Windows Analysis Report


General Information

Sample URL:
Analysis ID: 1465754


Score: 56
Range: 0 - 100
Whitelisted: false
Confidence: 100%


AI detected phishing page
HTML page contains suspicious base64 encoded javascript
Phishing site detected (based on shot match)
Detected non-DNS traffic on DNS port
HTML body contains low number of good links
HTML body contains password input but no form action
HTML page contains hidden URLs or javascript code
HTML title does not match URL
Stores files to the Windows start menu directory



Source: LLM: Score: 8 brands: Reasons: The URL '' uses a subdomain of '', which is a legitimate domain. However, the subdomain 'proposalbidinvitation' is suspicious and not typically associated with legitimate services. The webpage contains a prominent call to action to 'VIEW SECURE DOCUMENT', which is a common social engineering technique used in phishing attacks to lure users into clicking a link. The page does not have a prominent login form or CAPTCHA, but the presence of a suspicious link and the use of social engineering techniques indicate a high risk of phishing. DOM: 0.0.pages.csv
Source: LLM: Score: 9 brands: Google Reasons: The URL '' does not match the legitimate domain name '' associated with the brand Google. The webpage mimics the Google sign-in page, which is a common social engineering technique used in phishing attacks. The presence of a prominent login form asking for email or phone information further indicates a phishing attempt. There is no captcha present, which is often used by legitimate sites to prevent automated attacks. The domain '' is suspicious and not related to Google. DOM: 5.9.pages.csv
Source: LLM: Score: 9 brands: Google Reasons: The URL '' does not match the legitimate domain for Google services, which is ''. The webpage mimics the Google sign-in page, which is a common tactic used in phishing attacks to deceive users into entering their credentials. The presence of a prominent login form and the use of a suspicious domain are strong indicators of phishing. Additionally, the URL structure and the domain name do not align with Google's standard practices, further suggesting that this is a phishing attempt. DOM: 5.10.pages.csv
Source: HTTP Parser: Base64 decoded: <script>
Source: about:blank Matcher: Template: captcha matched
Source: Matcher: Template: captcha matched
Source: Matcher: Template: captcha matched
Source: Matcher: Template: captcha matched
Source: Matcher: Template: captcha matched
Source: Matcher: Template: captcha matched
Source: HTTP Parser: Number of links: 0
Source: HTTP Parser: Number of links: 0
Source: HTTP Parser: <input type="password" .../> found but no <form action="...
Source: HTTP Parser: <input type="password" .../> found but no <form action="...
Source: HTTP Parser: Base64 decoded: <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edg...
Source: HTTP Parser: Title: Site Title does not match URL
Source: HTTP Parser: Title: JcOeIqRqix does not match URL
Source: HTTP Parser: Title: cxdPcPkFaJ does not match URL
Source: HTTP Parser: <input type="password" .../> found
Source: HTTP Parser: <input type="password" .../> found
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No favicon
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="author".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="author".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="author".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="author".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="author".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="author".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="author".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="copyright".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="copyright".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="copyright".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="copyright".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="copyright".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="copyright".. found
Source: HTTP Parser: No <meta name="copyright".. found
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Directory created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\Dictionaries
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: global traffic TCP traffic: ->
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown TCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: global traffic HTTP traffic detected: GET / HTTP/1.1Host: proposalbidinvitation.wordpress.comConnection: keep-aliveUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflateAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: global traffic DNS traffic detected: DNS query:
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49744
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49986
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49817 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49743
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49985
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49742
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49984
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49741
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49983
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49740
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49982
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49981
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49980
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49932 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49898 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49852 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51342 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49739
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51388 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49738
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49737
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49979
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49978
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49977
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51296 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49772 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49734
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49976
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49975
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49974
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49731
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49973
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49730
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49972
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49971
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51227 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49970
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49749 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51170 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51262 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 50004 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49909 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49729
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49728
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49727
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49969
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49978 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49726
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49886 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49968
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49725
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49967
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49724
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49966
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49723
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49965
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49722
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49964
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49721
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49963
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51249 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51274 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49962
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49961
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49960
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51354 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49966 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51194 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49760 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49805 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51319 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49719
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49717
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49959
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49716
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49715 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49958
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49957
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49715
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49714
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49956
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49713
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49955
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49712
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49954
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49711
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49953
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49710
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49952
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49951
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49839 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49864 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49950
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49944 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51376 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49910 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49796 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51320 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51215 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49709
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49708
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49949
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49948
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49947
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51169 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49946
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49945
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49737 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49702
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49944
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49943
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49788
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49787
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49786
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51192 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49922 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51352 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49781
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49780
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51398 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49968 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51237 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49807 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51317 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51160 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49713 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49759 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49779
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49778
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49777
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49775
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49862 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51252 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49772
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49771
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51340 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51286 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51364 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49830 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49991 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51400 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49767
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49766
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49764
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49763
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49762
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51203 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49760
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49840 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51329 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51159 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49725 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51264 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49896 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49956 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51386 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49759
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49758
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49757
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49999
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49756
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49998
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49755
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49997
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49754
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49996
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51225 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51298 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51307 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49753
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49995
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49752
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49994
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51330 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49993
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49750
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49992
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49991
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49990
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49786 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49874 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49829 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49934 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49749
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49989
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51182 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49988
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49987
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51201 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51247 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51327 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51362 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51196 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49803 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49849 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49900 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49837 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49711 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49929 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51374 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49872 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49964 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51213 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51184 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51350 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49798 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51276 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51207
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51208
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51205
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51206
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51209
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51200
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49930 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51203
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51396 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51204
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51201
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51202
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49986 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51235 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49850 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51254 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49757 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49799
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51218
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49798
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51219
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49797
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51216
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51217
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49796
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49795
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49952 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51384 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49794
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49793
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49792
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51172 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51210
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51211
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51303 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51214
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51288 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51215
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51212
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51213
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49723 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49825 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51339 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49884 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49907 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49779 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51337 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49859 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51266 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49894 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51372 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49942 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51305 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49919 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51223 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49954 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49788 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49988 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49767 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51174 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49721 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49827 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49882 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49976 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51360 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49815 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51245 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51400
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49860 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51315 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49755 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51162 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49998 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 50002 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51394 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51211 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51349 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49920 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51278 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49926 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51386
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51387
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51384
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51385
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49766 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51388
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51389
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49961 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51390
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51176 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51393
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51210 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51152
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51394
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51391
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51392
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51279 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51313 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51164 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51382 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51155
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51156
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51301 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51398
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51153
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51244 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51395
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51154
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51396
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51159
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51157
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51399
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51158
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51162
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51347 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51163
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51160
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49823 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49869 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51166
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51280 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51167
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51325 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51164
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51165
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49892 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51152 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51168
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51169
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51170
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51173
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51174
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51171
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51172
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51370 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49904 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49847 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49709 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51177
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51178
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49870 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51175
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51176
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51179
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51180
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51181
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51184
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49983 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51185
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51209 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51182
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51232 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49938 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51183
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49811 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51186 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49754 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51257 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51348
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51349
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49813 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49951 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51220 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51342
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51343
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49916 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51340
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51341
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51346
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51347
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51344
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51345
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51369 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51323 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51350
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51292 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49845 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51166 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51357 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51353
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51354
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51351
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51352
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49742 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51357
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51358
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51355
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49879 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49780 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51269 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51356
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49985 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51392 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51360
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51198 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51361
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51188 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49995 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51335 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49928 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51364
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51365
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49857 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51362
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51363
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51368
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51369
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51366
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49764 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51367
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49719 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49801 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51371
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51372
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51370
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49973 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49730 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51380 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51375
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51242 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49835 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51376
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51373
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51374
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51379
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51377
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51154 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51378
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49880 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51382
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51383
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51380
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51381
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51219 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51270 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49792 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49890 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51333 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51379 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51230 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51282 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49912 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49958 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49717 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49889 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51191 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49946 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51156 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49855 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49981 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51207 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49752 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51259 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49924 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49729 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51367 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51178 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49831 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51311 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51294 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49740 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51229 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51260 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51390 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49808 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 50006 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51345 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49867 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49865 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49942
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49941
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49940
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51272 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51205 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51188
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49727 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51189
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51186
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51187
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49762 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51191
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51192
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51190
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51195
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 51240 -> 443
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51196
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51193
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 51194
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49939
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49938
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49937
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49936
Source: unknown Network traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49935
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: unknown HTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: classification engine Classification label:
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\Dictionaries
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps
Source: unknown Process created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-maximized --single-argument
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2052 --field-trial-handle=1988,i,1601020120095448212,8050075927064529106,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2052 --field-trial-handle=1988,i,1601020120095448212,8050075927064529106,262144 --disable-features=OptimizationGuideModelDownloading,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationTargetPrediction /prefetch:8
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Process created: unknown unknown
Source: Window Recorder Window detected: More than 3 window changes detected
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe Directory created: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\Dictionaries
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Google Drive.lnk
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\YouTube.lnk
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Sheets.lnk
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Gmail.lnk
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Slides.lnk
Source: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe File created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chrome Apps\Docs.lnk
  • No. of IPs < 25%
  • 25% < No. of IPs < 50%
  • 50% < No. of IPs < 75%
  • 75% < No. of IPs