Windows Analysis Report


General Information

Sample name:
Analysis ID: 1419154
MD5: 5756b17b1452dd9bc8b360c71411c0d7
SHA1: 593f9f76be14d6a44d24e10a9f177ce9ee63bfc3
SHA256: f4bfde9d6ec02c5b940236f1b23b20dd5f1814523a6cbdb7856513f73ae038eb
Tags: exe


Score: 3
Range: 0 - 100
Whitelisted: false
Confidence: 40%


Enables debug privileges
PE file contains more sections than normal
PE file contains sections with non-standard names
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
Tries to load missing DLLs


Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown UDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
Source: unknown DNS traffic detected: queries for:
Source: unknown HTTP traffic detected: POST /install HTTP/1.1Host: install.flybird.himyou.comUser-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1Content-Length: 257Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedAccept-Encoding: gzipData Raw: 68 6f 73 74 5f 69 64 3d 39 65 31 34 36 62 65 39 2d 63 37 36 61 2d 34 37 32 30 2d 62 63 64 62 2d 35 33 30 31 31 62 38 37 62 64 30 36 26 68 6f 73 74 6e 61 6d 65 3d 32 38 34 39 39 32 26 6f 73 3d 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 73 26 70 6c 61 74 66 6f 72 6d 3d 4d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66 74 20 57 69 6e 64 6f 77 73 20 31 30 20 50 72 6f 26 70 6c 61 74 66 6f 72 6d 5f 66 61 6d 69 6c 79 3d 53 74 61 6e 64 61 6c 6f 6e 65 20 57 6f 72 6b 73 74 61 74 69 6f 6e 26 70 6c 61 74 66 6f 72 6d 5f 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 31 30 2e 30 2e 31 39 30 34 35 20 42 75 69 6c 64 20 31 39 30 34 35 26 6b 65 72 6e 65 6c 5f 61 72 63 68 3d 78 38 36 5f 36 34 26 6b 65 72 6e 65 6c 5f 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 31 30 2e 30 2e 31 39 30 34 35 20 42 75 69 6c 64 20 31 39 30 34 35 26 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 75 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e Data Ascii: host_id=9e146be9-c76a-4720-bcdb-53011b87bd06&hostname=284992&os=windows&platform=Microsoft Windows 10 Pro&platform_family=Standalone Workstation&platform_version=10.0.19045 Build 19045&kernel_arch=x86_64&kernel_version=10.0.19045 Build 19045&version=unknown
Source: global traffic HTTP traffic detected: HTTP/1.1 404 Not FoundServer: nginx/1.16.1Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2024 05:21:58 GMTContent-Type: text/plainContent-Length: 18Connection: keep-aliveData Raw: 34 30 34 20 70 61 67 65 20 6e 6f 74 20 66 6f 75 6e 64 Data Ascii: 404 page not found
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source:, 00000000.00000002.3249111944.000000C00002C000.00000004.00001000.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source:, 00000000.00000002.3249111944.000000C00002C000.00000004.00001000.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source:, 00000000.00000002.3249111944.000000C00002C000.00000004.00001000.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source:, 00000000.00000002.3249111944.000000C00002C000.00000004.00001000.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory: http://fontello.comcodiconRegularcodiconcodiconVersion
Source:, 00000000.00000002.3254489545.000000C00040A000.00000004.00001000.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source:, 00000000.00000002.3249111944.000000C00002C000.00000004.00001000.00020000.00000000.sdmp String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: String found in binary or memory:
Source: Static PE information: Number of sections : 13 > 10
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: apphelp.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: cryptbase.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: winmm.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: powrprof.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: umpdc.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: mswsock.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: dnsapi.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: iphlpapi.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: rasadhlp.dll Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Section loaded: fwpuclnt.dll Jump to behavior
Source: Static PE information: Section: /19 ZLIB complexity 0.9994244414251208
Source: Static PE information: Section: /32 ZLIB complexity 0.9969508495145631
Source: Binary string: .-402]%SystemRoot%\system32\%s not between ? and ?%s requires 1 argument' in existing prefix '' is not a map to dive../drawings/vmlDrawing.localhost.localdomain/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF0123456789abcdefABCDEF0E0A:0E190E19:0E170E1715:4:5 Jan 2, 2006 MST2006-01-02T15:04:05Z074656612873077392578125</decodeTwoCellAnchor>AUTOINCREMENTINCREMENTAleutian Standard TimeAtlantic Standard TimeCONCAT(str1,str2,...) Caucasus Standard TimeCloseCurlyDoubleQuote;ConvertSidToStringSidWConvertStringSidToSidWCreateEnvironmentBlockCreateIoCompletionPortDEBUG_HTTP2_GOROUTINESDROP TABLE IF EXISTS ?Dateline Standard TimeDoubleContourIntegral;ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512FilledVerySmallSquare;Georgian Standard TimeGetEnvironmentStringsWGetTimeZoneInformationHawaiian Standard TimeIPv4 address too shortInscriptional_ParthianInt.Scan: invalid verbJan _2 15:04:05.000000Johab - Korean (Johab)LOOKUP no result foundMAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMSMountain Standard TimeNegativeVeryThinSpace;NotPrecedesSlantEqual;NotRightTriangleEqual;NotSucceedsSlantEqual;NtSetSystemInformationNyiakeng_Puachue_HmongPakistan Standard TimeParaguay Standard TimeROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT RoGetActivationFactoryRtlDeleteFunctionTableRtlGetNtVersionNumbersSUBSTRING(str,pos,len)SafeArrayGetRecordInfoSafeArraySetRecordInfoSakhalin Standard TimeSao Tome Standard TimeSetupDiEnumDriverInfoWSetupDiGetClassDevsExWStandalone WorkstationTasmania Standard TimeUnsupported Media TypeVDB requires cost >= 0WSAGetOverlappedResultWaitForMultipleObjectsX-Content-Type-OptionsXNPV requires rate > 0"%s" <---- AROUND HERE\Device\NamedPipe\msys^(0[xX])?[0-9a-fA-F]+$^(\d{4}([ ]?\d{4})?)?$address already in useadjustPriority on rootadvapi32.dll not foundapplication/ecmascriptapplication/javascriptapplication/postscriptapplication/x-protobufargument list too longassembly checks failedattachment; filename="bad g->status in readybad sweepgen in refillbar3DCylinderClusteredbody closed by handlercall not at safe pointcannot allocate memorycannot decode into nilcannot unmarshal into catmsg: illegal varintcatmsg: unknown var %qcol3DCylinderClusteredcomment not terminatedcompileCallabck: type concat(str1,str2,...) dist/js/15.3156dda3.jsdist/js/75.c68d9499.jsdriver: bad connectionduplicated defer entryerror decoding messageerror parsing regexp: expected /> in elementexpected BTREE or HASHexpected a : separatorexpected end; found %sexpected quoted stringfailed to open file %sfailed to parse createfailed to produce diffframe_data_pad_too_bigfreeIndex is not validgb18030_unicode_520_cigetenv before env initgorm:begin_transactiongorm:update_track_timegzip: invalid checksumh"
Source: Binary string: \Device\NamedPipe\cygwin
Source: Binary or memory string:*formulaFuncs).SLN
Source: Binary or memory string: m({id:"xml",extensions:[".xml",".dtd",".ascx",".csproj",".config",".wxi",".wxl",".wxs",".xaml",".svg",".svgz",".opf",".xsl"],firstLine:"(\\<\\?xml.*)|(\\<svg)|(\\<\\!doctype\\s+svg)",aliases:["XML","xml"],mimetypes:["text/xml","application/xml","application/xaml+xml","application/xml-dtd"],loader:()=>i.e(7973).then(i.bind(i,7973))}),
Source: classification engine Classification label: clean3.winEXE@2/0@2/1
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ File created: C:\Users\user\Library Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe Mutant created: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Local\SM0:5820:120:WilError_03
Source: Static PE information: Section: .text IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Key opened: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers Jump to behavior
Source: String found in binary or memory: ^(\d{6})?$^(m|l)ice$^976\d{2}$^980\d{2}$^986\d{2}$^987\d{2}$^988\d{2}$^BBND 1ZZ$^FIQQ 1ZZ$^PCRN 1ZZ$^SIQQ 1ZZ$^TKCA 1ZZ$^[\p{L}]+$_reserved1alphabeticarg %d: %watomicand8audio/aiffaudio/midiaudio/mpegaudio/waveavx512bf16avx512gfniavx512ifmaavx512vaesavx512vbmiavx512vnnibackgroundbackprime;backsimeq;barStackedbeginsWithbelongs_tobig5-hkscsbigotimes;blockquotebm-Latn-MLbytes */%dcenterdot;chartsheetcheckmark;colStackedcolorScalecomplex128complexes;connectioncontainingcp1250_bincp1251_bincp1256_bincp1257_bincreatetempcsshiftjiscurdate() dashDotDotdebug calldefinitiondependencydeprecateddist/a.txtdist/fontsdnsapi.dlldotDotDashdotsquare;downarrow;dwmapi.dllerr is nilexecerrdotexitThreadexp masterexpressionff-Latn-BFff-Latn-CMff-Latn-GHff-Latn-GMff-Latn-GNff-Latn-GWff-Latn-LRff-Latn-MRff-Latn-NEff-Latn-SLfigcaptionfloat32nanfloat64nanfont/woff2formactionformmethodformtargetgb2312_bingb_2312-80getsockoptgo_packagegorm:querygoroutine gtecsfieldgtrapprox;gtreqless;gvertneqq;h:mm am/pmha-Latn-GHha-Latn-NGheartsuit;hebrew_binhour(time)http-equivhttp_proxyhz-gb-2312image/avifimage/jpegimage/webpimpossibleinput_typeinstanceofinvalid IPinvalid dbinvalidptriso-8859-1iso-8859-2iso-8859-3iso-8859-4iso-8859-5iso-8859-6iso-8859-7iso-8859-8iso-8859-9iso-ir-100iso-ir-101iso-ir-109iso-ir-110iso-ir-126iso-ir-127iso-ir-138iso-ir-144iso-ir-148iso-ir-149iso-ir-157iso8859-10iso8859-11iso8859-13iso8859-14iso8859-15iso_8859-1iso_8859-2iso_8859-3iso_8859-4iso_8859-5iso_8859-6iso_8859-7iso_8859-8iso_8859-9jv-Latn-IDkeep-alivekeySplineskeysplinesks-Arab-INku-Arab-IRlast monthlatin1_binlatin2_binlatin5_binlatin7_binleftarrow;lesseqgtr;local-addrltecsfieldltrim(str)lvertneqq;mSpanInUsemediagroupmediumGraymediumblobmediumtextmn-Mong-CNmn-Mong-MNmultipart-ngeqslant;nleqslant;notBetweennotifyListnovalidatenparallel;nshortmid;nsubseteq;nsupseteq;numOctavesnumoctavesoneof_declowner diedpathLengthpathlengthpitchfork;pivotCachepivotTablepower(x,y)primaryKeyprintasciiprofInsertpropertiesprotectionradiogrouprationals;registeredres binderres masterresumptionripemd-160round(n,d)rtrim(str)rune <nil>runtime: gs.state = schedtracesemacquireseptiembreset-cookiesetsockoptshort readskipping: sn-Latn-ZWsocks bindspadesuit;spellchecksql/exportsql/importstackLargestartswithstdlib: %sstream endstructonlysubseteqq;subsetneq;supseteqq;supsetneq;t.Kind == table/edittableWordsterminatedtext/plaintextLengthtextlengththerefore;this monthticks.locktimePeriodtis620_bintracefree(tracegc()
Source: String found in binary or memory: mhairModule32FirstWNetUserGetInfoNot AcceptableNotEqualTilde;NotTildeEqual;NotTildeTilde;ON CONSTRAINT OpenSCManagerWOperatorPrefixOther_ID_StartPRIMARY KEY ?,PROTOCOL_ERRORPattern_SyntaxPoincareplane;PrecedesEqual;PrecedesTilde;Process32NextWQuotation_MarkRCodeNameErrorREAD COMMITTEDREFUSED_STREAMREQUEST_METHODRead CommittedReading file: RegSetValueExWResourceHeaderRightArrowBar;RightTeeArrow;RightTriangle;RightUpVector;SLOW SQL >= %vSetConsoleModeSetFilePointerSetThreadTokenSizeofResourceSucceedsEqual;SucceedsTilde;SupersetEqual;SwitchArgumentSysAllocStringTRUNCATE(n,d) TranslateNameWUpEquilibrium;VerQueryValueWVerticalTilde;VeryThinSpace;VirtualProtectVirtualQueryExX-User-Defined[^0-9]%d[^0-9]" out of range\.+*?()|[]{}^$^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$` DROP INDEX `accept-charsetallocfreetraceansi_x3.4-1968auto_incrementbad allocCountbad connectionbad record MACbad restart PCbad span statebar3DClusteredbigtriangleup;blacktriangle;body_write_errbytes %d-%d/%dcol3DClusteredconnection/addcontainsBlankscontainsErrorscontent-lengthcontinue monthdarkHorizontaldata truncateddatabase/closedcterms:W3CDTFdivideontimes;document startexpected 'inf'expected 'nan'expected COMMAexpected TABLEfallingdotseq;feDistantLightfeGaussianBlurfedistantlightfegaussianblurfile too largefinalizer waitfirst_settingsformnovalidategbk_chinese_cigcstoptheworldgetprotobynameh"
Source: String found in binary or memory: -4009]\ #,##0.00^[A-Z]{3}[ ]?\d{2,4}$^\+[1-9]?[0-9]{7,14}$^\d{4,5}|\d{3}-\d{4}$_xlnm._FilterDatabaseafter top-level valueapplication/x-msgpackasync stack too largeat range loop break: bad number syntax: %qbad type in compare: bar3DPyramidClusteredblock device requiredbufio: negative countcaching_sha2_passwordcannot apply NOT NULLcannot apply UNSIGNEDcannot apply ZEROFILLcannot marshal type: checkdead: runnable gcol3DPyramidClusteredcommand not supportedconcurrent map writesdecompression failuredefer on system stackeuc-jp - EUC Japaneseexec: already startedexpected DOCUMENT-ENDexpected KEY or INDEXexpected STREAM-STARTexpected character %cfeature not supportedfindrunnable: wrong pformat: invalid quoteframe_ping_has_streamhh"
Source: String found in binary or memory: VLOOKUP no result foundVariant Also NegotiatesVariantTimeToSystemTimeVenezuela Standard TimeVolgograd Standard TimeW. Europe Standard TimeWest Asia Standard TimeWest Bank Standard TimeX-Appengine-Remote-Addr[GIN-debug] [ERROR] %v
Source: String found in binary or memory: TRUNC requires at least 1 argumentTrying to resolve absolute path toVirtualQuery for stack base failedWEEKDAY allows at most 2 argumentsWEEKNUM allows at most 2 argumentsXLOOKUP allows at most 6 argumentsYEARFRAC requires 3 or 4 argumentsYIELDMAT requires 5 or 6 argumentsZ.TEST accepts at most 3 arguments" is anonymous but has PkgPath set^(([0-9])+)-(([0-9])+)-(([0-9])+)$^(([0-9])+)/(([0-9])+)/(([0-9])+)$^((\d{4}-)?\d{3}-\d{3}(-\d{1})?)?$adding nil Certificate to CertPoolattempted to parse unknown event: bad scalar length: %d, expected %dcan't evaluate field %s in type %scan't handle %s for arg of type %scannot infer value: %s: Ox%x/%d/%scannot squash non-struct type '%s'cell value must be 0-%d characterschacha20: wrong HChaCha20 key sizeconnection doesn't support Ed25519control characters are not allowedcrypto/aes: invalid buffer overlapcrypto/des: invalid buffer overlapcrypto/rc4: invalid buffer overlapcrypto/rsa: missing public modulusdate_add(date,interval expr type) date_sub(date,interval expr type) did not find expected node contentdist/fonts/ionicons.d03f2836.woff2doaddtimer: P already set in timerdriver: remove argument from queryexpected 1 HTTP2-Settings. Got: %vexpected NUMBER (decimal size `D`)expected NUMBER (decimal size `M`)expected an RSA public key, got %Texpected attribute name in elementexpected comma after array elementfailed to acquite target io.Writerfailed to unmarshal gob value: %#vforEachP: sched.safePointWait != 0frame_settings_window_size_too_bigframe_windowupdate_zero_inc_streamhandleValue not implemented for %shttp2: aborting request body writehttp: MultipartReader called twicehttp: connection has been hijackedhttp: invalid Content-Length of %qhttp: persistConn.readLoop exitinghttp: read on closed response bodyi/o operation on closed connectionillegal base64 data at input byte in \u hexadecimal character length of a UTF-8 sequenceinvalid nested repetition operatorinvalid or unsupported Perl syntaxinvalid padding bits in BIT STRINGiso-8859-13 - ISO 8859-13 Estonianm0,0l0,21600,21600,21600,21600,0xemspan.ensureSwept: m is not lockedname too long (%d bytes): %.20q...newWriterAndRequestNoBody(%+v): %vno handle (cannot identify format)out of memory allocating allArenasreflect.FuncOf: too many argumentsreflect.StructOf: duplicate field reflect: ChanDir of non-chan type reflect: Field index out of boundsreflect: Field of non-struct type reflect: Method index out of rangereflect: recv on send-only channelreflect: send on recv-only channelreflect: string index out of rangeruntime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass runtime: g is running but p is notschedule: spinning with local workslice bounds out of range [%x:%y:]slice bounds out of range [:%x:%y]sql: expected %d arguments, got %dstat %s: no such file or directorystream error: stream ID %d; %v; %vtable array key cannot contain ']'there must be at least one handlertimeout waiting for client prefacetls: malformed key_share extensiontoo many
Source: String found in binary or memory: MINUTE requires exactly 1 argumentNEGBINOM.DIST requires 4 argumentsNPER requires at least 3 argumentsNoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePathOCT2BIN allows at most 2 argumentsOCT2HEX allows at most 2 argumentsOther_Default_Ignorable_Code_PointPOWER requires 2 numeric argumentsPRICEMAT requires 5 or 6 argumentsRATE requires at least 3 argumentsROMAN requires at least 1 argumentROUND requires 2 numeric argumentsRRI requires pv argument to be > 0SECOND requires exactly 1 argumentSQRTPI requires 1 numeric argumentSTDEV requires at least 1 argumentSetFileCompletionNotificationModesTLS 1.3, client CertificateVerifyTLS 1.3, server CertificateVerifyTRUNC requires at least 1 argumentTrying to resolve absolute path toVirtualQuery for stack base failedWEEKDAY allows at most 2 argumentsWEEKNUM allows at most 2 argumentsXLOOKUP allows at most 6 argumentsYEARFRAC requires 3 or 4 argumentsYIELDMAT requires 5 or 6 argumentsZ.TEST accepts at most 3 arguments" is anonymous but has PkgPath set^(([0-9])+)-(([0-9])+)-(([0-9])+)$^(([0-9])+)/(([0-9])+)/(([0-9])+)$^((\d{4}-)?\d{3}-\d{3}(-\d{1})?)?$adding nil Certificate to CertPoolattempted to parse unknown event: bad scalar length: %d, expected %dcan't evaluate field %s in type %scan't handle %s for arg of type %scannot infer value: %s: Ox%x/%d/%scannot squash non-struct type '%s'cell value must be 0-%d characterschacha20: wrong HChaCha20 key sizeconnection doesn't support Ed25519control characters are not allowedcrypto/aes: invalid buffer overlapcrypto/des: invalid buffer overlapcrypto/rc4: invalid buffer overlapcrypto/rsa: missing public modulusdate_add(date,interval expr type) date_sub(date,interval expr type) did not find expected node contentdist/fonts/ionicons.d03f2836.woff2doaddtimer: P already set in timerdriver: remove argument from queryexpected 1 HTTP2-Settings. Got: %vexpected NUMBER (decimal size `D`)expected NUMBER (decimal size `M`)expected an RSA public key, got %Texpected attribute name in elementexpected comma after array elementfailed to acquite target io.Writerfailed to unmarshal gob value: %#vforEachP: sched.safePointWait != 0frame_settings_window_size_too_bigframe_windowupdate_zero_inc_streamhandleValue not implemented for %shttp2: aborting request body writehttp: MultipartReader called twicehttp: connection has been hijackedhttp: invalid Content-Length of %qhttp: persistConn.readLoop exitinghttp: read on closed response bodyi/o operation on closed connectionillegal base64 data at input byte in \u hexadecimal character length of a UTF-8 sequenceinvalid nested repetition operatorinvalid or unsupported Perl syntaxinvalid padding bits in BIT STRINGiso-8859-13 - ISO 8859-13 Estonianm0,0l0,21600,21600,21600,21600,0xemspan.ensureSwept: m is not lockedname too long (%d bytes): %.20q...newWriterAndRequestNoBody(%+v): %vno handle (cannot identify format)out of memory allocating allArenasreflect.FuncOf: too many argumentsreflect.StructOf: duplicate field reflect: C
Source: String found in binary or memory: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;^data:((?:\w+\/(?:([^;]|;[^;]).)+)?)accessing a corrupted shared libraryapplication/ negative offsetbytes.Reader.Seek: negative positioncannot decode into non-settable chancannot parse '%s', %d overflows uintcannot parse '%s', %f overflows uintchacha20: wrong HChaCha20 nonce sizecompressed name in SRV resource dataconverting NULL to %s is unsupportedcrypto/cipher: input not full blockscrypto/rand: argument to Int is <= 0crypto/sha1: invalid hash state sizecrypto/sha512: invalid hash functiondid not find expected <stream-start>did not find expected version numberdocument contains excessive aliasingedwards25519: invalid point encodingexceeded maximum template depth (%v)expected an ECDSA public key, got %Tfailed to unmarshal JSONB value: %#vhttp2: server rejecting conn: %v, %shttp: invalid byte %q in Cookie.Pathhttp: invalid character in file pathhttp: no Location header in responsehttp: unexpected EOF reading trailer error: associate not commoninvalid characters in heredoc anchorinvalid semicolon separator in queryjson: encoding error for type %q: %qkey size not a multiple of key alignmalformed MIME header initial line: method ABI and value ABI don't alignmime: SetBoundary called after writemultiplication of zero with infinitymust set the output target only oncename %q does not begin with a letterno acceptable authentication methodsrange length is larger than capacityreflect: NumField of non-struct typeruntime: VirtualQuery failed; errno=runtime: bad notifyList size - sync=runtime: inconsistent write deadlineruntime: invalid pc-encoded table f=runtime: invalid typeBitsBulkBarrierruntime: marked free object in span runtime: mcall called on m->g0 stackruntime: sudog with non-nil waitlinkruntime: unblock on closing polldescruntime: wrong goroutine in newstackryuFtoaFixed64 called with prec > 18sql: converting argument %s type: %vstrings.Builder.Grow: negative countsyntax error scanning complex numbertls: keys must have at least one keytls: server did not send a key sharetoml: cannot encode value of type %sunable to cast %#v of type %T to intuncaching span but s.allocCount == 0unknown problem parsing YAML contentunsupported SSLv2 handshake receivedworksheet protect password not matchwrong number of args: got %d want %dx509: invalid CRL distribution pointx509: invalid subject key identifierx509: malformed algorithm identifierx509: zero or negative DSA parameterxml: %s chain not valid with %s flagxml: end tag </%s> without start tagyear is not in the range [1, 9999]:
Source: String found in binary or memory: beaker-stop
Source: String found in binary or memory: debug-start
Source: String found in binary or memory: debug-stop
Source: String found in binary or memory: diff-added
Source: String found in binary or memory: person-add
Source: String found in binary or memory: search-stop
Source: String found in binary or memory: \n ConnectionAdd(params) {\n return\"/mysql/connection/add\", params)\n },\n\n //
Source: String found in binary or memory: \nimport httpRequest from '@/request/index'\n\nexport default {\n\n Delete(params) {\n return\"/mysql/table/delete\", params)\n },\n\n\n Rename(params) {\n return\"/mysql/table/rename\", params)\n },\n\n Create(params){\n return\"/mysql/table/create\", params)\n },\n\n Edit(params){\n return\"/mysql/table/edit\", params)\n },\n\n EditSave(params){\n return\"/mysql/table/edit_save\", params)\n },\n}\n","import { render } from \"./tableFormRename.vue?vue&type=template&id=69c9119a&scoped=true\"\nimport script from \"./tableFormRename.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./tableFormRename.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport \"./tableFormRename.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=69c9119a&scoped=true&lang=css\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/Users/owen/html/iview-demo/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render],['__scopeId',\"data-v-69c9119a\"]])\n\nexport default __exports__","import { render } from \"./comModals.vue?vue&type=template&id=7329edde\"\nimport script from \"./comModals.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./comModals.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/Users/owen/html/iview-demo/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","<template>\n <sideCtxMenu></sideCtxMenu>\n <Space direction=\"vertical\" type=\"flex\" :style=\"{ margin: '5px' }\">\n <Button v-show=\"!isCollapsed\" type=\"primary\" long shape=\"circle\" icon=\"ios-add-circle-outline\" @click=\"AddConnection\">New\n Connection</Button>\n </Space>\n <div class=\"ivu-layout-sider-children\" @contextmenu.prevent.stop=\"Contextmenu($event)\">\n <!-- <sideConns></sideConns> -->\n <ul class=\"ivu-menu ivu-menu-dark ivu-menu-vertical\" style=\"width: auto; user-select: none;\">\n <sideConn v-for=\"item in connections\" :key=\"item.ident\" :conn-abs-dto=\"item\"></sideConn>\n </ul>\n </div>\n</template>\n<script>\nimport Bus from '@/utils/bus'\nimport ConnSrv from \"@/apis/connection_api.js\";\nimport { menuCtl } from \"@/store/ctxMenuCtl.js\";\n\nimport sideCtxMenu from \"./sideCtxMenu.vue\"\n// import connFormAdd from \"./connFormAdd.vue\"\n// import sideConns from \"./sideConns.vue\"\nimport sideConn from \"./sideConn.vue\"\n\nexport default {\n props: {\n isCollapsed: {\n type: Boolean,\n default:false,\n }\n },\n\n components: {\n sideCtxMenu,\n sideConn,\n // connFormAdd,\n },\n\n data() {\n return {\n // useCtxMenuStore,\n menuCtl,\n\n connections: [],\n }\n },\n\n creadted() {\n console.log(\"sideCre
Source: String found in binary or memory: ?',\n okText: 'OK',\n cancelText: 'Cancel',\n onOk: () => {\n this.doDeleteRow(row)\n },\n });\n },\n\n CopyValue(row, column, data, event) {\n if (event.altKey == true) {\n copy(data);\n this.$\"copy to clipboard successe!\");\n }\n },\n },\n\n\n // provide() {\n // return {\n // tablefields: this.tablefields\n // }\n // },\n}\n</script>\n","<template>\n <Form ref=\"formDynamic\" :model=\"formDynamicCondition\" style=\"\">\n <template v-if=\"formDynamicCondition.raw\">\n <FormItem :style=\"{ 'margin': '5px 5px 5px 5px', }\">\n <Row>\n <Input type=\"text\" v-model=\"formDynamicCondition.rawCondition\"\n placeholder=\"Enter only where condition segment...\"></Input>\n </Row>\n </FormItem>\n </template>\n <template v-else>\n <template v-for=\"(item, index) in formDynamicCondition.items\">\n <FormItem v-if=\"item.status\" :key=\"index\" :prop=\"'items.' + index + '.value'\"\n :style=\"{ 'margin-bottom': '5px', }\">\n <Row>\n <Col span=\"1\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\" v-model=\"item.checked\" />\n </Col>\n <Col span=\"2\">\n <Select v-model=\"\">\n <Option v-for=\"bond in bondList\" :value=\"bond\" :key=\"index + bond\">{{ bond }}</Option>\n </Select>\n </Col>\n <Col span=\"4\">\n <Select v-model=\"item.filed_name\">\n <Option v-for=\"field in tablefields\" :value=\"field\" :key=\"field\">{{ field }} </Option>\n </Select>\n </Col>\n <Col span=\"4\">\n <Select v-model=\"\">\n <Option v-for=\"comp in compareList\" :value=\"comp\" :key=\"index + comp\">{{ comp }}</Option>\n </Select>\n </Col>\n <template v-if=\" == 'is between' || == 'is not between'\">\n <Col span=\"5\">\n <Input type=\"text\" v-model=\"item.value\" placeholder=\"Enter something...\"></Input>\n </Col>\n <Col span=\"5\">\n <Input type=\"text\" v-model=\"item.value2\" placeholder=\"Enter something...\"></Input>\n </Col>\n </template>\n <template v-else>\n <Col span=\"10\">\n
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf100;" glyph-name="ios-add-circle-outline" d="M512 864c-229.8 0-416-186.2-416-416s186.2-416 416-416c229.8 0 416 186.2 416 416s-186.2 416-416 416zM512 66.6c-210.2 0-381.4 171-381.4 381.4s171.2 381.4 381.4 381.4 381.4-171.2 381.4-381.4-171.2-381.4-381.4-381.4zM528 704h-32v-240h-240v-32h240v-240h32v240h240v32h-240z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf101;" glyph-name="ios-add-circle" d="M512 864c-229.8 0-416-186.2-416-416s186.2-416 416-416c229.8 0 416 186.2 416 416s-186.2 416-416 416zM768 432h-240v-240h-32v240h-240v32h240v240h32v-240h240v-32z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf102;" glyph-name="ios-add" d="M768 432h-240v-240h-32v240h-240v32h240v240h32v-240h240v-32z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf1f2;" glyph-name="ios-help-buoy-outline" d="M512 864c-229.8 0-416-186.2-416-416s186.2-416 416-416 416 186.2 416 416c0 229.8-186.2 416-416 416zM783.6 719.6c35.2-35.2 63-76.4 82.4-122 5.4-12.6 10-25.6 14-38.8l-202.2-13.6c-16.4 28-39.8 51.4-67.8 68l13 202.6c13-4 26-8.6 38.6-14 45.6-19.4 86.6-47 122-82.2zM896 448c0-27-2.8-53.4-8.2-79.2l-195.2 14c7.4 20.4 11.4 42.4 11.4 65.4 0 22.8-4 44.8-11.4 65.2l195.2 14c5.4-26 8.2-52.4 8.2-79.4zM512 288c-88.2 0-160 71.8-160 160s71.8 160 160 160 160-71.8 160-160c0-88.2-71.8-160-160-160zM128 448c0 27 2.8 53.4 8.2 79.2l195.2-14c-7.4-20.4-11.4-42.2-11.4-65.2 0-22.8 4-44.8 11.4-65.2l-195.2-14.2c-5.4 26-8.2 52.4-8.2 79.4zM591.2 823.8l-13.6-195.4c-20.4 7.4-42.6 11.6-65.6 11.6s-45-4-65.6-11.4l-13.8 195.2c25.8 5.4 52.4 8.2 79.2 8.2 27.2 0 53.6-2.8 79.4-8.2zM240.4 719.6c35.2 35.2 76.4 63 122 82.4 12.6 5.4 25.6 10 38.6 14l13-202.6c-27.8-16.6-51.2-40-67.8-67.8l-202.2 13.4c4 13 8.6 26 14 38.6 19.6 45.6 47.2 86.6 82.4 122zM240.4 176.4c-35.2 35.2-63 76.4-82.4 122-5.4 12.6-10 25.6-14 38.6l202.6 13c16.4-27.8 39.8-51 67.6-67.6l-13.2-202.4c-13 4-26 8.6-38.6 14-45.6 19.6-86.6 47.2-122 82.4zM432.8 72.2l14 195.2c20.4-7.4 42.4-11.4 65.2-11.4 23 0 45.2 4 65.8 11.6l13.6-195.4c-25.8-5.4-52.4-8.2-79.2-8.2-27.2 0-53.6 2.8-79.4 8.2zM783.6 176.4c-35.2-35.2-76.4-63-122-82.4-12.6-5.4-25.6-10-38.6-14l-13.4 202.2c28.2 16.6 51.6 40.2 68.2 68.4l202.2-13.6c-4-13-8.6-26-14-38.8-19.6-45.4-47.2-86.4-82.4-121.8z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf1f3;" glyph-name="ios-help-buoy" d="M512 864c-229.8 0-416-186.2-416-416s186.2-416 416-416 416 186.2 416 416c0 229.8-186.2 416-416 416zM783.6 719.6c35.2-35.2 63-76.4 82.4-122 5.4-12.6 10-25.6 14-38.8l-202.2-13.6c-16.4 28-39.8 51.4-67.8 68l13 202.6c13-4 26-8.6 38.6-14 45.6-19.4 86.6-47 122-82.2zM512 288c-88.2 0-160 71.8-160 160s71.8 160 160 160 160-71.8 160-160c0-88.2-71.8-160-160-160zM240.4 719.6c35.2 35.2 76.4 63 122 82.4 12.6 5.4 25.6 10 38.6 14l13-202.6c-27.8-16.6-51.2-40-67.8-67.8l-202.2 13.4c4 13 8.6 26 14 38.6 19.6 45.6 47.2 86.6 82.4 122zM240.4 176.4c-35.2 35.2-63 76.4-82.4 122-5.4 12.6-10 25.6-14 38.6l202.6 13c16.4-27.8 39.8-51 67.6-67.6l-13.2-202.4c-13 4-26 8.6-38.6 14-45.6 19.6-86.6 47.2-122 82.4zM783.6 176.4c-35.2-35.2-76.4-63-122-82.4-12.6-5.4-25.6-10-38.6-14l-13.4 202.2c28.2 16.6 51.6 40.2 68.2 68.4l202.2-13.6c-4-13-8.6-26-14-38.8-19.6-45.4-47.2-86.4-82.4-121.8z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf1f4;" glyph-name="ios-help-circle-outline" d="M512 864c-229.8 0-416-186.2-416-416s186.2-416 416-416c229.8 0 416 186.2 416 416s-186.2 416-416 416zM512 66.6c-210.2 0-381.4 171-381.4 381.4 0 210.2 171 381.4 381.4 381.4 210.2 0 381.4-171 381.4-381.4 0-210.2-171.2-381.4-381.4-381.4zM519.2 668c-86.4 0-134.6-40.6-135.2-124.4h37.6c-1.2 60.8 31 93 95.8 93 46.4 0 85.2-32.4 85.2-79.6 0-30.6-16.6-55.4-38.8-76.2-45.2-41.6-58-72-60.2-129h38c2.2 51.6 1 61.4 46.6 106.6 30.4 28.4 51.8 56.6 51.8 100.4 0 68.4-54.8 109.2-120.8 109.2zM520.6 295.4c-18.8 0-34-15-34-33.6s15.2-33.8 34-33.8c18.8 0 34 15 34 33.8 0 18.6-15.2 33.6-34 33.6z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf1f5;" glyph-name="ios-help-circle" d="M512 864c-229.8 0-416-186.2-416-416s186.2-416 416-416c229.8 0 416 186.2 416 416s-186.2 416-416 416zM520.6 228c-18.8 0-34 15-34 33.8 0 18.6 15.2 33.6 34 33.6s34-15 34-33.6c0-18.8-15.2-33.8-34-33.8zM588.2 458.6c-45.6-45-44.4-54.8-46.6-106.6h-38c2.2 57 15 87.4 60.2 129 22 20.6 38.8 45.4 38.8 76.2 0 47.2-38.8 79.8-85.2 79.8-64.8 0-97-32.8-95.8-92.8h-37.6c0.6 84 48.8 124.2 135.2 124.2 66 0 120.8-40.8 120.8-109.2 0-43.8-21.4-72.4-51.8-100.6z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf1f6;" glyph-name="ios-help" d="M520.6 228c-18.8 0-34 15-34 33.8 0 18.6 15.2 33.6 34 33.6s34-15 34-33.6c0-18.8-15.2-33.8-34-33.8zM588.2 458.6c-45.6-45-44.4-54.8-46.6-106.6h-38c2.2 57 15 87.4 60.2 129 22 20.6 38.8 45.4 38.8 76.2 0 47.2-38.8 79.8-85.2 79.8-64.8 0-97-32.8-95.8-92.8h-37.6c0.6 84 48.8 124.2 135.2 124.2 66 0 120.8-40.8 120.8-109.2 0-43.8-21.4-72.4-51.8-100.6z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf25e;" glyph-name="ios-person-add-outline" d="M832 654h-50v50h-28v-50h-50v-28h50v-50h28v50h50zM404.8 556.6c0 0 0 0 0 0v0zM726.6 232.2c-25.8 9.2-62.8 12.4-86.4 17.6-13.6 3-33.4 10.6-40 18.4-6.6 8-2.6 81.8-2.6 81.8s12.2 19.2 18.8 36c6.6 16.8 13.8 62.8 13.8 62.8s13.6 0 18.4 23.8c5.2 26 13.2 36.8 12.2 56.2-1 18-10.4 19-11.4 19 0 0 0 0 0 0s9.8 27.2 11.2 84.8c1.6 68.2-50.6 135.4-148.6 135.4s-150-67-148.6-135.2c1.2-57.4 11.2-84.8 11.2-84.8s0 0 0 0c-1 0-10.4-1-11.4-19-1-19.4 7.2-29.8 12.2-55.8 4.8-23.8 18.4-24 18.4-24s7.2-46.2 13.8-63c6.6-17 18.8-36 18.8-36s4-73.8-2.6-81.8c-6.6-8-26.4-15.4-40-18.4-23.8-5.2-60.6-8.6-86.4-17.8s-105.4-40.2-105.4-104.2h640c0 64-79.6 95-105.4 104.2zM512 160h-274.6c4 6 9.4 10.2 16.4 15.2 14 10.2 32.2 19.6 54.2 27.2 13.6 4.8 33.4 8 50.8 10.6 11.4 1.8 22.2 3.4 31.8 5.6 6.8 1.6 41.6 10 57.6 29.2 9 10.8 11.6 25.4 11.2 64.6-0.2 20-1.2 38.6-1.2 39.4l-0.4 8.4-4.6 7c-3 4.6-11.6 19-16 30.6-3.6 9.4-9.2 38.4-12 56.2 0 0 0.8-2-1 7.4s-16.8 8.6-18.8 16c-1.8 7.2-3.6 13.8-8.6 36.4s5.6 22.4 7.8 32.4c1.2 6.2 0 11.4 0 11.6 0 0 0 0 0 0-0.6 2-8.2 26.8-9.4 75.4-0.6 26.4 9.2 51.2 27.6 69.8 21.2 21.6 52 33 89 33 38 0 68-11.4 89.2-33 18.4-18.6 28.2-43.4 27.6-69.8-1-48.4-8.6-73.2-9.4-75.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0.2-1.2-3.4-0.8-10.4 0.4-10.8 13.6-11 8.6-33.6s-6.8-29.2-8.6-36.4c-1.8-7.2-17-6.6-18.8-16s-1-7.4-1-7.4c-2.8-17.8-8.4-46.8-12-56.2-4.6-11.6-13.2-26-16-30.6l-4.6-7-0.4-8.4c0-0.8-1-19.4-1.2-39.4-0.4-39.2 2.2-53.8 11.2-64.6 16-19 50.8-27.6 57.6-29.2 9.6-2.2 20.4-3.8 31.8-5.6 17.4-2.6 37.2-5.8 50.8-10.6 22-7.8 40.4-17.2 54.2-27.4 7-5 12.4-9.2 16.4-15.2h-274.4z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf25f;" glyph-name="ios-person-add" d="M832 654h-50v50h-28v-50h-50v-28h50v-50h28v50h50zM726.6 232.2c-25.8 9.2-62.8 12.4-86.4 17.6-13.6 3-33.4 10.6-40 18.4-6.6 8-2.6 81.8-2.6 81.8s12.2 19.2 18.8 36c6.6 16.8 13.8 62.8 13.8 62.8s13.6 0 18.4 23.8c5.2 26 13.2 36.8 12.2 56.2-1 18-10.4 19-11.4 19 0 0 0 0 0 0s9.8 27.2 11.2 84.8c1.6 68.2-50.6 135.4-148.6 135.4s-150-67-148.6-135.2c1.2-57.4 11.2-84.8 11.2-84.8s0 0 0 0c-1 0-10.4-1-11.4-19-1-19.4 7.2-29.8 12.2-55.8 4.8-23.8 18.4-24 18.4-24s7.2-46.2 13.8-63c6.6-17 18.8-36 18.8-36s4-73.8-2.6-81.8c-6.6-8-26.4-15.4-40-18.4-23.8-5.2-60.6-8.6-86.4-17.8s-105.4-40.2-105.4-104.2h640c0 64-79.6 95-105.4 104.2z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf2c2;" glyph-name="ios-stopwatch-outline" d="M795.2 666.6l-3.6 3.4h36.8l17-15.6 45 45.6-81.6 80.6-46.4-44.6 17.6-18.4v-37.2l-10 9.4c-62.6 56.6-140 90.4-226 97.8v76.4h-64v-76h-4c-87.4-6-170-45-232-106v35.6l17.8 18.4-45.8 44.4-81.6-80.4 45-45.6 17 15.6h35.6c-0.6 0-1.4-1.4-2-2.2-65.6-70.2-102-161.8-102-257 0-208.8 172.2-378.8 384.2-378.8 211.6 0 383.8 169.8 383.8 378.6 0 95.2-36 186.2-100.8 256zM512.6 68.6c-191 0-346.2 153.4-346.2 341.8 0 188.6 155.4 341.8 346.2 341.8 191 0 346.2-153.4 346.2-341.8 0.2-188.4-155.2-341.8-346.2-341.8zM528 445.4v258.6h-32v-258.8c-25-8.6-48-33-48-60.6 0-29.4 20-54 48-61l16-35.6 16 35.6c28 7 48 31.6 48 61 0 29-21 53.4-48 60.8z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf2c3;" glyph-name="ios-stopwatch" d="M795.2 666.6l-3.6 3.4h36.8l17-15.6 45 45.6-81.6 80.6-46.4-44.6 17.6-18.4v-37.2l-10 9.4c-62.6 56.6-140 90.4-226 97.8v76.4h-64v-76h-4c-87.4-6-170-45-232-106v35.6l17.8 18.4-45.8 44.4-81.6-80.4 45-45.6 17 15.6h35.6c-0.6 0-1.4-1.4-2-2.2-65.6-70.2-102-161.8-102-257 0-208.8 172.2-378.8 384.2-378.8 211.6 0 383.8 169.8 383.8 378.6 0 95.2-36 186.2-100.8 256zM528 323.6l-16-35.6-16 35.6c-28 7-48 31.6-48 61 0 27.6 23 52 48 60.6v258.8h32v-258.6c27-7.4 48-31.8 48-60.8 0-29.4-20-54-48-61z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf32f;" glyph-name="md-add-circle" d="M512 864c-229.75 0-416-186.25-416-416s186.25-416 416-416 416 186.25 416 416-186.25 416-416 416zM726 406h-172v-172h-84v172h-172v84h172v172h84v-172h172v-84z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf330;" glyph-name="md-add" d="M832 405.334h-277.334v-277.334h-85.332v277.334h-277.334v85.332h277.334v277.334h85.332v-277.334h277.334v-85.332z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf3c0;" glyph-name="md-help-buoy" d="M512 864c-229.8 0-416-186.2-416-416s186.2-416 416-416 416 186.2 416 416-186.2 416-416 416zM634 152l-24.4 79.2c26 11.6 49.8 28 70.6 48.8s37.2 44.6 48.8 70.6l79-24.2c-15.8-38.6-39.4-74-69.8-104.4-30.2-30.6-65.6-54.2-104.2-70zM390 744l24.4-79.2c-26-11.6-49.8-28-70.6-48.8s-37.2-44.6-48.8-70.6l-79 24.2c15.8 38.6 39.4 74 69.8 104.4 30.2 30.6 65.6 54.2 104.2 70zM512 576c70.6 0 128-57.4 128-128s-57.4-128-128-128-128 57.4-128 128c0 70.6 57.4 128 128 128zM738.2 674.2c30.4-30.4 53.8-65.8 69.8-104.2l-79-24.4c-11.8 26-28 49.8-48.8 70.6s-44.6 37.2-70.6 48.8l24.2 79c38.6-15.8 74-39.4 104.4-69.8zM285.8 221.8c-30.4 30.2-54 65.6-69.8 104.2l79 24.4c11.8-26 28-49.8 48.8-70.6s44.6-37.2 70.6-48.8l-24.2-79c-38.6 15.8-74 39.4-104.4 69.8z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf3c1;" glyph-name="md-help-circle" d="M512 864c-229.6 0-416-186.4-416-416s186.4-416 416-416 416 186.4 416 416-186.4 416-416 416zM554 198h-84v84h84v-84zM553.6 324h-83.2c0 134 124.8 124.4 124.8 207.6 0 45.8-37.4 83.4-83.2 83.4s-83.2-39-83.2-83h-83.2c0 92 74.4 166 166.4 166s166.4-74.2 166.4-166.2c0-104-124.8-115.8-124.8-207.8z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf3c2;" glyph-name="md-help" d="M578 64h-132v130h132v-130zM576 260h-128c0 202 192 190.2 192 318 0 70.4-57.6 126.8-128 126.8s-128-60.8-128-128.8h-128c0 142 114.6 256 256 256s256-112.8 256-254c0-159.8-192-178-192-318z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf3fb;" glyph-name="md-person-add" d="M608 448c105.61 0 192 86.402 192 192s-86.39 192-192 192-192-86.402-192-192 86.39-192 192-192zM608 352c-127.196 0-384-64.804-384-192v-96h768v96c0 127.196-256.804 192-384 192zM224 512v128h-64v-128h-128v-64h128v-128h64v128h128v64h-128z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: <glyph unicode="&#xf436;" glyph-name="md-stopwatch" d="M464 346.666h96v261.334h-96v-261.334zM815.34 619.458l61.572 61.572-67.884 67.882-61.57-61.572c-65.024 50.546-146.72 80.66-235.458 80.66-212.078 0-384-171.922-384-384s171.922-384 384-384 384 171.922 384 384c0 88.738-30.114 170.434-80.66 235.458zM724.132 171.868c-56.664-56.664-132-87.868-212.132-87.868s-155.47 31.204-212.132 87.868c-56.664 56.662-87.868 132-87.868 212.132s31.204 155.47 87.868 212.132c56.662 56.664 132 87.868 212.132 87.868s155.468-31.204 212.132-87.868c56.664-56.662 87.868-132 87.868-212.132s-31.204-155.47-87.868-212.132zM384 896h256v-96h-256v96z" />
Source: String found in binary or memory: "),ea={class:"ivu-city-drop-search"},ta={key:1,class:"ivu-city-drop-list"},ia={class:"ivu-city-drop-list-letter"},na={class:"ivu-city-drop-list-main",ref:"list"},oa=["onClick"],sa={key:2,class:"ivu-city-drop-list"},ra={class:"ivu-city-drop-list-letter"},aa={class:"ivu-city-drop-list-main ivu-city-drop-list-main-city",ref:"list"},la=["onClick"];function ca(e,i,n,o,s,r){const a=t.resolveComponent("Icon"),l=t.resolveComponent("Radio"),c=t.resolveComponent("RadioGroup"),d=t.resolveComponent("Option"),h=t.resolveComponent("Select"),u=t.resolveComponent("Tag"),g=t.resolveComponent("DropdownMenu"),p=t.resolveComponent("Dropdown");return t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock("div",{class:t.normalizeClass(["ivu-city",r.classes]),ref:"city"},[t.createVNode(p,{trigger:"custom",visible:s.visible,transfer:n.transfer,placement:"bottom-start","transfer-class-name":r.transferClasses,onOnVisibleChange:r.handleVisibleChange,onOnClickoutside:r.handleClickOutside},{list:t.withCtx((()=>[t.createVNode(g,{onClick:i[3]||(i[3]=t.withModifiers((()=>{}),["stop"]))},{default:t.withCtx((()=>[t.createElementVNode("div",qr,[n.cities.length?(t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock("div",Gr,[(t.openBlock(!0),t.createElementBlock(t.Fragment,null,t.renderList(r.relCities,(e=>(t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock("span",{key:e.n,onClick:t=>r.handleChangeValue(e.c)},t.toDisplayString(e.n),9,Yr)))),128))])):t.createCommentVNode("",!0),t.createElementVNode("div",Qr,[t.createElementVNode("div",Zr,[t.createVNode(c,{modelValue:s.listType,"onUpdate:modelValue":i[1]||(i[1]=e=>s.listType=e),type:"button",size:"small"},{default:t.withCtx((()=>[t.createVNode(l,{label:"province"},{default:t.withCtx((()=>[Jr])),_:1}),t.createVNode(l,{label:"city"},{default:t.withCtx((()=>[Xr])),_:1})])),_:1},8,["modelValue"])]),t.createElementVNode("div",ea,[t.createVNode(h,{modelValue:s.queryCity,"onUpdate:modelValue":i[2]||(i[2]=e=>s.queryCity=e),filterable:"",size:"small",transfer:"",placeholder:n.searchPlaceholder,onOnChange:r.handleSelect},{default:t.withCtx((()=>[(t.openBlock(!0),t.createElementBlock(t.Fragment,null,t.renderList(s.allCities,(e=>(t.openBlock(),t.createBlock(d,{value:e.c,key:e.c},{default:t.withCtx((()=>[t.createTextVNode(t.toDisplayString(e.n),1)])),_:2},1032,["value"])))),128))])),_:1},8,["modelValue","placeholder","onOnChange"])])]),"province"===s.listType?(t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock("div",ta,[t.createElementVNode("div",ia,[(t.openBlock(!0),t.createElementBlock(t.Fragment,null,t.renderList(s.provinceList,(e=>(t.openBlock(),t.createBlock(u,{onClick:t=>r.handleClickLetter(e.n),type:"border",fade:!1,key:e.n},{default:t.withCtx((()=>[t.createTextVNode(t.toDisplayString(e.n),1)])),_:2},1032,["onClick"])))),128))]),t.createElementVNode("div",na,[t.createElementVNode("dl",null,[(t.openBlock(!0),t.createElementBlock(t.Fragment,null,t.renderList(s.cityListByProvince,(e=>(t.openBlock(),t.createElementBlock(t.Fragment,{key:e.p.n},[t.createElementVNode("dt",{class:t.normalizeClass("ivu-city-"+e.p.l)},
Source: String found in binary or memory: /usr/local/go/src/net/addrselect.go
Source: String found in binary or memory: /Users/owen/go/pkg/mod/
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ File read: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Jump to behavior
Source: unknown Process created: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ "C:\Users\user\Desktop\"
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Process created: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
Source: Static PE information: Virtual size of .text is bigger than: 0x100000
Source: Static file information: File size 47188480 > 1048576
Source: Static PE information: Raw size of .text is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x86b000
Source: Static PE information: Raw size of .rdata is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x1c94400
Source: Static PE information: Raw size of /19 is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x136800
Source: Static PE information: Raw size of /65 is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x215200
Source: Static PE information: Raw size of /78 is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x1a8200
Source: Static PE information: Raw size of .symtab is bigger than: 0x100000 < 0x137600
Source: Static PE information: section name: /4
Source: Static PE information: section name: /19
Source: Static PE information: section name: /32
Source: Static PE information: section name: /46
Source: Static PE information: section name: /65
Source: Static PE information: section name: /78
Source: Static PE information: section name: /90
Source: Static PE information: section name: .symtab
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Process information set: FAILCRITICALERRORS | NOGPFAULTERRORBOX Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Process information set: NOGPFAULTERRORBOX | NOOPENFILEERRORBOX Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe Last function: Thread delayed
Source:, 00000000.00000002.3255821521.00000231E9B9C000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp Binary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW%SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Process token adjusted: Debug Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Queries volume information: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ VolumeInformation Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ Key value queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography MachineGuid Jump to behavior
  • No. of IPs < 25%
  • 25% < No. of IPs < 50%
  • 50% < No. of IPs < 75%
  • 75% < No. of IPs