a[n]=i)}return a},Sp);function Sp(e,t){this._config=e,this._traceLogger=t,this._contentBlobFieldNames=null,this._contentBlobFieldNames=!0===this._config.useShortNameForContentBlob?Tp.shortNames:Tp.longNames}var xp,Np=He({u
                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:58 UTC16384INData Raw: 67 3d 22 73 65 6e 64 54 79 70 65 22 2c 4b 67 3d 22 61 64 64 48 65 61 64 65 72 22 2c 47 67 3d 22 63 61 6e 53 65 6e 64 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 22 2c 58 67 3d 22 73 65 6e 64 51 75 65 75 65 64 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 73 22 2c 4a 67 3d 22 69 73 43 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 6c 79 49 64 6c 65 22 2c 51 67 3d 22 73 65 74 55 6e 6c 6f 61 64 69 6e 67 22 2c 59 67 3d 22 73 65 6e 64 53 79 6e 63 68 72 6f 6e 6f 75 73 42 61 74 63 68 22 2c 24 67 3d 22 5f 74 72 61 6e 73 70 6f 72 74 22 2c 5a 67 3d 22 67 65 74 57 50 61 72 61 6d 22 2c 65 76 3d 22 69 73 42 65 61 63 6f 6e 22 2c 74 76 3d 22 74 69 6d 69 6e 67 73 22 2c 6e 76 3d 22 69 73 54 65 61 72 64 6f 77 6e 22 2c 72 76 3d 22 69 73 53 79 6e 63 22 2c 69 76 3d 22 64 61 74 61 22 2c 61 76 3d 22 5f 73 65 6e 64 52 65 61 73 6f 6e 22 2c 6f 76 3d 22
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                                                                                      2024-07-25 07:47:58 UTC16384INData Raw: 28 29 7b 72 65 3d 21 31 2c 61 65 3d 21 28 69 65 3d 5b 5d 29 2c 52 3d 31 65 34 2c 75 65 3d 7b 7d 2c 73 65 3d 59 70 2c 65 65 3d 21 28 46 3d 7b 7d 29 2c 71 3d 42 3d 56 3d 55 3d 63 65 3d 6f 65 3d 30 2c 7a 3d 2d 31 2c 4b 3d 21 28 57 3d 21 28 6a 3d 4c 3d 4d 3d 50 3d 6b 3d 6e 75 6c 6c 29 29 2c 47 3d 36 2c 74 65 3d 4a 3d 6e 75 6c 6c 2c 6e 65 3d 21 28 58 3d 32 29 2c 51 3d 50 76 28 29 2c 48 3d 6e 65 77 20 42 76 28 4f 3d 35 30 30 2c 32 2c 31 2c 7b 72 65 71 75 65 75 65 3a 65 2c 73 65 6e 64 3a 53 2c 73 65 6e 74 3a 78 2c 64 72 6f 70 3a 4e 2c 72 73 70 46 61 69 6c 3a 44 2c 6f 74 68 3a 41 7d 29 2c 74 28 29 2c 46 5b 34 5d 3d 7b 62 61 74 63 68 65 73 3a 5b 5d 2c 69 4b 65 79 4d 61 70 3a 7b 7d 7d 2c 46 5b 33 5d 3d 7b 62 61 74 63 68 65 73 3a 5b 5d 2c 69 4b 65 79 4d 61 70 3a 7b
                                                                                      Data Ascii: (){re=!1,ae=!(ie=[]),R=1e4,ue={},se=Yp,ee=!(F={}),q=B=V=U=ce=oe=0,z=-1,K=!(W=!(j=L=M=P=k=null)),G=6,te=J=null,ne=!(X=2),Q=Pv(),H=new Bv(O=500,2,1,{requeue:e,send:S,sent:x,drop:N,rspFail:D,oth:A}),t(),F[4]={batches:[],iKeyMap:{}},F[3]={batches:[],iKeyMap:{

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                                                                                      Click to jump to process

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                                                                                      Yara matches:
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                                                                                      • Rule: Windows_Trojan_Njrat_30f3c220, Description: unknown, Source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, Author: unknown
                                                                                      • Rule: Njrat, Description: detect njRAT in memory, Source: 00000000.00000000.1379310040.0000000000022000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmp, Author: JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group
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                                                                                      Path:C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
                                                                                      Wow64 process (32bit):false
                                                                                      Commandline:"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2172 --field-trial-handle=1904,i,3045040594546194306,8046493471930814901,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8
                                                                                      File size:3'242'272 bytes
                                                                                      MD5 hash:45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4
                                                                                      Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                      Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                      Programmed in:C, C++ or other language
                                                                                      Has exited:false

                                                                                      Target ID:6
                                                                                      Start time:03:47:57
                                                                                      Start date:25/07/2024
                                                                                      Path:C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
                                                                                      Wow64 process (32bit):false
                                                                                      Commandline:"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=11324&pver=4.5&sbp=AppLaunch2&plcid=0x409&o1=SHIM_NOVERSION_FOUND&version=(null)&processName=LisectAVT_2403002C_142.exe&platform=0009&osver=6&isServer=0&shimver=4.0.30319.0
                                                                                      File size:3'242'272 bytes
                                                                                      MD5 hash:45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4
                                                                                      Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                      Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                      Programmed in:C, C++ or other language
                                                                                      Has exited:true

                                                                                      Target ID:7
                                                                                      Start time:03:47:58
                                                                                      Start date:25/07/2024
                                                                                      Path:C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
                                                                                      Wow64 process (32bit):false
                                                                                      Commandline:"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2128 --field-trial-handle=1888,i,6999489819283979014,13540749176578719827,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8
                                                                                      File size:3'242'272 bytes
                                                                                      MD5 hash:45DE480806D1B5D462A7DDE4DCEFC4E4
                                                                                      Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                      Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                      Programmed in:C, C++ or other language
                                                                                      Has exited:true

                                                                                      No disassembly