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Linux Analysis Report


General Information

Sample name:most-x86.elf
Analysis ID:1447159


Range:0 - 100


Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Detected Mirai
Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Snort IDS alert for network traffic
Yara detected Mirai
Machine Learning detection for sample
Sample tries to kill multiple processes (SIGKILL)
Creates hidden files and/or directories
Detected TCP or UDP traffic on non-standard ports
Enumerates processes within the "proc" file system
Found strings indicative of a multi-platform dropper
Sample contains strings indicative of BusyBox which embeds multiple Unix commands in a single executable
Sample has stripped symbol table
Sample tries to kill a process (SIGKILL)
Tries to connect to HTTP servers, but all servers are down (expired dropper behavior)
Uses the "uname" system call to query kernel version information (possible evasion)
Yara signature match


Joe Sandbox version:40.0.0 Tourmaline
Analysis ID:1447159
Start date and time:2024-05-24 14:51:06 +02:00
Joe Sandbox product:CloudBasic
Overall analysis duration:0h 4m 39s
Hypervisor based Inspection enabled:false
Report type:full
Cookbook file name:defaultlinuxfilecookbook.jbs
Analysis system description:Ubuntu Linux 20.04 x64 (Kernel 5.4.0-72, Firefox 91.0, Evince Document Viewer 3.36.10, LibreOffice, OpenJDK 11.0.11)
Analysis Mode:default
Sample name:most-x86.elf
Exit Code:0
Exit Code Info:
Standard Output:
Standard Error:
  • system is lnxubuntu20
  • most-x86.elf (PID: 6221, Parent: 6135, MD5: 1377bc582b1460fb6d7af9308d8c275f) Arguments: /tmp/most-x86.elf
  • xfdesktop (PID: 6239, Parent: 1900, MD5: dfb13e1581f80065dcea16f2476f16f2) Arguments: xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
  • xfdesktop (PID: 6240, Parent: 1900, MD5: dfb13e1581f80065dcea16f2476f16f2) Arguments: xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
  • xfdesktop (PID: 6243, Parent: 1900, MD5: dfb13e1581f80065dcea16f2476f16f2) Arguments: xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
  • xfdesktop (PID: 6246, Parent: 1900, MD5: dfb13e1581f80065dcea16f2476f16f2) Arguments: xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
  • xfdesktop (PID: 6249, Parent: 1900, MD5: dfb13e1581f80065dcea16f2476f16f2) Arguments: xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
  • cleanup
NameDescriptionAttributionBlogpost URLsLink
MiraiMirai is one of the first significant botnets targeting exposed networking devices running Linux. Found in August 2016 by MalwareMustDie, its name means "future" in Japanese. Nowadays it targets a wide range of networked embedded devices such as IP cameras, home routers (many vendors involved), and other IoT devices. Since the source code was published on "Hack Forums" many variants of the Mirai family appeared, infecting mostly home networks all around the world.No Attributionhttps://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/elf.mirai
most-x86.elfJoeSecurity_Mirai_8Yara detected MiraiJoe Security
    • 0x105d8:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x105ec:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10600:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10614:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10628:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x1063c:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10650:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10664:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10678:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x1068c:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x106a0:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x106b4:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x106c8:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x106dc:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x106f0:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10704:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10718:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x1072c:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10740:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10754:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x10768:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
    • 0x3ca0:$a: 53 31 DB 8B 4C 24 0C 8B 54 24 08 83 F9 01 76 15 66 8B 02 83 E9 02 25 FF FF 00 00 83 C2 02 01 C3 83 F9 01 77 EB 49 75 05 0F BE 02 01 C3
    • 0x9445:$a: 89 38 83 CF FF 89 F8 5A 59 5F C3 57 56 83 EC 04 8B 7C 24 10 8B 4C
    • 0x5d42:$a: 24 08 8B 4C 24 04 85 D2 74 0D 31 C0 89 F6 C6 04 08 00 40 39 D0
    Click to see the 3 entries
    6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmpJoeSecurity_Mirai_8Yara detected MiraiJoe Security
      • 0x105d8:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x105ec:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10600:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10614:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10628:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x1063c:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10650:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10664:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10678:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x1068c:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x106a0:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x106b4:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x106c8:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x106dc:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x106f0:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10704:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10718:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x1072c:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10740:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10754:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x10768:$a: 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F 78 39 33 2F 78 49 44 2F 78 39 41 2F 78 33 38 2F 78 46 4A 2F
      • 0x3ca0:$a: 53 31 DB 8B 4C 24 0C 8B 54 24 08 83 F9 01 76 15 66 8B 02 83 E9 02 25 FF FF 00 00 83 C2 02 01 C3 83 F9 01 77 EB 49 75 05 0F BE 02 01 C3
      • 0x9445:$a: 89 38 83 CF FF 89 F8 5A 59 5F C3 57 56 83 EC 04 8B 7C 24 10 8B 4C
      • 0x5d42:$a: 24 08 8B 4C 24 04 85 D2 74 0D 31 C0 89 F6 C6 04 08 00 40 39 D0
      Click to see the 15 entries
      Source Port:2023
      Destination Port:35218
      Classtype:A Network Trojan was detected
      Source Port:35218
      Destination Port:2023
      Classtype:A Network Trojan was detected

      Click to jump to signature section

      Show All Signature Results

      AV Detection

      Source: most-x86.elfAvira: detected
      Source: most-x86.elfReversingLabs: Detection: 71%
      Source: most-x86.elfVirustotal: Detection: 64%Perma Link
      Source: most-x86.elfJoe Sandbox ML: detected
      Source: most-x86.elfString: HTTP/1.1 200 OKmost-armmost-arm5most-arm6most-arm7most-mipsmost-mpslmost-x86_64most-sh4./dvr_gui./upnp_server./dvr_app/proc/proc/%s/cmdline./pkillkillallwgetbusyboxtopcurltftppgrepxargsawktoyboxKh


      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: 2030490 ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant CnC Checkin M1 (Group String Len 1) ->
      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: 2030489 ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response ->
      Source: global trafficTCP traffic: ->
      Source: global trafficTCP traffic: ->
      Source: global trafficTCP traffic: ->
      Source: global trafficTCP traffic: ->
      Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
      Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
      Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
      Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
      Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
      Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
      Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
      Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
      Source: global trafficDNS traffic detected: DNS query: net-killer.ooguy.com
      Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 43928 -> 443
      Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 42836 -> 443

      System Summary

      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c Author: unknown
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_b14f4c5d Author: unknown
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_5f7b67b8 Author: unknown
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_88de437f Author: unknown
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_389ee3e9 Author: unknown
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_cc93863b Author: unknown
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_8aa7b5d3 Author: unknown
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c Author: unknown
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_b14f4c5d Author: unknown
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_5f7b67b8 Author: unknown
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_88de437f Author: unknown
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_389ee3e9 Author: unknown
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_cc93863b Author: unknown
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_8aa7b5d3 Author: unknown
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c Author: unknown
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_b14f4c5d Author: unknown
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_5f7b67b8 Author: unknown
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_88de437f Author: unknown
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_389ee3e9 Author: unknown
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_cc93863b Author: unknown
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_8aa7b5d3 Author: unknown
      Source: Process Memory Space: most-x86.elf PID: 6221, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c Author: unknown
      Source: Process Memory Space: most-x86.elf PID: 6224, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c Author: unknown
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 904, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 910, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 912, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 918, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 936, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 1207, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 2074, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6239, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6240, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6243, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6246, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6249, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: Initial sampleString containing 'busybox' found: busybox
      Source: Initial sampleString containing 'busybox' found: HTTP/1.1 200 OKmost-armmost-arm5most-arm6most-arm7most-mipsmost-mpslmost-x86_64most-sh4./dvr_gui./upnp_server./dvr_app/proc/proc/%s/cmdline./pkillkillallwgetbusyboxtopcurltftppgrepxargsawktoyboxKh
      Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample.symtab present: no
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 904, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 910, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 912, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 918, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 936, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 1207, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 2074, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6239, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6240, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6243, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6246, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)SIGKILL sent: pid: 6249, result: successfulJump to behavior
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = a2c6beaec18ca876e8487c11bcc7a29279669588aacb7d3027d8d8df8f5bcead, id = 28a2fe0c-eed5-4c79-81e6-3b11b73a4ebd, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_b14f4c5d os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = a70d052918dd2fbc66db241da6438015130f0fb6929229bfe573546fe98da817, id = b14f4c5d-054f-46e6-9fa8-3588f1ef68b7, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_5f7b67b8 os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 6cb5fb0b7c132e9c11ac72da43278025b60810ea3733c9c6d6ca966163185940, id = 5f7b67b8-3d7b-48a4-8f03-b6f2c92be92e, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_88de437f reference_sample = 8dc745a6de6f319cd6021c3e147597315cc1be02099d78fc8aae94de0e1e4bc6, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = c19eb595c2b444a809bef8500c20342c9f46694d3018e268833f9b884133a1ea, id = 88de437f-9c98-4e1d-96c0-7b433c99886a, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_389ee3e9 reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 59f2359dc1f41d385d639d157b4cd9fc73d76d8abb7cc09d47632bb4c9a39e6e, id = 389ee3e9-70c1-4c93-a999-292cf6ff1652, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_cc93863b reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = f3ecd30f0b511a8e92cfa642409d559e7612c3f57a1659ca46c77aca809a00ac, id = cc93863b-1050-40ba-9d02-5ec9ce6a3a28, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_8aa7b5d3 reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 02a2c18c362df4b1fceb33f3b605586514ba9a00c7afedf71c04fa54d8146444, id = 8aa7b5d3-e1eb-4b55-b36a-0d3a242c06e9, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = a2c6beaec18ca876e8487c11bcc7a29279669588aacb7d3027d8d8df8f5bcead, id = 28a2fe0c-eed5-4c79-81e6-3b11b73a4ebd, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_b14f4c5d os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = a70d052918dd2fbc66db241da6438015130f0fb6929229bfe573546fe98da817, id = b14f4c5d-054f-46e6-9fa8-3588f1ef68b7, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_5f7b67b8 os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 6cb5fb0b7c132e9c11ac72da43278025b60810ea3733c9c6d6ca966163185940, id = 5f7b67b8-3d7b-48a4-8f03-b6f2c92be92e, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_88de437f reference_sample = 8dc745a6de6f319cd6021c3e147597315cc1be02099d78fc8aae94de0e1e4bc6, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = c19eb595c2b444a809bef8500c20342c9f46694d3018e268833f9b884133a1ea, id = 88de437f-9c98-4e1d-96c0-7b433c99886a, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_389ee3e9 reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 59f2359dc1f41d385d639d157b4cd9fc73d76d8abb7cc09d47632bb4c9a39e6e, id = 389ee3e9-70c1-4c93-a999-292cf6ff1652, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_cc93863b reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = f3ecd30f0b511a8e92cfa642409d559e7612c3f57a1659ca46c77aca809a00ac, id = cc93863b-1050-40ba-9d02-5ec9ce6a3a28, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_8aa7b5d3 reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 02a2c18c362df4b1fceb33f3b605586514ba9a00c7afedf71c04fa54d8146444, id = 8aa7b5d3-e1eb-4b55-b36a-0d3a242c06e9, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = a2c6beaec18ca876e8487c11bcc7a29279669588aacb7d3027d8d8df8f5bcead, id = 28a2fe0c-eed5-4c79-81e6-3b11b73a4ebd, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_b14f4c5d os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = a70d052918dd2fbc66db241da6438015130f0fb6929229bfe573546fe98da817, id = b14f4c5d-054f-46e6-9fa8-3588f1ef68b7, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_5f7b67b8 os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 6cb5fb0b7c132e9c11ac72da43278025b60810ea3733c9c6d6ca966163185940, id = 5f7b67b8-3d7b-48a4-8f03-b6f2c92be92e, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_88de437f reference_sample = 8dc745a6de6f319cd6021c3e147597315cc1be02099d78fc8aae94de0e1e4bc6, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = c19eb595c2b444a809bef8500c20342c9f46694d3018e268833f9b884133a1ea, id = 88de437f-9c98-4e1d-96c0-7b433c99886a, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_389ee3e9 reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 59f2359dc1f41d385d639d157b4cd9fc73d76d8abb7cc09d47632bb4c9a39e6e, id = 389ee3e9-70c1-4c93-a999-292cf6ff1652, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_cc93863b reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = f3ecd30f0b511a8e92cfa642409d559e7612c3f57a1659ca46c77aca809a00ac, id = cc93863b-1050-40ba-9d02-5ec9ce6a3a28, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Mirai_8aa7b5d3 reference_sample = 5217f2a46cb93946e04ab00e385ad0fe0a2844b6ea04ef75ee9187aac3f3d52f, os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2022-01-05, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Mirai, fingerprint = 02a2c18c362df4b1fceb33f3b605586514ba9a00c7afedf71c04fa54d8146444, id = 8aa7b5d3-e1eb-4b55-b36a-0d3a242c06e9, last_modified = 2022-01-26
      Source: Process Memory Space: most-x86.elf PID: 6221, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = a2c6beaec18ca876e8487c11bcc7a29279669588aacb7d3027d8d8df8f5bcead, id = 28a2fe0c-eed5-4c79-81e6-3b11b73a4ebd, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: Process Memory Space: most-x86.elf PID: 6224, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: Linux_Trojan_Gafgyt_28a2fe0c os = linux, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-01-12, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Linux.Trojan.Gafgyt, fingerprint = a2c6beaec18ca876e8487c11bcc7a29279669588aacb7d3027d8d8df8f5bcead, id = 28a2fe0c-eed5-4c79-81e6-3b11b73a4ebd, last_modified = 2021-09-16
      Source: classification engineClassification label: mal96.spre.troj.linELF@0/0@1/0
      Source: /usr/bin/xfdesktop (PID: 6240)Directory: /home/saturnino/.Xdefaults-galassiaJump to behavior
      Source: /usr/bin/xfdesktop (PID: 6243)Directory: /home/saturnino/.Xdefaults-galassiaJump to behavior
      Source: /usr/bin/xfdesktop (PID: 6246)Directory: /home/saturnino/.Xdefaults-galassiaJump to behavior
      Source: /usr/bin/xfdesktop (PID: 6249)Directory: /home/saturnino/.Xdefaults-galassiaJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6230/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6232/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6231/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6234/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6233/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6236/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6235/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1582/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/3088/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/230/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/110/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/231/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/111/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/232/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1579/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/112/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/233/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1699/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/113/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/234/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1335/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1698/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/114/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/235/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1334/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1576/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/2302/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/115/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/236/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/116/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/237/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/117/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/118/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/910/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6227/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/119/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6226/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/912/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6229/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6228/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/10/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/2307/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/11/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/918/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/12/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6240/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/13/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6243/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/14/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/15/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/16/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/17/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/18/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6246/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1594/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/120/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/121/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1349/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/122/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/243/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/123/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/2/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/124/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/3/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/4/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/125/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/126/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1344/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1465/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1586/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/127/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/248/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/128/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/249/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1463/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/800/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6238/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/9/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/801/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6237/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/6239/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/20/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/21/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1900/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/22/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/23/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/24/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/25/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/26/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/27/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/28/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/29/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/491/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/250/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/130/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/251/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/252/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/132/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/253/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/254/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/255/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/256/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /tmp/most-x86.elf (PID: 6223)File opened: /proc/1599/cmdlineJump to behavior
      Source: /usr/bin/xfdesktop (PID: 6240)Queries kernel information via 'uname': Jump to behavior
      Source: /usr/bin/xfdesktop (PID: 6243)Queries kernel information via 'uname': Jump to behavior
      Source: /usr/bin/xfdesktop (PID: 6246)Queries kernel information via 'uname': Jump to behavior
      Source: /usr/bin/xfdesktop (PID: 6249)Queries kernel information via 'uname': Jump to behavior

      Stealing of Sensitive Information

      Source: Yara matchFile source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLE
      Source: Yara matchFile source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
      Source: Yara matchFile source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
      Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: most-x86.elf PID: 6221, type: MEMORYSTR
      Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: most-x86.elf PID: 6224, type: MEMORYSTR

      Remote Access Functionality

      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant CnC Checkin M1 (Group String Len 1)
      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response
      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response
      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response
      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response
      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response
      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response
      Source: TrafficSnort IDS: ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response
      Source: Yara matchFile source: most-x86.elf, type: SAMPLE
      Source: Yara matchFile source: 6224.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
      Source: Yara matchFile source: 6221.1.0000000008048000.000000000805b000.r-x.sdmp, type: MEMORY
      Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: most-x86.elf PID: 6221, type: MEMORYSTR
      Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: most-x86.elf PID: 6224, type: MEMORYSTR
      ReconnaissanceResource DevelopmentInitial AccessExecutionPersistencePrivilege EscalationDefense EvasionCredential AccessDiscoveryLateral MovementCollectionCommand and ControlExfiltrationImpact
      Gather Victim Identity Information1
      Valid AccountsWindows Management Instrumentation1
      Path Interception1
      Hidden Files and Directories
      OS Credential Dumping
      Security Software Discovery
      Remote ServicesData from Local System1
      Encrypted Channel
      Exfiltration Over Other Network Medium1
      Service Stop
      CredentialsDomainsDefault AccountsScheduled Task/JobBoot or Logon Initialization ScriptsBoot or Logon Initialization ScriptsRootkitLSASS MemoryApplication Window DiscoveryRemote Desktop ProtocolData from Removable Media1
      Non-Standard Port
      Exfiltration Over BluetoothNetwork Denial of Service
      Email AddressesDNS ServerDomain AccountsAtLogon Script (Windows)Logon Script (Windows)Obfuscated Files or InformationSecurity Account ManagerQuery RegistrySMB/Windows Admin SharesData from Network Shared Drive1
      Non-Application Layer Protocol
      Automated ExfiltrationData Encrypted for Impact
      Employee NamesVirtual Private ServerLocal AccountsCronLogin HookLogin HookBinary PaddingNTDSSystem Network Configuration DiscoveryDistributed Component Object ModelInput Capture2
      Application Layer Protocol
      Traffic DuplicationData Destruction
      No configs have been found
      Hide Legend


      • Process
      • Signature
      • Created File
      • DNS/IP Info
      • Is Dropped
      • Number of created Files
      • Is malicious
      • Internet
      behaviorgraph top1 dnsIp2 2 Behavior Graph ID: 1447159 Sample: most-x86.elf Startdate: 24/05/2024 Architecture: LINUX Score: 96 24 net-killer.ooguy.com, 2023, 35218 VIETBRANDS-AS-VNVIETBRANDSCOMPANYLIMITEDVN unknown 2->24 26, 80 INIT7CH Switzerland 2->26 28 2 other IPs or domains 2->28 30 Snort IDS alert for network traffic 2->30 32 Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule) 2->32 34 Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample 2->34 36 4 other signatures 2->36 9 most-x86.elf 2->9         started        11 xfce4-session xfdesktop 2->11         started        13 xfce4-session xfdesktop 2->13         started        15 3 other processes 2->15 signatures3 process4 process5 17 most-x86.elf 9->17         started        process6 19 most-x86.elf 17->19         started        signatures7 38 Sample tries to kill multiple processes (SIGKILL) 19->38 22 most-x86.elf 19->22         started        process8

      This section contains all screenshots as thumbnails, including those not shown in the slideshow.

      most-x86.elf100%Joe Sandbox ML
      No Antivirus matches
      No Antivirus matches
      NameIPActiveMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation
      • No. of IPs < 25%
      • 25% < No. of IPs < 50%
      • 50% < No. of IPs < 75%
      • 75% < No. of IPs
      IPDomainCountryFlagASNASN NameMalicious
      unknownUnited Kingdom
      unknownUnited Kingdom
      MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionThreat NameLinkContext hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
        Pszs8JIWXg.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
          F323o9as5K.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
            XxOe9bDTpp.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                SecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30062.24731.17059.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                  dDZYqd2t3k.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                    KgBEq4YGpw.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                      mzdWUcvUU2.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                        LJ6BZHggzR.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                          HB7PyjAkmd.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                            SecuriteInfo.com.Linux.Mirai.REAL.tr.23871.3834.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                              9CQ9cIJc3w.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                v15ZfXB65d.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                    SecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30062.24731.17059.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                      dDZYqd2t3k.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                        KgBEq4YGpw.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                          mzdWUcvUU2.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                            LJ6BZHggzR.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                              HB7PyjAkmd.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                SecuriteInfo.com.Linux.Mirai.REAL.tr.23871.3834.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                  9CQ9cIJc3w.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                    v15ZfXB65d.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                        SecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30062.24731.17059.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                          dDZYqd2t3k.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                            KgBEq4YGpw.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                              mzdWUcvUU2.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                LJ6BZHggzR.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                  HB7PyjAkmd.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                    SecuriteInfo.com.Linux.Mirai.REAL.tr.23871.3834.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                      9CQ9cIJc3w.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                        v15ZfXB65d.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                          MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionThreat NameLinkContext
                                                                          net-killer.ooguy.comXxOe9bDTpp.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                          MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionThreat NameLinkContext
                                                                          CANONICAL-ASGBSecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30061.31494.18238.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                          SecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30062.24731.17059.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                          KkD4QJWEyx.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          qBotA88SDV.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          dDZYqd2t3k.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          KgBEq4YGpw.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          mzdWUcvUU2.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          LJ6BZHggzR.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          GIPlLTG4sS.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          3oLSV0THh9.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          CANONICAL-ASGBSecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30061.31494.18238.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                          SecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30062.24731.17059.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                          KkD4QJWEyx.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          qBotA88SDV.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          dDZYqd2t3k.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          KgBEq4YGpw.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          mzdWUcvUU2.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          LJ6BZHggzR.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          GIPlLTG4sS.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          3oLSV0THh9.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          INIT7CHSecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30061.31494.18238.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                          SecuriteInfo.com.Trojan.Linux.GenericKD.30062.24731.17059.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                          dDZYqd2t3k.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          KgBEq4YGpw.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          mzdWUcvUU2.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          LJ6BZHggzR.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          HB7PyjAkmd.elfGet hashmaliciousGafgyt, MiraiBrowse
                                                                          SecuriteInfo.com.Linux.Mirai.REAL.tr.23871.3834.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                          9CQ9cIJc3w.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                          v15ZfXB65d.elfGet hashmaliciousUnknownBrowse
                                                                          VIETBRANDS-AS-VNVIETBRANDSCOMPANYLIMITEDVNBC4t17oRZP.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                          Pszs8JIWXg.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                          F323o9as5K.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                          XxOe9bDTpp.elfGet hashmaliciousMiraiBrowse
                                                                          BDPZW5RmJH.exeGet hashmaliciousArrowRATBrowse
                                                                          FOxWA5QXSu.exeGet hashmaliciousAsyncRATBrowse
                                                                          No context
                                                                          No context
                                                                          No created / dropped files found
                                                                          File type:ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped
                                                                          Entropy (8bit):5.597111090452547
                                                                          • ELF Executable and Linkable format (Linux) (4029/14) 50.16%
                                                                          • ELF Executable and Linkable format (generic) (4004/1) 49.84%
                                                                          File name:most-x86.elf
                                                                          File size:96'388 bytes
                                                                          File Content Preview:.ELF....................d...4....v......4. ...(.....................P#..P#...............0...........F..,...........Q.td............................U..S.......{/...h....#...[]...$.............U......=.....t..5....D......D.......u........t....hP...........

                                                                          ELF header

                                                                          Data:2's complement, little endian
                                                                          Version:1 (current)
                                                                          Machine:Intel 80386
                                                                          Version Number:0x1
                                                                          Type:EXEC (Executable file)
                                                                          OS/ABI:UNIX - System V
                                                                          ABI Version:0
                                                                          Entry Point Address:0x8048164
                                                                          ELF Header Size:52
                                                                          Program Header Offset:52
                                                                          Program Header Size:32
                                                                          Number of Program Headers:3
                                                                          Section Header Offset:95988
                                                                          Section Header Size:40
                                                                          Number of Section Headers:10
                                                                          Header String Table Index:9
                                                                          NameTypeAddressOffsetSizeEntSizeFlagsFlags DescriptionLinkInfoAlign
                                                                          TypeOffsetVirtual AddressPhysical AddressFile SizeMemory SizeEntropyFlagsFlags DescriptionAlignProg InterpreterSection Mappings
                                                                          LOAD0x00x80480000x80480000x123500x123506.57430x5R E0x1000.init .text .fini .rodata
                                                                          LOAD0x130000x805b0000x805b0000x46b40x8f2c0.24920x6RW 0x1000.ctors .dtors .data .bss
                                                                          GNU_STACK0x00x00x00x00x00.00000x6RW 0x4
                                                                          TimestampProtocolSIDMessageSource PortDest PortSource IPDest IP
                                                                          05/24/24-14:53:42.688148TCP2030489ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant Server Response202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          05/24/24-14:51:44.421058TCP2030490ET TROJAN ELF/MooBot Mirai DDoS Variant CnC Checkin M1 (Group String Len 1)352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          TimestampSource PortDest PortSource IPDest IP
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.415787935 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.420986891 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.421032906 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.421057940 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.472567081 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:45.116650105 CEST43928443192.168.2.2391.189.91.42
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:45.308295965 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:45.308362961 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:50.491928101 CEST42836443192.168.2.2391.189.91.43
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:52.027841091 CEST4251680192.168.2.23109.202.202.202
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:55.315361977 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:55.320358992 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:02.558084965 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:02.558150053 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:06.105998993 CEST43928443192.168.2.2391.189.91.42
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:16.344647884 CEST42836443192.168.2.2391.189.91.43
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:22.487845898 CEST4251680192.168.2.23109.202.202.202
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:22.579767942 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:22.579838037 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:42.599731922 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:42.599785089 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:52:47.060482025 CEST43928443192.168.2.2391.189.91.42
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:02.614541054 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:02.627926111 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:02.627973080 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:02.632816076 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:07.537797928 CEST42836443192.168.2.2391.189.91.43
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:22.647290945 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:22.647377968 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:42.688148022 CEST202335218103.151.239.121192.168.2.23
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:53:42.688199043 CEST352182023192.168.2.23103.151.239.121
                                                                          TimestampSource PortDest PortSource IPDest IP
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.408596992 CEST5139953192.
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.415671110 CEST53513998.8.8.8192.168.2.23
                                                                          TimestampSource IPDest IPTrans IDOP CodeNameTypeClassDNS over HTTPS
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.408596992 CEST192. query (0)net-killer.ooguy.comA (IP address)IN (0x0001)false
                                                                          TimestampSource IPDest IPTrans IDReply CodeNameCNameAddressTypeClassDNS over HTTPS
                                                                          May 24, 2024 14:51:44.415671110 CEST8.8.8.8192.168.2.230x6923No error (0)net-killer.ooguy.com103.151.239.121A (IP address)IN (0x0001)false

                                                                          System Behavior

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:43
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:96388 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:1377bc582b1460fb6d7af9308d8c275f

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:43
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:96388 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:1377bc582b1460fb6d7af9308d8c275f

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:43
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:96388 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:1377bc582b1460fb6d7af9308d8c275f

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:43
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:96388 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:1377bc582b1460fb6d7af9308d8c275f
                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:44
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:264752 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:648919f03ad356720c8c27f5aaaf75d1

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:44
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          Arguments:xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
                                                                          File size:473520 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:dfb13e1581f80065dcea16f2476f16f2

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:44
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:264752 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:648919f03ad356720c8c27f5aaaf75d1

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:44
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          Arguments:xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
                                                                          File size:473520 bytes
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                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:46
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:264752 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:648919f03ad356720c8c27f5aaaf75d1

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:46
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          Arguments:xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
                                                                          File size:473520 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:dfb13e1581f80065dcea16f2476f16f2

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:47
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:264752 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:648919f03ad356720c8c27f5aaaf75d1

                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:47
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          Arguments:xfdesktop --display :1.0 --sm-client-id 29178b886-02e2-48f2-9471-8dbd02206542
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                                                                          Start time (UTC):12:51:49
                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
                                                                          File size:264752 bytes
                                                                          MD5 hash:648919f03ad356720c8c27f5aaaf75d1

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                                                                          Start date (UTC):24/05/2024
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